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Meeting documents

Development Control B Committee
Wednesday, 16th March, 2016 2.00 pm

  Minutes of Development Control Committee B Held On 3rd February 2016 
4 Appeals 
5 Enforcement 
7 Planning and Development 
 -1Railway Sidings Head Shunt, Wapping Wharf Railway, Gas Ferry Road 
 -2Land to Rear of Honiton Road and Abingdon Road 
 -343 Nevil Road, Bs7 9eg 
 -461 Arbutus Drive 
 -59 High Street, Shirehampton 
 -6Prince House, 43-51 Prince Street Bs1 
 -420 Stapleton Road, Easton, Bs5 6nq 
 -81 - 16 Merrick Court 
 -9Imperial Park, Wills Way