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Decision details
HMO New Article 4 Directions
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
1. Cabinet authorised the Director - Legal and Democratic Services to make non-immediate article 4 directions (at least 12 months in advance of any such directions taking effect) to remove permitted development rights for a change of use from a dwelling house (Use Class C3) to a HMO (Use Class C4) for the areas set out in the plan attached to the report (Appendix A2) and give notice of such directions in accordance with regulations.
2. Cabinet delegated authority to the Director - Development of Place to instruct the Director - Legal and Democratic Services to confirm the above article 4 directions within 12 months of their making subject to the taking into account of any representations made during the period of notice in accordance with regulations.
Report author: Sarah O'Driscoll
Publication date: 02/04/2019
Date of decision: 02/04/2019
Decided at meeting: 02/04/2019 - Cabinet
Effective from: 10/04/2019
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