- Decision details Content
Decision details
Budget Monitoring Outturn Report P6
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To provide an update to Cabinet for Period 6.
Cabinet Approved:
- The incorporation of the fourth tranche of un-ringfenced COIVD emergency funding from the government to the 2020/21 budget (£11.1m),as outlined in Appendix A, Section 3.4.3.
- The incorporation of Round 2 extension of the Adult Social Care Infection Control Fund (£3.7m) to the 2020/21 budget as outlined in Appendix A, Section 3.4.4.
- The incorporation of the Surge enforcement fund (£0.3m) to the 2020/21 budget as outlined in Appendix A, Section 3.4.5.
- The incorporation of the MHCLG award of £249,099 for the Supported Housing Oversight Pilot as outlined in Appendix A Section 3.4.6 and Appendix A8.
- The re-profiling of the Capital Programme as outlined in Appendix B.
Cabinet Noted:
- Risks associated with the forecast outturn and the long-term financial impact on the Council as a result of COVID-19 pandemic
- The £3.8m COVID 19 funding gap is indicative and that the residual mitigations previously identified will be held in abeyance for uncertainties arising under the government’s new 3-teir system and implications of local measures required in 2020/21 with any residual amount carried forward to 2021/21 offsetting future year COVID financial pressures.
- The estimated Collection fund deficit of £25.0m impacting in future years Appendix A, Section 3.5.
- A risk of non COVID-19 related overspend on General fund services, an overall forecast overspend of £5.3m for 20/21 at Period 6, representing 1.3% of the approved budget and that it is expected that the forecast overspend will be managed through management actions / mitigations through the rest of the financial year.
- Forecasts underspend of £3.5m with regard to the Housing Revenue Account.
- A forecast in-year deficit of £8.1m and a total £11m carried forward deficit in the ring fenced Dedicated Schools Account (DSG).
- In line with the scheme of delegation the emergency decision record with regards to the distribution of Round 2 (phase 1 ) Infection Control fund (Appendix A7)
- A forecast £92.3m underspend against the approved Capital Programme, which requires budget re-profiling at the end of P6.
Report author: Denise Murray
Publication date: 03/11/2020
Date of decision: 03/11/2020
Decided at meeting: 03/11/2020 - Cabinet
Effective from: 12/11/2020
Accompanying Documents:
- 1 P06 Budget Monitoring Summary Report
PDF 183 KB
- 2 P06 Appendix A - Revenue Budget Monitoring
PDF 183 KB
- 3 P06 Appendix A1 - People
PDF 275 KB
- 4 P06 Appendix A2 - Resources
PDF 337 KB
- 5 P06 Appendix A3 - Growth and Regeneration
PDF 478 KB
- 6 P06 Appendix A4 - HRA
PDF 158 KB
- 7 P06 Appendix A5 - DSG
PDF 104 KB
- 8 P06 Appendix A6 - Public Health
PDF 111 KB
- 9 Appendix A7- COVID-19-Infection Control Fund Emergency Decision
PDF 139 KB
- 10 Appendix A8 - MHCLG Bid OED
PDF 227 KB
- 11 P06 Appendix B - Capital Budget Monitoring Report
- 12 Appendix B1 - 2020-21 Capital Programme Summary as at Period 6
PDF 153 KB