- Decision details Content
Decision details
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Budget Proposals
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve DSG budget proposals 2022/23 to recommend to Full Council.
Cabinet approved
1. Schools Block (detail in Appendix A3 of the report)
- the Schools Block budget be set at £304.661m for 2022/23, as per Table 1 in the report.
- £1.531m of the overall Schools Block DSG is transferred to the High Needs Block and earmarked to support the Education Transformation programme.
- the basis for distributing the funding to mainstream schools be as set out and agreed by Schools.
- the Growth Fund for established schools expanding in September 2022 be set at £2.0m (a component of the total Schools Block budget).
2. Central School Services Block (detail in Appendix A.2 of the report)
- Following Schools Forum agreement, the Central School Services Block budget is set at £2.742m for 2022/23.
3. High Needs Block (detail in Appendix A2 of the report)
- The High Needs Block budget be set at £77.054m for 2022/23 as per Appendix A2, after receiving transfers of £1.531m from Schools Block noting that this level of budget is estimated to lead to a cumulative deficit in the High Needs Block in the region of £41m by the end of March 2023.
4. Early Years Block (detail in Appendix A2 of the report)
- the Early Years Block budget be set at £34.388m for 2022/23, noting that spend and DSG income will fluctuate, according to participation levels in each of the three school terms.
- Funding for Early Years should be distributed in line with the arrangements explained in report to Schools Forum (Appendix A2).
Cabinet noted:
5. Overall position
- the 2022-23 DSG overall allocation is £418.846m, an uplift of £13.257m or 3.3% from the previous year.
- Education Service will continue to work with the Schools Forum and respective Task and Finish Groups (High Needs Task and Finish Group; Early Years Task and Finish Group) and via Transformation Programme to explore sustainable mitigation options to get back to affordable budget position over the medium term.
Report author: Simon Cowley
Publication date: 18/01/2022
Date of decision: 18/01/2022
Decided at meeting: 18/01/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 28/01/2022
Accompanying Documents:
- DSG Report to Cabinet Cover Report_final
PDF 681 KB
- Appendix A1_DSG Budget Monitor P8_10-1-22
PDF 378 KB
- Appendix A2_DSG 2022-23
PDF 636 KB
- Appendix A3_Schools Block 2022-23
PDF 313 KB
- Appendix A3_appendices for Schools block
PDF 734 KB
- Appendix A4_DSG Mgt plan Jan22 updates for Cabinet
PDF 500 KB
- Equality Impact Assessment - DSG Proposal 2022-23 Final
PDF 837 KB