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Decision details
Submission to European Local Energy Assistance Programme (ELENA)
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To make a decision on the recommendation to submit a proposal for a South West Energy Hub to the ELENA Programme to unlock potential investment into energy projects in the city.
1. To proceed with the submission of the ELENA bid and the proposal contained in the report and the Service Director for Energy, or equivalent, in accordance with Council policy and procedures had delegated authority to accept the grant.
2. Bristol City Council will be the lead applicant to deliver the programme under a formal legal agreement in collaboration with partners and other local authorities and public sector bodies as appropriate.
3. The Service Director for Energy, or equivalent, in consultation with relevant service directors and in accordance with Council policy and procedures be given delegated authority to:
a. negotiate and complete a legal agreement with participating local authorities and public sector bodies as appropriate
b. undertake recruitment for positions funded by the grant facility including the secondment of officers to other public sector bodies
c. enter into service contracts to provide eligible services as funded by the grant facility.
d. enter into contracts of work to deliver programmes that contribute to the mobilised investment; subject to approval of business case and capital allocation.
4. To manage the grant process and reporting, including contract variations, to the EIB and partners as required by grant conditions over the lifetime of the grant.
5. To accept other local authorities or public bodies into the scheme as and when appropriate.
6. Authority was delegated to the Service Director for Energy, or equivalent, to promote the works and the outputs of the grant as appropriate.
Report author: Bill Edrich
Publication date: 04/12/2017
Date of decision: 04/12/2017
Decided at meeting: 04/12/2017 - Cabinet
Effective from: 12/12/2017
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