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Decision details
Half-hourly (large) Electricity Supply Contract
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Ensuring contracts are now in place for gas
and two-thirds of electricity supplies.
The intent is that the larger electricity supplies (known as
half-hourly or ‘HH’ supplies) would be provided through
a sleeving arrangement, but it has not proven possible to secure
bids for this through an open tender. A sleeving solution has been
offered through a compliant Public Sector Buying Organisation
framework, but will not be available until August 2022.
There is a clear and pressing need to maintain a compliant contract
for power to supply council buildings, streetlights, and
Failure to make arrangements before the current contracts expire on
31 May 2022 would mean the council pays off-contract rates until
new contracts are in place. These rates are up to 100% more
It is therefore not financially viable to await for a key decision
to be taken at the next cabinet meeting on 7 June 2022.
To extend the current electricity supply
contract by a further two months to 31 July 2022, at an estimated
cost of £1m.
Alternative options considered:
Option 1 - The option of a
‘bridging’ arrangement, involving moving BCC HH
electricity supplies on to a fixed price interim contract with the
Buying Organisation whilst the sleeving product was developed, was
considered, but the shortest bridging option available would have
delaying sleeving until Dec 2022, at significant additional
A longer extension (three months) to allow more contingency for
developing the sleeving product was considered, but this would also
have incurred significant additional cost. However, the Council
will be seeking independent assurance over sleeving options.
A standard contract renewal process would forego the cost and
carbon benefits of sleeving.
Option 2 -
Option 3 -
Publication date: 07/06/2022
Date of decision: 01/06/2022