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Decision details

Additional funding for Cycle Centre business case development

Decision Maker: Director: Economy of Place

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To enable delivery of the scheme within the CRSTS timelines funding needs to be allocated now to enable work to progress while consideration is given to further funding from CRSTS. As this project is BCC’s top priority for further funding it is considered likely that this funding will be allocated so risk is low.


To agree to provide funding of £150k from the ITB allocations for development of the business case for the Cycle Centre project
This funding will be allocated from the ITB CRSTS allocation but will be swapped out with CRSTS funding from the main sustainable transport programme block as and when budget is agreed through the over-programming process

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - Alternative option is to wait for a funding decision for the whole scheme but this will delay progress on the business case to the point where the scheme may not be deliverable

Publication date: 25/03/2024

Date of decision: 15/03/2024