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Decision details
Barton House Structural Review
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The cabinet report of (date) sets out the
approval for spend to manage the evacuation of Barton House
resident’s emergency evacuation. The report noted an urgent
key decision taken by the Executive Director Growth and
Regeneration on the 12th January to authorise spend of up to
£2.7m in addition to the £2.6m authorised in previous
Urgent Officer Key decision for Barton House evacuation giving a
total spend of £5.3m to support the temporary accommodation
needs of Barton House residents, including the extension of the
Holiday Inn contract and for remedial works to Barton House to
enable residents to return.
This decision will secure the Strategic Partnerships (Arcadis)
professional services required to investigate, manage and report on
the Barton House Structural Review. Barton House is an 18 storey,
residential tower block over 70 years old, which is subject to the
new HSE safety case requirements for High-Risk Buildings. The
strategic Partners (Arcadis) will provide a Structural Review on
the flats selected for structural investigations, in terms of
ascertaining relevant information and create final reports with the
findings of the investigations.
Approval to award a contract to Arcadis for
the provision of professional services in relation to the Barton
House Structural Review.
Alternative options considered:
To return to the market either through the
open market or consultant frameworks and re procure – not
needed as we have already procured a strategic partner.
Publication date: 03/04/2024
Date of decision: 03/04/2024