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Decision details
Approval of details for new lease of The Coach House
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This approval was made because on 7 November
2023 Cabinet took an in-principle decision to grant a conditional
125-year CAT lease of a significant property asset. The decision
authorised the Executive Director G
Approved the details of the Heads of Terms for
a conditional 125-year CAT lease of the Coach House, 2 Upper York
Street, St Pauls, BS2 8QN to the Black South West Network.
Alternative options considered:
Other options considered but rejected:
•Refuse approval of the schedule of works and details of the
Heads of Terms
•Negotiate an amended schedule of works or lease details
These alternative options were not taken forward because the
schedule of works that has been proposed by the tenant is
proportionate and reflects the existing condition of the property.
This schedule represents the minimum works required for the site to
be safely operated in the interim period, before a full
refurbishment of the property is undertaken in due course.
Publication date: 08/04/2024
Date of decision: 02/04/2024