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Decision details
Period 6 Finance outturn report 2024/25
Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To present the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee with the latest financial outturn report and identify any additional financial approvals that are required.
The Committee RESOLVED:
To note:
1. The council’s General Fund forecast outturn revenue overspend of £18.9 million at P6 2024/25against the council approved budget of £533.7 million.
2. The performance on delivery of savings (Appendix A1, Section 3, Tables 3a and 3b).
3. The additional weighted net risk of £5.6 million per the risks and opportunities register (Appendix A1, Section 4, Tables 4a and 4b)
4. The council’s outturn position of £14.2 million overspend within the Housing Revenue Account to be transferred to the HRA general reserve at the year end (Appendix A1a, Section 5.3).
5. The council’s outturn position of a £31.6 million overspend (net £15.0m) in the Dedicated Schools Grant and that this brings the carry forward deficit to £90.2 million. Following the application of the DfE’s 24/25 Safety Valve combined with contribution from the General Fund a total £52.1 million is forecast to be carried forward at the year end in the DSG deficit reserve (Appendix A1, Section 5.4).
6. The breakeven position on Public Health services (Appendix A1, Section 5.5).
7. The breakeven position on the Bristol Harbour Fund. (Appendix A1, Section 5.6).
8. The council’s forecast underspend of £34.2 million against the Capital Programme revised budget 2024/25, comprised of £15.5 million underspend on the General Fund (including £8.1 million underspend on corporate contingency and adjustments) and £18.7 million underspend on the HRA. (Appendix A1, Section 6).
9. That SCIL budget allocation of £5.0 million will be utilised to support the Investment in the ‘New Cut’ harbour wall works to repair and strengthen the River Avon New Cut retaining walls. (Appendix A1, Section 6.4).
10. The urgent key decision by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of Strategy and Resources Committee to approve spend of £1,021,500 to assist 22,700 free school meals food vouchers for the October and Christmas 2024 school holidays. (Appendix A3).
To approve (6 members voting in favour and 3 against):
- Revisions to the revised Capital Budget to incorporate the reprofiling of up to £18.7 million HRA budget into future years following the £18.7 million forecast underspend at P6.
Report author: Tony Kirkham
Publication date: 20/11/2024
Date of decision: 18/11/2024
Decided at meeting: 18/11/2024 - Strategy and Resources Policy Committee
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