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Decision details

Families First Programme Business Case – Enabling More of Bristol’s Children to Stay Safely at Home

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Policy Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek approval of the Families First transformation programme business case, including the costs and benefits, and the approach to accounting for the transformation and savings projects that sit outside of Families First


The Committee RESOLVED:

1. To endorse the Families First transformation programme, which makes a step change in the way the service operates, to one more focused on earlier help and prevention.

2. To approve the business case based on the mid-case forecasts and assumptions, subject to further refinement and assurance of the unmitigated figures during the next phase (mobilisation).

3. To approve the internal one-off cost of change level outlined in the report and, subject to the approval of the overall funding envelope by the Strategy and Resources Committee, to approve an allocation of the transformation funds for this purpose.

4. To endorse an investment of £1.9m in additional staff that will reduce average caseloads and increase the time for practitioners to work with families.

5. To approve a procurement for an external delivery partner to support the transformation programme.

6. To authorise the Executive Director: Children and Education, in consultation with the Chair of the Children and Young People Policy Committee, to take all steps required to procure an external delivery partner under a risk/reward contract, to provide specialist support and capacity to the transformation programme, as outlined in the report and the business case.

Report author: Hannah Woodhouse

Publication date: 27/01/2025

Date of decision: 23/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Children and Young People Policy Committee

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