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Decision details
Asset Management Software Contract
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek approval for the procurement of an
asset management software system contract via direct award using an
existing Framework Agreement, GCloud 14 (RM1557.14). The software
is being used by the entire transport, parks and docks service
areas across Growth and Regeneration to manage the condition,
maintenance and ongoing strategy of Bristol City Council
Cabinet on 3 October 2023 authorised the Executive Director of
Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for
City Economy, Finance and Performance to procure and award the
contract necessary for the implementation of an asset management
software system via the government digital marketplace framework
(G-Cloud) 2+1+1 years, in-line with the procurement routes and
maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report.
Approval to award the contract for a 4 (3+1)
year contract with Brightly Software Limited for Confirm
Alternative options considered:
Option 1 - A portion of the market has still
been tested by proceeding through the GCloud catalogue. We reviewed
3 suppliers in total and from that have deduced that the solution
from Brightly Software Limited meets our needs in full where others
do not. We have engaged with our IT team and have identified
specific areas where alternate suppliers have not been able to meet
our needs in full.
Publication date: 30/01/2025
Date of decision: 20/01/2025
Effective from: 29/01/2025