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Decision details

Dedicated Schools Grant budget proposals 2025/26

Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider the Dedicated Schools Grant budget proposals 2025/26. This report will subsequently be submitted to Full Council as part of the budget process.


The Committee RESOLVED (6 members voting in favour, none against and with 3 abstentions):


To recommend the following proposals to Full Council:


A. To approve the 2025/26 DSG Budget:


1. Schools Block (detail in appendix A3):


a. The Schools Block budget be set at £368.274 million for 2025/26 as per Table 1.


b. £1.851 million of the overall Schools Block DSG is transferred to the High Needs Block.


c. The basis for distributing the funding to mainstream schools be as set out and agreed by Schools Forum (Appendix A3).


d. The Growth Fund for established schools expanding in September 2025 be set at £1.0 million (a component of the total Schools Block) or as agreed by Schools Forum.


2. Central School Services Block (detail in appendix A2):


a. Following Schools Forum agreement, approve the Central School Services Block budget is set at £2.733 million for 2025/26.


3. High Needs Block (detail in appendix A2):


a. Approve the High Needs Block budget be set at £97.624 million for 2025/26 as per Appendix A2, after receiving transfers of £1.851 million from Schools Block.


4. Early Years Block (detail in appendix A2):


a. Approve the Early Years Block budget be set at £79.154 million for 2025/26, noting that spend and DSG income will fluctuate, according to participation levels in each of the three school terms.


b) Approve that funding for Early Years should be distributed in line with the arrangements explained in the report to Schools Forum (Appendix A2).


B. To note:


a. The 2025/26 DSG Allocation of £547.785 million.


b. That the forecast DSG expenditure in 2025/26 is £574.255 million, with a forecast accumulated deficit of £58.568 million.


c. Bristol Schools forum feedback on the 2025/26 DSG Budget.


Report author: Sarah Chodkiewicz

Publication date: 04/02/2025

Date of decision: 03/02/2025

Decided at meeting: 03/02/2025 - Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

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