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Decision details

Community Led Housing Land Disposal Policy – Disposal of Land to Community Groups

Decision Maker: Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To enable release of sites specifically to the community led housing sector via an open, transparent bidding process for the delivery of community led housing to meet Corporate objectives of taking an ‘asset-based community development’ approach to work with communities and partners to transfer assets and power to greater numbers of people so they have more involvement. To support community build housing offering local communities, Community Land Trusts, local builders, eco-homes and self-builds the chance to identify land and empty buildings for redevelopment and bring forward appropriate Council land to kick-start development


To dispose of land to community groups in line with the Community Led Housing Land Disposal Policy.
The decision was taken to approve preferred bidder status to community groups and to dispose of land to these groups subject to schemes being further developed and subject to satisfactory planning consent as detailed below:
a)to approve the award of preferred bidder status for six community groups as follows:
1.Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust - Land at 14-16 Constable Road, Lockleaze
2.Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust - Land at 26-32 Constable Road, Lockleaze
3.Hillfields Family and Community Trust - Land neighbouring Hillfields Park Community Centre
4.Furze (Fully Mutual) Housing Co-operative - Land at Rowlandson Gardens, Lockleaze
5.The Tiny House Community Benefits Society -Land at Sea Mills Training Centre, Sea Mills
6.Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust - Land at Turner Gardens, Lockleaze
b)to delegate authority for Officers to work with the groups to progress the schemes to full planning consent.
c)to delegate authority to Officers to dispose of the sites to the six community groups at the bid price subject to retaining the integrity in principle of the bid proposals and subject to full planning consent being granted.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - No alternative options – the appropriate bidding process was followed as set out in the policy.
Option 2 -
Option 3 -

Publication date: 12/01/2021

Date of decision: 11/01/2021