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Decision details
Decision to award contract for sexual health prevention, health promotion and community engagement service (referred to hereafter as the health promotion service) to Brook Young People
Decision Maker: Executive Director: Adult & Communities
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The decision is required as delegated
authority for the health promotion procurement exercise was granted
in May 2022 under the cabinet system. Bristol City Council now have
a committee system and the decision to award the contract to Brook
Young People sits with the Director of Public Health in
consultation with the Executive Director of Adults and Communities
and the Section 151 Officer.
The decision taken is to award a contract of 7
years’ duration, with the option to extend for a further 3
years, to Brook Young People for the provision of health promotion
services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire
Councils. Brook Young People is a charity.
Alternative options considered:
A full, comprehensive and transparent
competitive tender process was undertaken under the Public
Contracts Regulations. All bids received were subject to
multi-partner evaluation and moderation overseen by the Bristol
City Council Procurement Team.
Publication date: 21/01/2025
Date of decision: 09/09/2024