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Decision details

City Leap Prospectus

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report seeks approval for the publication of the City Leap Prospectus and to commence a soft market testing exercise.



1.             Agreed to a soft market testing exercise to seek expressions of interest to work in partnership with the Council to deliver a city-scale low carbon smart energy infrastructure programme over the next decade.


2.             Delegated authority to the Executive Director, Regeneration and Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Energy, Waste and Regulatory Services, to finalise, publish and promote the City Leap Prospectus to start this process.


3.             Delegated authority to the Executive Director, Regeneration & Growth to set up governance arrangements to oversee the soft market testing exercise in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Energy, Waste and Regulatory Services.


4.             Noted that a further report will be taken to Cabinet once the testing has been concluded to progress partnerships arising from the soft market testing exercise.

Report author: David White

Publication date: 01/05/2018

Date of decision: 01/05/2018

Decided at meeting: 01/05/2018 - Cabinet

Effective from: 10/05/2018

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