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Issue - meetings
Reports from scrutiny commission
Meeting: 04/12/2017 - Cabinet (Item 6.)
6. Reports from scrutiny commission PDF 54 KB
Report from Overview and scrutiny Management Board re the work of the Libraries Task and Finish Group
Additional documents:
- b Appendix A Report Libraries Task and Finish Group FINAL, item 6.
PDF 160 KB
- c Appendix B Extract OSM minute (2), item 6.
Formal response from the Mayor
As you know, a decision on the future of Bristol’s library service is not being made today and the service will remain as it is until a further review is completed.
Following the results of the consultation, which saw a large number of respondents reject all three options and comment ‘none of the above’, the council has decided to continue the conversation, and explore other options.
We have secured money from Department of Culture, Media and Sport enabling us to commission a consultant to assess whether an alternative delivery model – for example a mutual, trust or commercial provider - could be appropriate for the future service. This is obviously closely aligned to the Libraries Task and Finish Group’s report recommendation 1.2.2 to pursue a dialogue with community minded organisations, such as Universities etc.
We will wait until the conclusion of this review, before making a final decision.