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2018/19 Period 4 Forecast Outturn Report

Meeting: 02/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 17.)

17. 2018/19 Period 4 Forecast Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 137 KB

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That Cabinet:


1.      Noted the £6.9m general fund revenue pressures being reported, predominantly within Adult Social Care, and that action will be required to understand the drivers, the potential opportunities, risks and impact of any mitigation plans developed.


2.      Agreed allocation of the Adult Social Care Grant as announced in the Final Local Government Finance Settlement of £1.268m to Adult Social Care.


3.      Noted the reduction in the 2018/19 WECA transport levy of £1.019m resulting from £0.619m underspend from 2017/18 and £0.4m from WECA investment fund which will be held in abeyance pending a decision on allocation.


4.      Noted the current forecast position with regard to the Housing Revenue Account and Public Health Accounts.


5.      Noted the current budget pressures being reported within the High Needs block within the DSG and that action will be required to understand the drivers, the potential opportunities, risks and impact in any mitigation plans developed.


6.    Noted current forecast for capital expenditure of £195.1m against a budget of £252.0m