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Issue - meetings

Emergency Active Travel Fund

Meeting: 03/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 11.)

11. Emergency Active Travel Fund pdf icon PDF 196 KB

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  1. Noted the decision made in May 2020 to accept and spend up to £1m of funding from the West of England Combined Authority for the design and implementation of Emergency Active Travel Fund – Bristol Streetspace Tranche 1 schemes
  2. Approved the receipt of further funding of up to £2.74m, from the West of England Combined Authority for the delivery of Tranche 2 Emergency Active Travel Fund – Bristol Streetspace schemes, as per the submission to the Department of Transport.
  3. Authorised the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Energy, the Green New Deal, Clean Air Zone planning to take all steps required to spend the funding and agree and implement Tranche 2 Emergency Active Travel Fund - Bristol Streetspace Schemes.