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Issue - meetings
Small Grants Wellbeing Report
Meeting: 28/06/2016 - Henbury, Brentry and Southmead Neighbourhood Partnership (Item 8)
8 Neighbourhood Partnership Plan Update Report (Keith Houghton) PDF 133 KB
Fonthill Park flood defence proposal, adopting draft new NP Plan; NP plan updates and citywide wellbeing review and NP priorities event attendance
Additional documents:
- App 1 Fonthill Park SUDS Concept Board, item 8
- App 1 Fonthill Park letter to NP_final, item 8
- App 2 Henbury Brentry Southmead NP Plan June 2016 DRAFT, item 8
PDF 906 KB
- App 3 NP Plan Delivery Schedule DRAFT June 2016 - Dec 2017, item 8
- App 4 Bristol Youth Links Qtr 4 2015 16, item 8
PDF 120 KB
- App 5 Update NP Plans Citywide Priorities final, item 8
The Neighbourhood Partnership considered the business activities report from Keith Houghton, Neighbourhood Partnership Co-coordinator.Patrick Goodey, the Flood Risk team manager outlined the flood defence work proposed in Fonthill Park.
The following was noted as part of the discussion: -
Fonthill Flood Defence Work
a. It was confirmed that the Fonthill scheme would cost £70k with £50k coming from the Environment Agency and £20k being funded by the Council. There would be no cost to the Partnership.
b. Concerns were raised over the safety of the scheme with particular regard to the proximity of the scheme to a local primary school. It was confirmed that safety was paramount and construction design regulations were being adhered to.
c. Questions were raised over the ownership of land that ringed the football ground and whether the agricultural growth was a natural defence against flooding or a contributor to the flooding problem which needed to be removed. Flood Risk manager to investigate ownership of the land and report findings.
Action :Patrick Goodey
Neighbourhood Partnership Plan
d. It was confirmed that the draft Neighbourhood Partnership plan would be published online
e. It was confirmed that the Wellbeing process was being reviewed across the city in order to simplify the process and make the best use of shrinking resources.
f. The Partnership agreed that Parks access work could be submitted as an example case study for the Citywide NP meeting on 20th July. The access work in the Southmead area had been working with disabled people to meet aspirations to improve access for motorised scooters and parents with large buggies. The work had needed to be balanced against concerns over access and misuse of motorcycles.
The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED: –
(i) to a) support the change of use for proposed Flood defence work at Fonthill and b) remove the existing action within the Neighbourhood Partnership Plan
(ii) that the Draft Neighbourhood Partnership Action Plan and the draft Delivery programme for July 2016-Dec 2017, be noted and that a further Development day be set up to refine the plan, attach Neighbourhood Partnership resources to its delivery and develop the governance elements further
(iii) That the updates on actions to deliver the existing Neighbourhood Partnership Plan be noted.
(iv) To nominate Cllr Weston and resident Anthony Hollick to represent Henbury, Brentry and Southmead on the Wellbeing Fund working group.
(v) To present the Neighbourhood Partnerships work around access to parks as an example of good practice for shared conversations at the July Citywide Neighbourhood Partnership meeting.
Action: Keith Houghton
Meeting: 20/06/2016 - Dundry View Neighbourhood Partnership (Item 11)
11 Small Grants Wellbeing Report (Emily Smith) PDF 49 KB
The Neighbourhood Committee / Partnership considered a report from Emily Smith regarding the Neighbourhood Budget.
In discussion the following was noted:
The Dundry Slopes & Hartcliffe Green Spaces and Wildlife Conservation Group had changed its name to the Dundry Slopes Group.
The next round of wellbeing applications had opened and could be submitted for the next Grants Panel taking place on 22nd August.
The Neighbourhood Committee RESOLVED to agree the recommendations from the Dundry View Funding panel for the allocation of Small Grants Funding as follows:
(i) The Ark - £0
(ii) New Horizons - £0
(iii) Dundry Slopes + Hartcliffe Green spaces and
Wildlife conservation Group - £1000
(iv) Friends of Hartcliffe Early Years community
Group - £1500
(v) Zion - £1620
(vi) Off the Record - £0
(vii) St Oswalds Community Garden - £2000
(viii)Severn Vale Bowls Club - £2000
(ix) Townswomen (Uplands & District) - £875
(x) Withywood Church
(Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Choir) - £1950