- Issue Content
Issue - meetings
Parking and Licence Fees and Charges
Meeting: 04/04/2023 - Cabinet (Item 8.)
8. Parking and Licence Fees and Charges PDF 151 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - Licence fees & Parking charges detail, item 8. PDF 72 KB
- Appendix E - EQIA - Parking Fees in Parks, item 8. PDF 183 KB
- Appendix E EQIA Regualatory Services Fee Review 27-02-23 V4 equalities signed, item 8. PDF 181 KB
- Appendix F - ECO impact Assessment, item 8. PDF 61 KB
That Cabinet:
- Approved the licence fee increases for the cost of private hire and hackney carriage drivers to ensure full cost recovery of administering the function.
- Approved the parking tariff changes in the current Parks off-street car parks as laid out in this report.
- Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration to take all steps to required to implement the increases, including publication of a notice of variation as required under s.35C Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, as outlined in this report.