- Issue Content
Issue - meetings
Occupational Health Provision, Health Monitoring and Employee Assistance Programme contract
Meeting: 05/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 28.)
Additional documents:
- Equality Impact Assessment - 26-07-2023 Final 21-08-2023, item 28.
PDF 173 KB
- Eco Impact Assessment for OH &EAP procurement contract Final 21-08-2023, item 28.
That Cabinet
1. Approved the procurement of a new Occupational Health and Employee Assistance Programme provision from 1 st April 2024 for 3 years plus up to 2 years extension at a cost of up to £1.1 million.
2. Authorised the Director: Workforce and Change in consultation with the Deputy Mayor/Cabinet Member Finance Governance and Performance to take all steps necessary to procure and enter into the contract for a Joint Occupational Health Provision and Employee Assistance Programme as outlined in this report.
3. Authorised the Director: Workforce and Change in consultation with the Deputy Mayor/Cabinet Member Finance Governance and Performance to invoke any subsequent extensions/variations specifically defined in the contract awarded.