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Issue - meetings
Estate Rationalisation – Surplus Asset Disposals
Meeting: 05/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 21.)
21. Estate Rationalisation – Surplus Asset Disposals PDF 139 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix A1 A2_Further Information on Assets Proposed for Disposal_v0.2 v2FG, item 21.
- Appendix F EcoIA Estate Rationalisation and Disposals Sep 23 v0.1 (2), item 21.
- Appendix I_Exempt Further Information on Assets Proposed for Disposal_v0.1 (1) , View reasons restricted (21./4)
- Appendix E EQIA Estate Rationalisation and Disposals_v1.0, item 21.
PDF 112 KB
That Cabinet:
1. Approved the transfer of any suitable properties listed in Appendix A2 to the HRA by no later than 31 October 2023 and to dispose of any assets that are outlined in appendix A2 that are not confirmed as viable to transfer to the HRA for market value within the financial year 2023/24.
2. Authorised the Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Finance, Governance and Performance and S151 Officer, to take all steps required for disposal of the assets listed in Appendix A1 and exempt Appendix I, and the confirmed assets listed in Appendix A2 that are not required by the HRA, whilst ensuring best value is obtained for each property.