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Issue - meetings
WE Work for Everyone Phase 3
Meeting: 29/07/2024 - Economy and Skills Policy Committee (Item 7)
7 WE Work for Everyone Phase 3 PDF 133 KB
To seek approval to hold detailed bid negotiations to secure essential grant funding from the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) to extend and maintain our specialist employment support programme designed to improve employment outcomes for Disabled people with Learning Difficulties and Autism across the West of England region.
Additional documents:
- Appendix A WWfE Case Study - House of Lords Evidence Feb 2024, item 7
PDF 150 KB
- Appendix B - EqIA WE WORK for Everyone Phase 3, item 7
PDF 216 KB
- Appendix C - Environmental Impact Assessment - WE WORK for Everyone Phase 3, item 7
PDF 154 KB
- Appendix D - WE Work for Everyone Risk Register, item 7
PDF 226 KB
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously):
1. To approve the proposal and authorise the Head of Service Employment, Skills and Lifelong Learning in consultation with the Committee Chair to negotiate with WECA and, if successful, to accept and spend funding of up to £1,835,500 (including procuring and awarding contracts) and lead on the regional implementation and delivery of the We Work for Everyone Phase 3 programme from January 2025 to March 2027.
2. To note the Director of Adult Social Care and the Director of Education and Skills will support the implementation of the WE Work for Everyone Programme, in partnership with specialist providers and employers, to improve the employment outcomes of young people and adults with Learning Difficulties and Autism supported by the SEND and ASC teams.
The Committee considered a report that sought approval to hold detailed bid negotiations to secure essential grant funding from the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) to extend and maintain a specialist employment support programme designed to improve employment outcomes for Disabled people with Learning Difficulties and Autism across the West of England region.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:
· There was a discussion around the lessons learned from phases 1 and 2 of the programme and officers advised that they had reviewed the programme and would continue to refine the approach to ensure participants would receive the right support.
· It was confirmed that once participants enter the programme, they would receive up to 12 months of support.
· There was a discussion around the importance of co design which was a core principle for the programme. Officers are working alongside other public bodies like the NHS and are working towards building a network of employers who will support the programme.
· There was a discussion around the Work Well Vanguard and Members were advised that the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) had selected Bristol to be a main delivery partner for this work.
· It was confirmed 23% of participants had secured paid employment through the programme which was higher than the national average of 5.7%.
· Officers advised that individuals do not require a formal diagnosis in order to participate in the programme and that self-referral was encouraged.
The Chair noted that this was the first key decision to be taken by the Committee and moved the recommendations as set out in the report. Councillor Jenny Bartle seconded this motion.
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously) to;
1. To approve the proposal and authorise the Head of Service Employment, Skills and Lifelong Learning in consultation with the Committee Chair to negotiate with WECA and, if successful, to accept and spend funding of up to £1,835,500 (including procuring and awarding contracts) and lead on the regional implementation and delivery of the We Work for Everyone Phase 3 programme from January 2025 to March 2027.
2. To note the Director of Adult Social Care and the Director of Education and Skills will support the implementation of the WE Work for Everyone Programme, in partnership with specialist providers and employers, to improve the employment outcomes of young people and adults with Learning Difficulties and Autism supported by the SEND and ASC teams.