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Corporate Risk Management Report - Quarter 1, 2024/25

Meeting: 29/07/2024 - Economy and Skills Policy Committee (Item 10)

10 Corporate Risk Management Report - Quarter 1, 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To provide an update on current significant strategic risks to achieving the Council’s objectives, within the Economy and Skills Committee, as set in the Corporate Strategy 2022-2027 and summarises progress in managing the risks and actions being taken as at Quarter 1_2024-25.

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The Committee RESOLVED:

1.      To note the Corporate Risk Management Report for Quarter 1, 2024-25 for Economy and Skills.


The Committee received an update report on current significant strategic risks to achieving theCouncil’s objectives, within the Economy and Skills Committee, as set in the Corporate Strategy 2022-2027 and summarised progress in managing the risks and actions being taken as at Quarter 1 of 2024-25.


Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:


·       In response to questions about risk CRR12 (EPRT ability to prepare for and respond to emergencies / incidents could be overwhelmed), officers advised that the in house emergency response team was small, but colleagues worked with partners and emergency services to provide a consistent and resilient service.

·       It was noted that there was a duty Director rota in place each week where the director on duty would be responsible for overseeing incident management.

·       Members asked about the prevention of emergencies/incidents and were advised that this was challenging as they were often unpredictable and the number of incidents in Bristol were higher than average nationally.

·       The Chair suggested that Committee Members visit the Operations Centre to learn more about Bristol’s emergency response team.

·       Members asked about the Corporate Resilience Group. Action: Officers to provide further information on the purpose and membership of the Corporate Resilience Group.

·       In response to questions about risk CRR59 (Failure to deliver timely statutory planning decisions), officers advised that since the designation notice was served, planning colleagues had been working hard to clear the backlog of applications and currently, there was around 40 unallocated cases which was about 2 weeks’ worth, but this was usual practice within the service for progressing these applications.

·       It was noted that the planning fees structure that had been set nationally was frozen at a low rate which had resulted in less resource into the planning service.


The Committee RESOLVED;

1.      To note the Corporate Risk Management Report for Quarter 1, 2024/25 for the Economy & Skills Policy Committee.