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Regeneration Service Update
Meeting: 29/07/2024 - Economy and Skills Policy Committee (Item 8)
8 Regeneration Service Update PDF 165 KB
To update committee members on the planned activity in the regeneration service.
Additional documents:
The Committee RESOLVED:
1. To note the planned activity in the regeneration service as outlined in this report including securing £260k Homes England Funding to deliver priority projects within Bedminster Green, Whitehouse Street, Frome Gateway and the City Centre.
2. To note the regeneration service will be submitting external funding bids to deliver projects identified with the City Centre Development and Delivery Plan, Frome Gateway Framework, Whitehouse Street Framework, Bedminster Green Framework, and the emerging Harbour Place Shaping Strategy.
The Committee received an update report on the planned activity in the regeneration service, which was for noting.
Officers presented the current priority projects in the service and noted that they would shortly be submitting a bid to the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) to develop a regeneration framework for Lawrence Hill.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:
· In response to questions, it was confirmed that once regeneration frameworks are complete, they would go out to public consultation before being brought to Committee for decision, and if approved, this would become material consideration in the planning process.
· With regards to Lawrence Hill, officers advised it was too early to confirm the number of homes to be delivered as part of the project, but transport would be a key consideration for the area along with how families live in urban spaces; the team would look at the Urban Living Design Guidance for best practice.
· There was a discussion around meanwhile uses where some businesses were displaced due to new developments.
· There was a discussion around the Western Harbour regeneration and Members were advised that plans were currently being developed and this would go out to public consultation in Autumn 2024 with the Committee taking a decision on the project in Spring 2025. Action: Officers to provide a briefing for Committee Members on the Western Harbour regeneration project ahead of the public consultation.
· It was noted that the regeneration team were working collaboratively with colleagues in planning and transport to deliver on all projects and whilst the report outlines the allocation of funding from Homes England, some elements of City Design will come from other funding streams.
· There was a discussion around the health provision and accessibility needs in developing regeneration frameworks and it was noted that this was something colleagues were working on; the team currently work with WECIL who audit the regeneration frameworks.
· There was a discussion around co-living design in the city and officers advised that they would encourage more applications for this type of development and would be looking at best practice nationally. Action: Officers to confirm if there is a minimum space standard for co-living.
The Committee RESOLVED;
1. To note the planned activity in the regeneration service as outlined in this report including securing £260k Homes England Funding to deliver priority projects within Bedminster Green, Whitehouse Street, Frome Gateway and the City Centre.
2. To note the regeneration service will be submitting external funding bids to deliver projects identified with the City Centre Development and Delivery Plan, Frome Gateway Framework, Whitehouse Street Framework, Bedminster Green Framework, and the emerging Harbour Place Shaping Strategy.
3. To note the regeneration service will be submitting a funding bid to the Combined Authority to develop a Regeneration Framework for Lawrence Hill.
The meeting was adjourned for 10 minutes at 3:25pm.
The meeting was reconvened at 3:35pm.