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Mobility Scooter Policy

Meeting: 20/09/2024 - Homes and Housing Delivery Policy Committee (Item 8)

8 Mobility Scooter Policy pdf icon PDF 156 KB

This report seeks approval to adopt a revised policy and process for the management of mobility scooters in blocks of flats, including an approach to enforcement should it be required. 

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The Committee RESOLVED:

·       That the revised policy and process for the management of mobility scooters in blocks of flats including an enforcement approach (if necessary/required) are approved by the Committee for implementation.


The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 8) which asked members to approve and adopt a revised policy and process for the management of mobility scooters in blocks of flats including an approach to enforcement, should it be required.


The Chair commented that this was a key decision report, as the proposed decision effects more than two wards.


Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:

1.      There were questions asked around the council’s statutory duty under Section 6. It was noted that Disability is a protected characteristics and as a landlord the council are bound by Section 20 and Section 21 to allow reasonable adjustments to tenants. Assurances were provided that mobility scooter storage would only be removed as an absolute last resort.

2.      A question was raised about when the last public consultation on mobility scooter storage took place. Officers outlined that the last iteration of this policy was consulted on publicly in 2015.

3.      The Chair and Vice-Chair commented that, due to the nature of the topic, there isn’t an alternative option to approving the Officers recommendations in this report.

The Chair thanked Members for the valuable debates.


The Chair then moved the recommendations as set out in the report.


Vice-Chair, Councillor Richard Eddy seconded.


The Committee (six in favour, three abstentions) RESOLVED:

1.      That the revised policy and process for the management of mobility scooters in blocks of flats including an enforcement approach (if necessary/required) are approved by the Committee for implementation.


Vice-Chair, Councillor Richard Eddy vacated the meeting after Agenda Item 8 and did not participate in any future decisions during this meeting.