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Children and Young People Policy Committee Update Report
Meeting: 29/08/2024 - Children and Young People Policy Committee (Item 7)
7 Children and Young People Policy Committee Update Report PDF 172 KB
This report will be provided for every Children and Young People’s Policy Committee to provide information on the delivery and performance of children’s services in line with the statutory expectations of the Director of Children’s Services. The report identifies key challenges and risks for consideration, areas of progress, and upcoming activity.
It is intended that this report will develop with each iteration and presentation, any feedback on its content or construction is welcomed.
The Committee considered a report that provided information on the delivery and performance of children’s services in line with the statutory expectations of the Director of Children’s Services. The report identified key challenges and risks for consideration, areas of progress, and upcoming activity.
It was noted that there were no decisions to be taken on this report which was for information.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:
In opening the discussion, the Chair commented that this was predominantly a monitoring report that included narrative and data. Committee members were welcome to highlight anything they thought was missing from the report, and if it could be put in the public domain, it would be included.
The Executive Director for Children and Education stated this was the first time they had shared this type of information. She said she was happy to add further data and change the format if required. The Director went on to summarise the key points in the paper and said it was fair to say the biggest challenge was currently SEND. They would be bringing a new SEND and Inclusion Strategy to the Committee in January. The Committee would be consulted upon it in October and it would be co-produced with children and families.
The Director commented on the public forum statement from earlier in the meeting and said that she was very conscious of youth violence issues. Work was being undertaken with partners on the Serious Violence Prevention Board and an update paper on this would be brought to the Committee in due course.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:
A Committee member asked if there were minutes from the Children’s Quality, Improvement and Performance (QuIP) Board that they could see. The Executive Director said they wanted to be open and transparent but she would need to take the request away and come back to Members about it.
The Chair said she had no issue with the request and had already raised it with the Deputy Leader of the Council.
A Member commented that the SEND statistics and EHCP finalisation times were said to be concerning.
The Chair added that said she wanted to know how long some people with long standing, complex cases were waiting and had had asked officers specifically to look into those cases.
A Member asked about the number of contacts to First Response and the number of referrals to children’s social care and if these were likely to be self-referrals or other people reporting them? Officers said the data included every contact they had received and so was a combination. The Members suggested that a breakdown of data in the report would be helpful going forward.
The Committee RESOLVED: To note the report