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Quarterly Performance Progress Report – Q1 2024/25
Meeting: 11/10/2024 - Public Health and Communities Policy Committee (Item 10)
10 Quarterly Performance Progress Report – Q1 2024/25 PDF 174 KB
To brief the Public Health and Communities Policy Committee on performance against the BCC Business Plan as relevant to the remit of this Committee, for Q1 2024/25, and for Members to note areas of specific interest or concern with relevant Directors.
Additional documents:
That Public Health and Communities Committee RESOLVED:
1. To note performance against the Business Plan relevant to the Committee, including the issues raised and measures to address performance issues to be implemented by relevant services.
The Committee received an update on performance against the BCC Business Plan relevant to the Public Health & Communities Policy Committee for Quarter 1, 2024/25.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:
· It was noted that 71% of items were on track, with two areas highlighted as needing additional attention around healthy weight programmes (HCW2.2) and risks related to ash dieback disease (ENV2.2), but officers were working to address these issues.
· It was noted that the item around consultation response rates from the most and least deprived 20% of Bristol citizens (BPPM537) was worse than target.
· Consultation responses were noted to be lower from certain demographic groups, notably in deprived areas. Officers continue to work on improving the response rate and would like to push targeted outreach although this was challenging due to resource limitations.
· Members asked how this data compared to pervious years and officers advised that this information could be shared with the Committee after the meeting. ACTION.
· There was a discussion around safehouses for victims of domestic abuse in relation item HC3.3 and officers advised that further information around security and waiting lists could be shared with the Committee after the meeting. ACTION.
· There was a discussion around mental health impacts on citizens who were out of work in relation to item HCW2.1. A Member raised the need for support for the least advantaged citizens and officers noted there were some ongoing programmes to support this work and welcome further discussions with Members although, resource was limited.
· There was a discussion around item BPOM251 which shared Quality of Life data on reducing the fear of crime. Officers confirmed that a Community Safety report would be brought to Committee in January 2025 which would provide more detail on indicators relating to crime and disorder including a comparison with other Core Cities.
The Committee RESOLVED;
1. To note performance against the Business Plan relevant to the Committee, including the issues raised and measures to address performance issues to be implemented by relevant services.