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Issue - meetings
Finance report update
Meeting: 21/10/2024 - Adult Social Care Policy Committee (Item 33)
33 Finance report update PDF 207 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee RESOLVED to note
1.The Adult Social Care General Fund forecast outturn revenue position of a £6.5 million overspend at P5 2024/25.
2. The forecast of a breakeven position on the Capital Programme budget 2024/25
The Committee was advised that the report (agenda item 12) presented information and analysis to the Adult Social Care Committee on the council’s financial performance against the approved budget and its forecast use of resources for the financial year 2024/25 (June / Period 5 extrapolated).
There were no decisions to be taken on this report which was for noting.
The Executive Director presented the report.
The Committee was invited to raise comments or questions. Key points from the discussion included:
1. It was noted that overspend was largely found in Adult Social Care purchasing. The rise in demand for mental health services in particular since Covid was acknowledged.
2. The previously mentioned demand due to an aging population and expectation of a ‘bulge’ in the next few years was raised. It was suggested that this could be a topic for further development with colleagues in Public Health and the Health Overview Scrutiny Commission. This was noted.
The Committee RESOLVED to note
1.The Adult Social Care General Fund forecast outturn revenue position of a £6.5 million overspend at P5 2024/25.
2. The forecast of a breakeven position on the Capital Programme budget 2024/25