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Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Writing Room - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Johanna Holmes 0117 9036898
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information Minutes: Everyone was welcomed to the meeting and invited to introduce themselves.
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Goggin and Barra Mac Ruiairi |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: Councillor Wright highlighted that he was the Co Chair of the Harbourside Forum which had a consultative role within the Flood Strategy. Councillor Pearce highlighted that he was a member of the Civic Society. Neither interest were considered to be pecuniary. |
Chair's Business To note any announcements from the Chair Minutes: Members were thanked for their attendance and input into the Scrutiny work planning workshop which took place on the 8th September. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the 14th July 2016 were agreed as a correct record. |
Place Scrutiny Commission Action Sheet To review and note the action sheet produced following the last meeting. Minutes: With reference to the supported bus services for Southmead Hospital, it was reported that the no.18 bus service has been restored, although the time frame had not been confirmed.
With reference to Coach Parking, a position statement was attached to the action sheet. Officers were asked to confirm the timescale for the medium term plan (ACTION: Peter Mann). The action remained ‘incomplete’.
With reference to the transport arrangements attached to Southmead Hospital, the Chair did not consider the update from officers addressed the concerns raised. The Service Director, Transport agreed to circulate a more expansive note from the Strategic Transport Team prior to the next meeting. (ACTION: Strategic Transport Team)
All other actions were noted. |
Public Forum Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum. The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda. Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-
Questions - Written questions must be received 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received in this office at the latest by 5 pm on 14th September 2016.
Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting. For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12.00 noon on 19th September 2016. Minutes: The following statements were submitted as public forum and were noted:
PS01 David Redgewell – Devolution
There was concern about the siting of the bus stop for Megabus. An alternative suitably accessible site was required from January. It was acknowledged that Stagecoach contributed to the economy of the City and a resolution was required. Officers had been working to resolve the issue and discussions would continue.
The Head of Equalities from Network Rail would be visiting Bristol shortly to meet the Cabinet Member and Mayor. Funding had been cut following the decision to leave the EU and pressure was needed to keep the improvement programme on track. Members suggested that a list of suitable projects should be developed ready to tap into any funding opportunities that may arise.
Following concern during August, it was confirmed that some cuts to the East Bristol Bus Network were being reinstated although concern remained about the impact of cuts in BaNES on the Brislington/Whitchurch area. Members stressed that up to date information needed to be available for members of the public.
PS02 Councillor Charlie Bolton – Bus stop on St Catherine Mead Street
The statement was noted. A written response provided by officers would be sent electronically to Members (ACTION: Sam Mahony)
PS03 Councillor Charlie Bolton – Upton Road in Southville
The statement was noted. A written response provided by officers would be sent electronically to Members (ACTION: Sam Mahony)
To note the work programme. Minutes: The following changes to the work programme were confirmed:
- Supported Bus Network would now feature in November. - Public Transport Information Strategy would now feature in October. - Pre Cabinet Resilience Strategy would now feature in October December. - Members requested circulation of expert consultants reports such as the Ernst and Young report on Income Generation and JLL report on asset optimisation within Property. Although the overall concept was one that Business Change Scrutiny Commission should consider, some aspects specific to Place Directorate should be discussed by the Place Scrutiny Commission. - A briefing session on Air Quality would be arranged for Members in October for cross party discussions prior to budget setting. - The impact of North Fringe/Cribbs and Patchway would feature in January in order to seek influence within the timeframe. - A Metrobus update should be provided in November along with the Supported Bus Services item. - A Metrowest update of rail programmes should take place in January (16th) to coincide with the next update for the Joint Transport Board (meeting 13th January). - The recommendations from the previously held Transport Inquiry Day would be considered and updated at the same time as consideration of the Joint Transport Plan and Spatial Plan. Another inquiry day was not required at this point. - The increased cost of the Prince Street Bridge project should be considered by the appropriate scrutiny commission, be it OSM or Business Change Scrutiny Commission, or Audit Committee. (ACTION: Policy Officer, Scrutiny to report back on the relevant path) - The visit to Bottleyard Studios was set for May. A further visit could be included to the Freight Consolidation Centre and Avonmouth for consideration in relation to Air Quality.
In addition the following comments were made: - The impact of the Arena (on the OSM work programme) was also being considered on a cross regional basis by the West of England Joint Scrutiny. Councillor Pearce would report back on when that was due to take place. ACTION: Cllr Pearce to report back with date when known. - The impact of possible Metro Mayor elections would be considered when setting the work programme including the impact of any pre-election period (ACTION: DSO to confirm legal advice)
Resolution: An updated Work Programme to be circulated to Members |
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Update Report Guidance is sought fromScrutiny members on the level of approval and communication required for the formal update of the BCC Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS). Additional documents: Minutes: The Commission received a report from Flood Risk Officers which set out the BCC Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS). A formally updated version of the Strategy was due to be published in November 2016 following a period of appropriate consultation. The powerpoint presentation would be forwarded to Members on request. In response to the presentation the following comments were made:
- Members were very interested in the Sustainable Urban Drainage (SuDS) features presented as traffic calming measures as part of the Embleton Road trial. Members suggested that similar options should be provided to Neighbourhood Partnerships as part of Highways measures within the NP toolkit. Discussions should therefore take place with Highways Officers to make them more aware. Councillor Pearce and the wider Commission requested the design details (ACTION: Officers to provide to Members of the Commission and ensure the NP toolkit includes the offer of SuDS as a design solution) - It was confirmed that a third of planning applications that had been commented on by the Flood Team now included SuDS features. - In response to a query regarding persistent localised flooding, officers reported that a risk based approach now operated based on data and intelligence that officers had gained through studies such as the Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP). Using this approach, contractors resources were focused on the most at risk locations to ensure that gullies in those locations were attended to first when notifications of significant rainfall events are received from Met Office/Environment Agency. Maintenance contractors were then dispatched to clear any problem gullies. Specific enquiries from Councillors regarding certain streets should be directed to officers. - Sustainable Drainage Strategies were applied to new developments and are being used to inform comments on lanning applications. - Officers were liaising with colleagues in other Councils to mitigate the impact of flooding from developments just over the border into neighbouring authorities including with regular meetings of flood risk managers and other Risk Management Authorities such as Environment Agency and Wessex Water.
Councillor Khan left the meeting. |
Residents Parking Schemes Review To consider and comment on the update regarding Residents’ Parking Schemes (RPS) Minutes: The Scrutiny Commission received the report from the Team Manager, Projects Highways which outlined the operational detail of residents parking schemes for discussion ahead of a report to Cabinet later in the year.
The Chair had hoped for more information about the current local area review, the forward plan for the consultation and the next steps. The Service Director, Transport reported that the local area reviews in five areas had now commenced as outlined within the Mayor’s manifesto which would run until mid October. The feedback from the review surveys would then be considered before formal Traffic Regulation Orders were prepared.
Councillors had been asked to take the lead role in engaging with communities to encourage responses from local people about local schemes.
There was some concern that the review felt unsatisfactory and the following comments were made: · Councillors were expected to lead the engagement. However, officers had developed skills and processes for engaging and consulting with the public. Members had hoped that the processes involved should have been discussed with them prior to the consultation. · The online survey was criticised for being too ‘one size fits all’ and structured. A ‘free form’ field within the survey would allow comments to take account for local circumstances. To not have that facility would compress and oppress the responses that could be gathered. · As the survey was only available online there would be a group of residents who would not be able to engage. Councillors asked for further paper copies to be provided through Neighbourhood teams and community buildings. · Although officers listened to the public, there was then debate about whether those comments received were acted upon or implemented in response. · It was disappointing that the Spike Island review had been delayed for three months to allow for this group review process. · Councillors requested input into the process that would follow the survey and involvement in key decisions that may be required. · The initial understanding that the reviews would be led through the Neighbourhood Partnership had not happened and Councillors asked that the Neighbourhood Partnership structure be used more to help information and engagement with communities. · Customer care should be improved as often emails do not get a response and there was no answerphone to leave messages. · The specific example of Clifton was raised where there was anger that customer permits were being used for all day employee parking. There was some momentum towards litigation so assistance to find a resolution was requested.
Officers confirmed that any comments additional to those within the survey could be submitted via email separately.
It was confirmed that every submission to a TRO received a response within the objection report and an opportunity was given to ward Councillors for comment before it was signed off by Executive Order.
It was agreed that the comments of the Scrutiny Commission would be further considered by the party leads before being signed off and submitted to the consultation, officers and Cabinet Member. (ACTION: draft minutes to be discussed ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Quarter 1 Place Directorate Performance Report To note the Place Performance Report for 2016/17 Quarter One. Additional documents: Minutes: The Quarter One Performance Report for the Place Directorate was presented to the Commission and the following points were raised:
- With reference to BCP092 [Increase the number of affordable homes delivered in Bristol] Officers were asked to confirm when the target for this measure was likely to be set. ACTION: Officers to confirm - With reference to the Delivery of a range of projects to support the development and viability of Bristol's High Streets and Local Centres it was highlighted that focus on specific Business Improvement Districts missed any particular targets for 2016/17 for high streets in general where shops were shutting down. Clarity was requested on what measurements were used. Also, Members asked for further information on the consultation that was due to commence in September. ACTION: Officers to confirm. - With reference to BCP151 [Number of tourists to the City],152 [Number of visitors to Bristol Museums Galleries and Archives Service]and 121 [Increase the economic output measured by annual Gross Value Added (GVA) (£m)]clarification was sought as to why a lower target had been set than achieved in previous years. ACTION: Officers to confirm - Members requested the financial figures for the revenue budget against each of the Place directorate areas, performance against revenue budget (year to date). The Commission requested that this information be presented as part of the next report, and it can be considered whether it would continue to be helpful in future. ACTION: Officers to add to next report. |