- Agenda and decisions Content
Agenda and decisions
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Sam Wilcock
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item |
Welcome and Safety Information Members of the public intending to attend the meeting are asked to please note that, in the interests of health, safety and security, bags maybe searched on entry to the building. Everyone attending this meeting is also asked please to behave with due courtesy and to conduct themselves in a reasonable way.
Please note: if the alarm sounds during the meeting, everyone should please exit the building via the way they came in, via the main entrance lobby area, and then the front ramp. Please then assemble on the paved area in front of the building on College Green by the flag poles.
If the front entrance cannot be used, alternative exits are available via staircases 2 and 3 to the left and right of the Conference Hall. These exit to the rear of the building. The lifts are not to be used. Then please make your way to the assembly point at the front of the building. Please do not return to the building until instructed to do so by the fire warden(s).
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Mayor and Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Matters referred to the Mayor for reconsideration by a scrutiny commission or by Full Council (subject to a maximum of three items)
Chair's Business To note any announcements from the Chair |
Homelessness Prevention Grant 2023 - 2025 and accommodation for ex-offenders (AFEO) bid Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Noted the Homelessness Prevention Grant allocations of £3,076,538 for 23/24 and £3,211,501 for 24/25. 2. Noted the submission of a bid for funding to the Accommodation for Ex-Offenders scheme (AFEO) and the subsequent award of £538,120 for 2023-25. 3. Authorised the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration in consultation with Cabinet Member Housing Delivery and Homes to enter into a grant agreement/Memorandum of Understanding to accept and spend the AFEO funding of £538,120. 4. Authorised the Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes to take all steps required to spend the Homelessness Prevention Grant allocations for 23/24 and 24/25 and AFEO 23-25 funding as outlined in the report, including procuring and awarding contracts (which may be over £500k) in line with the procurement routes and maximum budget envelopes set out in this report. 5. Authorised the Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration to invoke any subsequent extensions/variations specifically defined in the contract(s) being awarded, up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in this report. 6. Authorised the Executive Director – Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes to take all steps required to amend the planned expenditure for the grants within the overall budget envelope set out in the report.
Approval of the Company Business Plans – Bristol Waste, Goram Homes & Bristol Holding Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet: In relation to Goram Homes Limited: 1. Approves the 2023/2024 Business Plan of Goram Homes Limited (company number 11597204) In relation to Bristol Waste Company Limited: 2. Approves the 2023/2024 Business Plan of the Bristol Waste Company Limited (company number 09472624) In relation to Bristol Holding Limited: 3. Approves the 2023/2024 Business Plan of Bristol Holding Limited (company number 09485669)
Goram Homes - Pipeline of Housing Development Sites Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet 1. Noted the update on the current status of each site previously approved for allocation to the Goram Homes pipeline, as set out in Appendix A1. 2. Approvde the allocation of additional sites to the Goram Homes development pipeline as set out in Appendix A2. 3. Noted that the disposal of sites referred to in Appendix A1 and A2 as Baltic Wharf, Car Park adjacent to SS Great Britain, A & B Bond, The Grove, Prince St car park and Western Harbour will be subject to agreement by the Harbour Authority.
Whitehouse Street Framework and Bedminster Green Regeneration Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet: Whitehouse Street Recommendations: 1. Approved the Whitehouse Street Regeneration Framework and noted that it will be a material planning consideration in the determination of planning applications. 2. Authorised the Director Economy of Place to extend the ‘Threshold’ approach in the Affordable Housing Practice Note 2022 to cover the Whitehouse Street Regeneration Framework Area until 31st December 2024. 3. Approved up to £600k SCIL funding to develop outline designs and business case for the highways and public realm and associated costings to inform future funding bids. 4. Authorised Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Mayor to procure and award the contract(s) (which may be over £500k) necessary to develop the outline designs and business case for the highways and public realm works. 5. Authorised the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Mayor to spend the approved funding as outlined in this report. 6. Authorised the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and Mayor, to explore, submit funding bids, accept any funding award and enter into funding agreements for business support packages. 7. Noted the consultation reports at Appendix B. Bedminster Green Recommendations 8. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Mayor, to enter into all necessary contracts by way of direct award (for goods, works or services) to expedite delivery of the river restoration and flood alleviation works on Plots 1 and 3 in Bedminster Green, within the previous funding allocation as set out and approved in November 2021 Cabinet report.
Future of Youth Services Additional documents: Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Approved our approach to the development and grant funding of youth services within Bristol across the next 7 years. 2. Approved the creation of a Career Coaching function as part of Post 16 Participation Team from June 2023. 3. Authorised the Executive Director Children and Families to take all steps required:- • to extend the current Targeted Youth Services contracts until 30th September 2023 at a cost of up to £440k for 4 months. • Create the Career Coaching function at a cost of up to £200k per annum for 7 years. • To agree grant terms and enter into grant agreements to award grants for youth services across the next 7 years at a total cost of £6m.
UK Shared Prosperity Fund Additional documents: Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Authorised the Executive Director (Growth and Regeneration) in consultation with Director for Finance and Cabinet Member Public Health and Communities to take all steps required to submit the bids and if successful, accept and spend funding from West of England Combined Authority’s (WECA) UKSPF Communities & Place programme for the following proposals: - Place based interventions - enterprise, skills and sector support; - High street recovery and renewal programme extension; - Bristol Libraries BIPC Business Centres; - Volunteer parks; - Community hubs for community resilience, subject to the bids, funding and grant protocols being agreed with WECA. 2. Authorised the Executive Director (Growth and Regeneration) in consultation with Cabinet Member with responsibility for City Economy, Finance and Performance to agree the Full Business Case and if approved, enter into grant agreement with WECA to spend the allocation from the Supporting Business Programme for a Local Enterprise Support programme. 3. Authorised the Executive Director for Children and Education, in consultation with the Director for Finance, and the Deputy Mayor - Children Services, Education and Equalities, to agree the Full Business Case and if approved, enter into grant agreement with WECA to spend the funding to develop the UKSPF People and Skills programme to deliver the agreed projects from 2024/25 as outlined in this report.
Sufficiency Strategy for Children in Care and Care Leavers 2023-2025 Additional documents: Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Approved the Sufficiency Strategy for Children in Care and Care Leavers 2023-2024 for publication.
Recommissioning of services for Local Healthwatch Additional documents: Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Noted that the 2022/23 LRCV grant has been received and totals £290,662 and includes local Healthwatch funding of £119,525. 2. Authorised the Executive Director Adults and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member Public Health and Communities and the Director of Communities & Public Health to take all steps required to accept and spend the allocated funding component of the Local Reform and Community Voices grant in accordance with the grant requirements (including procuring and awarding contracts) to deliver Healthwatch services from 1 October 2024 and 30 September 2027 with provision to extend the contract by a further two years until 30 September 2029 . 3. Noted that the risk of either a reduction or loss of grant in future years will be reflected in the proposed contract. 4. Authorised the Executive Director Adults and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member Public Health and Communities and the Director of Communities & Public Health to invoke any subsequent extensions/variations specifically defined in the contract(s) being awarded.
Pathway to a single Adult Social Care framework: Existing Contracts Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet: 1. Noted the proposal to develop a single adult social care purchasing framework which will be brought back to Cabinet for approval as outlined in this report and Appendix A. 2. Authorised the Executive Director Adults and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Integrated Systems to extend the current care and support contracts at Extra Care Housing Care schemes via a direct award until 31 March 2024 at a cost of c£6.7m and apply any inflationary uplifts as agreed in the contract. 3. Authorised the Executive Director Adults and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Integrated Systems to extend the current contracts for Advocacy services via a contract variation until 31 March 2024 at a cost of £176,646 for three months, and apply any inflationary uplifts as agreed in the contract. 4. Authorised the Executive Director Adults and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Integrated Systems to extend the current contract for care and support with HMP Bristol via a variation at a cost of £65,508 for four months, and apply any inflationary uplifts as agreed in the contract. 5. Authorised the Executive Director Adults and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Integrated Systems to extend the current contract for Night-time care and support in line with the contract terms and conditions, at a cost of £466,495 for four months, and apply any inflationary uplifts as agreed in the contract.
Bristol One Front Door Service – Extension Funding Opportunity Additional documents: Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Authorised the Executive Director, Children and Education, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education and Equalities, to take all steps required to accept and spend the WECA Grant of £695,500 as outlined in this report. 2. Noted that the Employment, Skills and Learning Team will develop and manage the programme and fulfil all funding monitoring and reporting requirements.
Portway Park & Ride Rail Station Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Approved a request for an additional £1.2m from WECA to fund additional NR costs and £0.2m for BCC costs. 2. Approved the request for up to £0.2m of revenue operating costs from WECA over three years. 3. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member Transport, to take all steps required to submit the requests for additional funding and if approved, negotiate and enter into any required grant agreements with WECA to enable this funding to be drawn down and spent on the project as outlined in this report. 4. Noted the completion of the Portway Park & Ride Rail Station, which will open to passengers by summer 2023.
Hard Facilities Management (FM) Contract Extension Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Deputy Mayor - Finance, Governance and Performance to take all steps required to exercise the option to extend the Repair and Maintenance contract for a further 12 months, not exceeding relevant approved revenue and capital budgets, as outlined in this report
Additional documents: Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Approved the revised scope of the Capricorn Quay project as outlined in this report. 2. Authorised the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Mayor, to take all steps to accept and spend £480,000 of WECA funding to install floating eco-systems around new pontoons at Capricorn Quay. 3. Authorised the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Mayor, to make further applications to WECA’s Green Infrastructure Fund for funding of eco system projects in the harbour (including for sums in excess of £500k). 4. Noted the Harbour Authority have been consulted and have ratified the proposals put forward by this report.
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Noted the proposed indicative funding allocations of £8.272m of WECA CRSTS maintenance and ITB and £1m internal funding, totalling £9.272m for 2023-2024. 2. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to take all steps required to accept and spend up to £9.272m of WECA CRSTS maintenance, ITB, and local funding as outlined in this report. Legacy area committee schemes, where delivery has been delayed by various factors and budget originally set in previous year, are subject to sign off by the Mayor in line with the terms of reference of Area Committee operation. 3. Noted that the underspend from the financial year 2022-23 will be considered for carry forward as part of the overall capital outturn report. 4. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to take all steps necessary to procure and award any contracts (including any contracts over the key decision threshold) necessary to deliver the works identified in Appendix A.1 as maintenance or minor works and any reaming works from last year; making use of existing term contracts and/or approved frameworks where appropriate, up to the budget ceiling identified in Appendix A.1. 5. Authorise the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to make reasonable changes to the programme of works to ensure delivery of the programme, in accordance with the Council’s scheme of financial delegations
Financial update report - March 2023 Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet: 1. Approved to accept the DHLUC, Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) allocation of c.£4.18m capital grant funding and to revise Capital Programme budgets accordingly. Details are as set out in Appendix A2. 2. Approved to accept Drug Strategy Housing Support Fund revised allocation of £1.419m grant funding and to adjust Revenue budgets accordingly. Details are as set out in Appendix A3. 3. Approved to accept the Get Councils Building HE Grant and to revise Capital programme budgets accordingly for utilisation of the £100,000 grant. See Appendix A5. 4. Approved to accept the additional Adult Social Care grant funding allocation of £462,219 and to adjust revenue budgets accordingly. Details are as set out in Appendix A6. 5. Noted the General Fund risk adjusted forecast overspend of £15.0m, and residual gap of £8.2m following latest approved supplementary estimates noting the position will continue to be closely monitored and mitigations explored; however, it is likely that a further Supplementary Estimate may be required prior to the end of the financial year and should this be required appropriate approvals will need to be sought from Cabinet / Council. 6. Noted the forecast overspend of £6.4m within the HRA (with actual end of year position being funded by a transfer to or from the HRA general reserve). 7. Noted the forecast in-year deficit of £17.4m accumulating to a total £42.0m carried forward deficit in the DSG for 2023/24, and that the Council and the Schools Forum are developing a mitigation plan which will seek to address the High Needs overspend. 8. Noted the forecast £25.4m underspend (excluding corporate contingencies), £16.1m within the General Fund and £9.3m within the HRA against the latest approved Capital Programme’s Budget. 9. Noted the utilisation of capital financing budget surplus to fund the Digital Transformation Programme spend 2022/23, and Transformation resources earmarked within the flexible use of capital receipt strategy and thereafter the wider revenue budget. 10. Noted the delivery model for the new Energy Bill Support Scheme Alternative Funding Grant (EBSS AF) of £1.9m Further details set out in Appendix A4.