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Agenda and decisions

Venue: Conference Hall - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions

Contact: Oliver Harrison 

Link: Watch Live Webcast

No. Item


Welcome and Safety Information

Members of the public intending to attend the meeting are asked to please note that, in the interests of health, safety and security, bags maybe searched on entry to the building.  Everyone attending this meeting is also asked please to behave with due courtesy and to conduct themselves in a reasonable way.


Please note: if the alarm sounds during the meeting, everyone should please exit the building via the way they came in, via the main entrance lobby area, and then the front ramp. Please then assemble on the paved area in front of the building on College Green by the flag poles.


If the front entrance cannot be used, alternative exits are available via staircases 2 and 3 to the left and right of the Conference Hall. These exit to the rear of the building. The lifts are not to be used. Then please make your way to the assembly point at the front of the building.  Please do not return to the building until instructed to do so by the fire warden(s).



Public Forum

Up to one hour is allowed for this item


Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum. Petitions, statements and questions received by the deadlines below will be taken at the start of the agenda item to which they relate to.


Petitions and statements (must be about matters on the agenda):

• Members of the public and members of the council, provided they give notice in writing or by e-mail (and include their name, address, and ‘details of the wording of the petition, and, in the case of a statement, a copy of the submission) by no later than 12 noon on the working day before the meeting, may present a petition or submit a statement to the Cabinet.


• One statement per member of the public and one statement per member of council shall be admissible.


• A maximum of one minute shall be allowed to present each petition and statement.


• The deadline for receipt of petitions and statements for the *name date*

 Cabinet is 12 noon on *name deadline date*. These should be sent, in writing or by e-mail to: Democratic Services, City Hall, College Green,Bristol, BS1 5TR




Questions (must be about matters on the agenda):

• A question may be asked by a member of the public or a member of Council, provided they give notice in writing or by e-mail (and include their name and address) no later than 3 clear working days before the day of the meeting.


• Questions must identify the member of the Cabinet to whom they are put.


• A maximum of 2 written questions per person can be asked. At the meeting, a maximum of 2 supplementary questions may be asked. A supplementary question must arise directly out of the original question or reply.


• Replies to questions will be given verbally at the meeting. If a reply cannot be given at the meeting (including due to lack of time) or if written confirmation of the verbal reply is requested by the questioner, a written reply will be provided within 10 working days of the meeting.


• The deadline for receipt of questions for the XXXXXX Cabinet is 5.00 pm on XXXXXXXX. These should be sent, in writing or by e-mail to: Democratic Services, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR.

Democratic Services e-mail:



When submitting a question or statement please indicate whether you are planning to attend the meeting to present your statement or receive a verbal reply to your question




Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest from the Mayor and Councillors.  They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.



Matters referred to the Mayor for reconsideration by a scrutiny commission or by Full Council

(subject to a maximum of three items)




Reports from scrutiny commission


Chair's Business

To note any announcements from the Chair


Bedminster Green Framework pdf icon PDF 159 KB

Additional documents:


1. Cabinet noted the joint work in developing the Framework document and supported it being a material consideration in determination of future planning applications.

2. Cabinet approved in principle the allocation of up to £6m Strategic CIL funds for the design and delivery of Bedminster Green strategic highway works and river restoration and flood alleviation works, subject to proposed amendments to the Regulation 123 list. Cabinet noted that this will be done through existing delegated authority by the Director (Development of Place) in association with the Cabinet Member (Strategic Planning and City Design) following completion of consultation on the proposed amendments.

3. Cabinet noted that a further report will be brought to Cabinet for the approval of detailed project proposals for the Bedminster Green strategic highway works and river restoration and flood alleviation works, including outline designs, costs, match funding proposals and the Strategic Transport Assessment for the Bedminster Green area.

4. Cabinet approved the proposal to extend the area and period of effect of the Affordable Housing Practice Note 2018 to (i) March 2021, or (ii) the date of the adoption of the new Local Plan, whichever is the earlier, to include the Greater Bedminster area, recognising that the AHPN is an interim measure that does not introduce new policy but provides guidance and supports the implementation of the existing Bristol Local Plan.

5.a. Cabinet noted the details of the development agreement for Plot 5 of the Bedminster Green Framework area (as detailed in plan 1 at Appendix I), including present negotiations for the acquisition of interests to satisfy the tenant and title obligations under the development agreement.

5.b. Cabinet noted that If the acquisition of the interests on Plot 5 by agreement cannot be achieved within the time frame officers judge necessary to efficiently progress and support the regeneration of the Bedminster Green area, the [Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration] will bring a further report to Cabinet outlining the alternative options that the Council could consider in relation to acquiring such interests.

5.c. Cabinet noted the benefits of the proposed developments within the Bedminster Green Framework for bringing an increased population to bolster existing traders and encourage and sustain new enterprises within the Bedminster Business Improvement District (BID) and confirms the Council’s ongoing commitment to working with Bedminster BID to forward the regeneration of East Street.

5.d. Cabinet noted the opportunity Bedminster Green brings for investment in employment and skills to help equalise and diversify employment opportunities and to achieve both inclusive and sustainable economic growth.


Proposal to construct new secondary school and new community building at Daventry Road, Knowle pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Additional documents:


1. Cabinet authorised the transfer of Bristol City Council freehold land interest to Education and Skills Funding Agency in full as set out in Appendix A of the report


2. Cabinet noted that this is conditional on the ESFA granting an interim lease to Park Community Trust of the whole pending completion of the new community facility on a smaller area of the site with transfer back of the freehold of that area to BCC subject to a 150 year lease to PCT.


3. Cabinet delegated authority to the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Finance, Governance and Performance, to make commercially prudent and non-material amendments to the terms set out in App A


Project Rainbow Eco Pods pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Additional documents:


1. Cabinet authorised the uplift in budget from £450,000 to £597,000 for Project Rainbow Eco Pods.


2. Cabinet delegated authority to the Service Director, Education, Learning & Skills to take all necessary steps to procure and award the contract in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education.



HealthWatch Service Recommissioning pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Additional documents:


1. Cabinet approved the recommissioning of HealthWatch Bristol (in a BNSSG partnership and subject to agreement from other local authorities) and with South Gloucestershire Council as lead.


2. Cabinet delegated authority to the Executive Director, Adults Children and Education, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Communities to take all necessary decisions in connection with the procurement and award the contract, through the procurement process led by S Glos as set out in the report.


3. Cabinet approved a temporary increase to the HealthWatch contract to £160,000 pa for 18/19, and 19/20 or until the recommissioned BNSSG services contract is in place.



Adult Social Care Recommissioning Advocacy Services pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


1. Cabinet approved the re-commissioning of adult social care advocacy services through a BCC procurement process for the period 1/10/19 to 31/09/24, to include authorisation for existing contracts to continue from the period 1/4/19 to 31/12/19 to enable the re-commissioning process to be undertaken.


2. Cabinet authorised the Executive Director Adults Children and Education in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care to take all necessary steps to procure the advocacy services and award the contracts.



West of England Waste Treatment Procurement Contract pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Additional documents:


1. Cabinet approved the award of Contracts set out below for treatment of residual waste for a period of 10 years (with an option to extend up to a further 10 years):

• Contract with Viridor Waste Management Limited for treatment of up to 120,000 tonnes of residual waste;

• Contract with SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Limited for treatment of up to 50,000 tonnes of residual waste; and

• Contract with ETM Recycling Limited for treatment of up to 45,500 tonnes of bulky residual waste

Conditional on the Inter-Authority Agreement referred to in recommendation 2 being agreed and entered into by BCC and the other Authorities prior to BCC entering into the Contracts.


2. Cabinet delegated Authority to the Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for waste, to negotiate and enter into all necessary legal agreement relating to the operation of Contracts including an Inter-Authority Agreement to deal with arrangements for extensions, tonnages and termination.


3. Cabinet noted the proposed change in arrangements for BWC managing waste and any impacts on the Council will be mitigated.



Joint Procured Litho & Digital Printing Framework Agreement pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


IT Programme, Future State Assessment - Delivery Partner and Procurement Approach pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


1. Cabinet approved the procurement of an FSA Delivery Partner via G-Cloud to an estimated value to not exceed £12m.


2. Cabinet delegated authority to the Executive Director Resources and Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Deputy Mayor to take all necessary steps to procure and award the contract.



APR 15 Clean Bus Technology Fund 2017-2019 Extension pdf icon PDF 125 KB

Additional documents:


1. Cabinet approved the submission of a funding bid to the Clean Bus Technology Fund 2017-2019 Extension Fund for up to £2,488,330.00


2. Cabinet authorised to the Director of Economy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, s151 officer and Head of Legal Services to agree the grant terms to deliver the proposal in the financial year 2019/20


2018/19 Period 9 Forecast Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Additional documents:


1. Cabinet noted the overall forecast outturn position for general funded services is a £0.1m underspend against the revised budget (Appendix A -Table 1).

2. Cabinet noted the forecast underspend position with regard to the Housing Revenue Account has increased by a further(£0.9m) to a forecast year end position of (£6.3m) (Appendix A4).

3. Cabinet noted the movement in the DSG forecast of (£0.06m), which reduces the forecast carry forward underspend to (£0.3m) (Appendix A5).

4. Cabinet noted the further reduction in required drawdown from Public Health reserve to £1.693m, from an original plan of £1.8m (Appendix A6).

5. Cabinet noted the current forecast capital spend of £150m against the capital programme budget of £163m (Appendix A– Table 4).

6. Cabinet noted the forecast movement in reserves of £25.6m (Appendix A - Table 6).