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Public Forum PDF 101 KB
Up to one hour is
allowed for this item
Any member of the public or Councillor may
participate in Public Forum. Petitions, statements and questions
received by the deadlines below will be taken at the start of the
agenda item to which they relate to.
Petitions and
statements (must be about matters on the agenda):
Members of the public and members of the council, provided they
give notice in writing or by e-mail (and include their name,
address, and ‘details of the wording of the petition, and, in
the case of a statement, a copy of the submission) by no later than
12 noon on the working day before the meeting, may present a
petition or submit a statement to the Cabinet.
One statement per member of the public and one statement per member
of council shall be admissible.
A maximum of one minute shall be allowed to present each petition
and statement.
The deadline for receipt of petitions and statements for the
9th March Cabinet is 12 noon on Monday 8th
March. These should be sent by e-mail to:
Questions (must be
about matters on the agenda):
A question may be asked by a member of the public or a member of
Council, provided they give notice in writing or by e-mail (and
include their name and address) no later than 3 clear working days
before the day of the meeting.
Questions must identify the member of the Cabinet to whom they are
A maximum of 2 written questions per person can be asked. At the
meeting, a maximum of 2 supplementary questions may be asked. A
supplementary question must arise directly out of the original
question or reply.
Replies to questions will be given verbally at the meeting. If a
reply cannot be given at the meeting (including due to lack of
time) or if written confirmation of the verbal reply is requested
by the questioner, a written reply will be provided within 10
working days of the meeting.
The deadline for receipt of questions for the 9th March
Cabinet is 5.00 pm on Wednesday 3rd March. These should
be sent by e-mail to:
If you wish to
attend the virtual meeting to speak to your statement/ask your
question, you must register by 4pm on Friday 5th March
by contacting:
Additional documents:
3. |
Apologies for Absence
4. |
Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of
interest from the Mayor and Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda
item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a
disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest
made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests
should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for
5. |
Matters referred to the Mayor for reconsideration by a scrutiny commission or by Full Council
(subject to a
maximum of three items)
6. |
Reports from scrutiny commission PDF 62 KB
Additional documents:
7. |
Chair's Business
To note any announcements from the Chair
8. |
Bristol Avon Flood Strategy PDF 281 KB
Additional documents:
- Approved the preferred approach of
adaptive raised defences to manage the risk of flooding from the
river Avon as set out in the SOC in full;
- Noted capital costs for delivery of
phase one is estimated at £216m, of which £88m to
£123m funding is identified in principle;
- Approved the development of a
funding strategy to address the additional capital funding required
to deliver phase one;
- Noted additional spend in developing
the SOC of £475,438 as set out in Appendix A1;
- Approved the development of Outline
Business Case(s) to further refine proposals and progress the case
for investment;
- Authorised an application for up to
£2m local levy grant funding to fund supporting work in
developing the Outline Business Case;
- Authorised the Executive Director
for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the S151 officer
and Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Performance, to
accept the grant if successful and take all steps required to enter
into any agreements or contracts to spend the grant;
- Authorised the Executive Director
for Growth and Regeneration to invoke any extensions/variations
defined in the contracts referred to above, up to the budget
envelope of £2m as outlined in this report.
9. |
Temple Quarter Development Update PDF 263 KB
Additional documents:
- Authorised the Executive Director
for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Mayor and the
Working Group, to finalise and implement proposals for detailed
engagement and consultation for the Temple Quarter Development
Framework as set out in the report.
- Authorised the Executive Director of
Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Mayor, Deputy
Mayor, Finance Governance and Performance, the S.151 Officer, and
Director of Legal Services to seek reallocation of £560k of
WECA Early Investment Fund through WECA’s change control
process and to bid for and use £500k of Housing and
Regeneration Enabling Fund grant funding and to defray those monies
on staffing costs in accordance with the WECA approvals.
- Authorised the Executive Director
for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Mayor, Deputy
Mayor, Finance Governance and Performance, the S.151 Officer, and
Director of Legal Services, to agree the final schedule of enabling
works to support the opening up and servicing of the Temple Island
site, to secure the variation of any WECA approvals necessary, and
to defray this funding in accordance with the terms of the funding
decision and in line with all appropriate procurement routes.
- Authorised the Executive Director of
Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor,
Finance Governance and Performance, the S.151 Officer, and Director
of Legal Services to agree the detailed terms on which any monies
allocated to the Temple Quarter project by central government are
received by the four parties to the bid (BCC, WECA, Homes England
and Network Rail), to agree the detailed terms of the Inter
Authority Agreement between the partners to defray such monies, and
to receive and defray any portion of those monies subsequently
allocated to the Council under separate project Funding
- Noted that further reports will be
received setting out progress with the actions set out in the
report and the Development generally.
10. |
Imperial Apartments (Phase 2) PDF 246 KB
Additional documents:
- Authorised the Executive Director -
Growth and Regeneration – to negotiate and enter into a
nomination agreement as set out in the report with Caridon for
Imperial Apartments (Phase Two) in line with the maximum budget
envelopes outlined in this report.
- Noted the revenue funding
11. |
Goram Homes Land Disposal PDF 132 KB
Additional documents:
- Approved the indicative pipeline of
sites (Appendix A) for transfer to Goram Homes Limited at the prevailing market
- Authorised the Executive Director:
Growth & Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member
for Housing and the Director: Finance to approve the transfer of
this pipeline of sites to Goram Homes
Limited on terms to be agreed.
12. |
Future Commitment of Bristol City Council to the UK Government Resettlement Scheme PDF 152 KB
Additional documents:
- Approved the target to resettle at
least 15 families or 80 people a year under the Government’s
UK Resettlement Scheme’s arrivals in 2021-22.
- Approved the target to resettle at
least 15 families or 80 people a year if the Government extends the
UK Resettlement Schemes for new arrivals in from 2022-25.
- Authorised the Executive Director
People in consultation with the Cabinet Member Adult Social Care to
implement the Bristol Resettlement scheme at a cost of £1.6m
in 2021-22 which is fully funded by the Home Office Grant.
- Authorised, subject to the extension
of the UK Resettlement Schemes for new arrivals from 2022-25 and
full funding by the Home Office Grant, the Executive Director
People in consultation with the Cabinet Member Adult Social Care to
implement the Bristol Resettlement scheme at a cost of £1.6m
per year from 2022-25.
13. |
Cumberland Road Stabilisation Project PDF 284 KB
Additional documents:
- Approve the additional allocation of
Capital expenditure of £2,491,190.61 to complete the full
Project, based on the revised Qualitative Risk Assessment (QRA)
undertaken and the detailed substantiation’s given in this
- Authorise the Executive Director
Growth and Regeneration to take all steps required to spend the
additional allocation to complete the full project.
14. |
Harbour and New Cut Condition Assessment Survey PDF 290 KB
Additional documents:
- Approved the allocation of
£2.5m from the Capital Programme to address the
£1.0m to replace footbridge structure at Underfall Yard Sluices;
£500k to undertake immediate monitoring of all identified
critical structures within the next two years; and
£1.0m to undertake further structural and geotechnical
investigations within the next two years.
- Authorised the Executive Director
Growth and Regeneration (in consultation with the Cabinet Member
for Transport and Energy) to take all steps required to procure and
commission contractors to undertake the necessary services /
15. |
Advertising and Sponsorship Policy PDF 143 KB
Additional documents:
- Approved the Policy and associated
Policy Guidance Note as set out in Appendix Ai.
- Noted that the Policy would take
immediate effect upon approval and should be applied to all future
advertising and sponsorship arrangements.
16. |
HR Recruitment Advertising and Public Notices Commissioning PDF 247 KB
Additional documents:
- Approved the commissioning of a HR
recruitment advertising and Public Notices contract using the
Eastern Shires Procurement Organisation framework from 5th July
2021 for up to 4 years at a cost of £500k per annum.
- Authorised the Director of Workforce
and Change to award a contract to a HR recruitment advertising and
Public Notices provider to supply services under the ESPO framework
for up to four years with effect from July 2021 in consultation
with the Deputy Mayor – Finance, Governance and Performance
and the Director of Finance (Section 151 Officer).
17. |
Social Value Policy Review PDF 221 KB
Additional documents:
1. Approved the updated Social Value Policy as
set out at appendix A.
18. |
Building Practice Capital Programme Budget Allocation 2021/22 PDF 255 KB
Additional documents:
- Approved the Building Practice
Capital Programme Budget Allocation 2021/22 as set out in Appendix
- Authorised the Executive Director
Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member and Deputy Mayor
– Finance, Governance and Performance to take all steps
required including procuring and awarding contracts, in relation
the works identified at Appendix A at a cost of up to
19. |
Integrated Transport Block and Highways Maintenance Funding Allocations 20/21 PDF 255 KB
Additional documents:
- Approved the budget allocations of
the WECA integrated Transport Block fund, Highways Maintenance
fund, and associated Highways incentive fund for financial year
2021/22, to the figures agreed with WECA. Figures are as follows
– confirmed by WECA on 03/02/21.
- Highways Capital Maintenance
- Integrated Block £2,743,000;
- Incentive Funding
- Authorised the Executive Director
Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member
for Transport and Energy, (within the budgets identified above) to
take all steps necessary to procure and appoint contractors to
carry out all works identified in Appendix A, making use of the
existing term contract and/or approved frameworks, where
- Authorised the Executive Director
Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member
for Transport and Energy, to make reasonable changes to the
programme of works to ensure delivery of the programme, in
accordance with the Council’s scheme of financial
20. |
Youth Zones - Progress to Outline Business Case PDF 270 KB
Additional documents:
- Approve progression of the Youth
Zones Project to Outline Business Case.
- Approve the application for grant
funding from the Youth Investment Fund which, if successful, will
reduce the LA reliance on Covid
Recovery Capital Funding for this project.
- Note the proposal for Onside to
attract £4.2m of funding to match fund the BCC contribution
towards a Youth Zone with a total build cost of £8.4m
- Note the proposal that ongoing
revenue funding of £400k per year (30% of operating costs)
will be sourced through the re-commissioning of youth services and
that these plans will also be submitted to Cabinet for
21. |
Troubled Families - Data Accelerator Bid PDF 240 KB
- Approved the submission of a MHCL
Data Accelerator Bid in collaboration with all local authorities in
Avon and Somerset police area, including police and health
- Authorised, if the bid is
successful, the Executive Director, People in consultation with the
Cabinet Member for Women, Families and Homes to take all steps
necessary spend the funding including procuring and awarding
contracts to implement the work.
- Noted that the funding bid will
include a commitment to work with key statutory partners covering
the Avon and Somerset Police area on exemplar data projects,
information sharing arrangements, the development of best practice
relating to ethics and information governance, and the use of data
analytics to identify and support targeted work to complement early
intervention approach across the area.
22. |
Enhanced Substance Misuse Support and Treatment Services Funding PDF 216 KB
- Approved the acceptance of the
allocated funding, expected to be around £1m, for enhanced
substance misuse support and treatment services and for Bristol to
be an accelerator site;
- Authorised the Executive Director
People in consultation with Cabinet Member Communities and Public
health and the Director of Communities and Public Health to spend
the funding and procure and award contracts necessary to implement
the services.
23. |
Bristol Holding Company - Business Plans PDF 158 KB
Additional documents:
In relation to Bristol Holding Limited,
- Approved the business plan of
Bristol Holding Limited, in respect of financial year
In relation to Bristol Waste Company Limited,
- Approved the business plan of
Bristol Waste Company Limited, in respect of financial year
2021/2022, including (subject to incorporation into the council
budget for approval by Full Council) approval of additional loan
funding of up to £2.8m to Bristol Waste Company Limited for
the purposes of implementing Avonmouth Phase 2 (as outlined in the
appendices), and to delegate authority to the s 151 officer, in
consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and
Performance, to agree the terms of such loan.
- Noted that Bristol Waste Company
Limited has an existing £12m loan facility with the council,
as approved by Cabinet in December 2018, to support the replacement
of its collection vehicle fleet and that £0.7m of that loan
funding will be applied as a contribution towards the CAZ fleet
replacement outlined in the exempt appendices.
In relation to Goram Homes Limited, Cabinet:
- Approved the business plan of
Goram Homes Limited, in respect of
financial year 2021/2022, including approval of up to £10m
additional loan funding (subject to incorporation into the council
budget for approval by Full Council) for the purposes of the next
development pipeline to be transferred from the council to
Goram (“Pipeline 2”) and to
delegate authority to the Executive Director: Growth &
Regeneration, in consultation with the s 151 officer and the
Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Performance, to agree
the terms of this arrangement.
Cabinet noted:
there is an existing £3.3m working capital facility agreement
in place between the council and Goram
Homes in respect of Romney House and Baltic Wharf (“Pipeline
1”), pursuant to Cabinet approval granted in September
the council has earmarked £3m as a potential capital
contribution to Pipeline 1, pursuant to Cabinet approval granted in
September 2018, although this remains subject to commercial
in respect of the land at Romney House that the council is
transferring to Goram, the council has
entered into a deferred payment arrangement (i.e. receipt of loan
notes) in respect of the land value (£13m), which is due to
be repaid by the close of financial year 2024/2025; and
it is anticipated that a similar deferred payment arrangement will
be entered into in respect of the Baltic Wharf site, but this
remains subject to commercial negotiation.
24. |
Bristol Beacon PDF 298 KB
Additional documents:
- Recognised the importance of the
Bristol Beacon to the city’s cultural offer and in doing so,
approves the revised cost envelope of £106.9m and
incorporating the following (total increase of £58.1m in
addition to £48.8m previously approved):
£3.405m WECA funding for project inflation (approved by WECA
in June 2020)
£2.930m WECA further funding support (approved by WECA in
January 2021)
£6.201m from Arts Council England Kickstarter grant
£44.464 from Bristol City Council own capital programme and
resources funded by Prudential Borrowing (proposed to be released
from capital programme contingency)
£1.1m further funds to be raised by BMT;
- Authorised the Executive Director
for Growth & Regeneration in consultation with Cabinet Member
Finance, Governance and Performance, Section 151 officer and the
Monitoring officer to take all steps required to enter into any
contracts required and negotiate and agree changes to existing
contract terms to give effect to the above including;
Enter contracts for professional services required to complete the
Amend the construction contract to transfer risk and secure greater
cost and programme certainty;
Agree any new/additional terms of grant with any grant funding
25. |
APR15 - Holiday Activity Fund PDF 213 KB
Additional documents:
- Authorised acceptance of the
Department for Education (DfE) grant of £1,848,850 to fund
holiday activities and food programmes in 2020/21;
- Authorised the Executive Director
People in consultation with the Cabinet Member Education and Skills
to take all steps required to spend the funding including procuring
and awarding contracts where necessary to implement the activities
and programmes.
26. |
APR15 - Government Funding to Implement the Domestic Abuse Bill PDF 215 KB
- Approved the acceptance of the
allocated funding of £1,079,426 for 2021/22 to deliver the
statutory duties of the Domestic Abuse Bill.
- Approved the establishment of a
Domestic Abuse Partnership Board and a Collaborative Commissioning
Board to make joint recommendations on use of the funding to
commission Domestic Abuse Services in accordance with the decision
pathway process.
- Authorised the Executive Director
People in consultation with Cabinet Member Communities and Public
Health and the Director of Communities and Public Health to spend
the funding in accordance with the recommendations of the
Collaborative Commissioning Board and take all steps necessary to
procure and award contracts to meet the requirements of the
Domestic Abuse Bill.
27. |
Investment in Bristol's Leisure Facilities PDF 142 KB
Additional documents:
Cabinet noted:
- The principles for the developing
strategic direction for investment in leisure facilities in the
City and public consultation;
- That officers will bring another
report to Cabinet once the leisure investment strategy has been
further developed, including a decision on options for
- The outcome of public consultation
on the future of Jubilee Pool, the interim financial position
agreed and that a decision on its longer-term future will be
decided after public consultation on the wider strategy has taken
28. |
Mayoral Commission on Domestic Abuse PDF 227 KB
Additional documents:
Cabinet noted:
- the contents and recommendations of
the report of the Mayoral Commission on Domestic Abuse.
- that reports setting out the
council’s response to the statutory duties placed on the
local authority by the Domestic Abuse Bill will be brought to
Cabinet once the Bill is in force.
29. |
Corporate Business Plan & Performance Framework 2021/22 PDF 139 KB
Additional documents:
- Cabinet noted and supported the
final Business Plan 2021/22;
- Cabinet noted and supported the
Performance Framework 2021/22.