- Agenda and decisions Content
Agenda and decisions
- Attendance details
- Agenda frontsheet
PDF 603 KB
- Agenda reports pack
- Item 9 - Update on Temple Gate - Appendices attached
- 2022 Business Plan
- History Commission EqIA
- OSMB referral to Cabinet
PDF 844 KB
- Public Forum for Cabinet 5th April 2022
- Answers to Public Forum Questions
- Printed decisions
PDF 724 KB
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Sam Wilcock
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item |
Up to one hour is allowed for this item
Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum. Petitions, statements and questions received by the deadlines below will be taken at the start of the agenda item to which they relate to.
Petitions and statements (must be about matters on the agenda): • Members of the public and members of the council, provided they give notice in writing or by e-mail (and include their name, address, and ‘details of the wording of the petition, and, in the case of a statement, a copy of the submission) by no later than 12 noon on the working day before the meeting, may present a petition or submit a statement to the Cabinet.
• One statement per member of the public and one statement per member of council shall be admissible.
• A maximum of one minute shall be allowed to present each petition and statement.
• The deadline for receipt of petitions and statements for the 5 April Cabinet is 12 noon on Monday 4 April. These should be sent, in writing or by e-mail to: Democratic Services, City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR e-mail:
Questions (must be about matters on the agenda): • A question may be asked by a member of the public or a member of Council, provided they give notice in writing or by e-mail (and include their name and address) no later than 3 clear working days before the day of the meeting.
• Questions must identify the member of the Cabinet to whom they are put.
• A maximum of 2 written questions per person can be asked. At the meeting, a maximum of 2 supplementary questions may be asked. A supplementary question must arise directly out of the original question or reply.
• Replies to questions will be given verbally at the meeting. If a reply cannot be given at the meeting (including due to lack of time) or if written confirmation of the verbal reply is requested by the questioner, a written reply will be provided within 10 working days of the meeting.
• The deadline for receipt of questions for the 5 April Cabinet is 5.00 pm on Wednesday 30 March. These should be sent, in writing or by e-mail to: Democratic Services, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR. Democratic Services e-mail:
When submitting a question or statement please indicate whether you are planning to attend the meeting to present your statement or receive a verbal reply to your question
Additional documents: |
Welcome and Safety Information Members of the public intending to attend the meeting are asked to please note that, in the interests of health, safety and security, bags maybe searched on entry to the building. Everyone attending this meeting is also asked please to behave with due courtesy and to conduct themselves in a reasonable way.
Please note: if the alarm sounds during the meeting, everyone should please exit the building via the way they came in, via the main entrance lobby area, and then the front ramp. Please then assemble on the paved area in front of the building on College Green by the flag poles.
If the front entrance cannot be used, alternative exits are available via staircases 2 and 3 to the left and right of the Conference Hall. These exit to the rear of the building. The lifts are not to be used. Then please make your way to the assembly point at the front of the building. Please do not return to the building until instructed to do so by the fire warden(s).
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Mayor and Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Matters referred to the Mayor for reconsideration by a scrutiny commission or by Full Council (subject to a maximum of three items)
Reports from scrutiny commission |
Chair's Business To note any announcements from the Chair |
Recommendations of the We Are Bristol History Commission Decision: Cabinet: 1. Noted the content of the We Are Bristol History Commission “Colston Statue: What Next?” report including the six recommendations and three broader considerations, as outlined in this report. 2. Noted that, subject to recommendation 3, the Mayor and Cabinet will further consider which of the remaining recommendations will be taken forward and updated reports will be brought to a future Cabinet meeting with information on the steps and resources required to implement those recommendations in accordance with the decision-making pathway. 3. Authorised the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Mayor to implementing the statutory processes for regularising the removal of the statue, and accession of the object into the museum collection. |
Update on Temple Gate and Station Approach and Compulsory Purchase of the Grosvenor Hotel Appendices to follow Decision: Cabinet: 1. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor for Finance Governance & Performance, and Section 151 Officer, to progress and finalise details for a Compulsory Purchase Order(s) for the comprehensive regeneration and development of the land shown edged red on the draft Order Map attached to this report as plan 2 of Appendix M, including the detailed recommendations for the progression of the Compulsory Purchase Order(s) within section 16 of Appendix A, which will be included on the recording form of the decision. 2. Authorised the Executive Director of Growth & Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor for Finance Governance and Performance and the Section 151 Officer, to take all actions necessary to draw down and spend up to £4m EDF grant funding secured from the West of England Combined Authority (subject to conditions) for the George and Railway project, and to procure and enter in to contracts over £500,000 as detailed in the exempt Appendix I. 3. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance, Governance and Performance, to spend a capital budget of between £16.67m and £19.67m (including procuring and awarding contracts which may be over £500k) to enable the comprehensive regeneration of George and Railway, Temple Square 2 and Station Approach (subject to the full funding for Station approach being secured) as outlined in exempt Appendix I. This includes both the EDF funding of £4m and the CIL funding of £2.1m previously approved. 4. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor for Finance Governance & Performance, the Chief Financial Officer and the Monitoring Officer, to finalise the details of and complete the Joint Development and Land Agreements with Skanska UK Ltd/Railways Pensions Nominees Ltd for the development and sale/commercial letting of the George and Railway and Temple Square sites to contribute to the comprehensive regeneration of Temple Quarter. 5. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor for Finance Governance & Performance, the Chief Financial Officer and the Monitoring Officer, to exercise the Option under the Joint Development and Land Agreement with Skanska UK Ltd/Railways Pensions Nominees Ltd for the purchase of the Station Approach option land to contribute to the comprehensive regeneration of Temple Quarter and to undertake and complete all necessary legal processes to vest the legal ownership of Station Approach in the Council. 6. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Mayor for Finance Governance & Performance, the Chief Financial Officer and the Monitoring Officer, to work with Homes England and WECA to explore, secure, draw down and spend funding to secure the acquisition of the Station Approach option land by the public sector to include arrangements for the future governance and use of the site, noting that if the bid to secure external funding for the acquisition is successful any capital resources earmarked by the Council from its capital programme for the acquisition will be released back into ... view the full decision text for item 9. |
WITHDRAWN : Proposed Compulsory Purchase of 16 Branwhite Close and the Gainsborough Public House, Lockleaze This item has been withdrawn. |
Geographical Expansion of the e-scooter on-street rental trial Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration to take all steps required to expand the current on-street e-scooter rental trial operating area to cover the whole of Bristol until 30th November 2022.
Cashless Parking Contract Extension Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet:
Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND) Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Authorised the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for City Economy, Finance and Performance to accept and spend (including procuring and awarding contracts) the total awarded sum of £754,850 from the Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND) and Bristol Museum Development Trust over three years from April 2022.
Rough Sleeping Initiative (RSI) Services 2022-2025 Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet:
Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme (RSAP) Grant Funding Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet 1. Approved the submission of a bid to the Rough Sleeping Accommodation Program (RSAP) of £1,625,988 capital funding, £407,630 revenue funding for BCC and a maximum of £300,000 revenue for external providers to be allocated as outlined in this report. 2. Approved the use of match funding of £400,000 as outlined in this report. 3. Authorised, subject to successful grant award, the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes to accept and spend the DLUHC/Homes England grant funding of a maximum of £2,333,618 and match funding of £400,000, including procuring and awarding any contract(s) which may be over £500k, necessary for the continued implementation of RSAP, in-line with maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report, noting the associated Legal commentary. 4. Authorised Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration to invoke any subsequent extensions/variations specifically defined in the contract(s) being awarded, up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in this report. |
Funding for Housing Enabling Infrastructure in Filwood Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Approved the use of £705,000 funding from the Filwood Green Capital Receipt towards the following projects: a) up to £300,000 for the provision of a new Multi Use Games Area in Filwood and its maintenance, and infrastructure and floodlighting at the football pitches at Filwood Playing Fields; b) the residual amount for the provision and enhancement of Public Realm in Filwood Broadway. 2. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes, to allocate and spend funds from the Filwood Green Capital Receipt across the above projects as outlined in this report, and to procure all necessary contracts for relevant works, goods or services within the budget envelope detailed above.
Street Lighting LED upgrade and CMS rollout Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet: 1. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member Transport to take all steps necessary to use the existing contract for “Maintenance, installation and upgrading of highway electrical assets in the City of Bristol” to include the upgrading of LED lighting and hardware, as well as a provision of a smart CMS to deliver the LED/CMS street lighting network project at a cost of up to £12m.
City Regional Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) 2022-27 Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Noted the proposed indicative funding allocations of the WECA CRSTS funding of £190.99m for 2022-2026. 2. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to approve the acceptance of and spend up to £190.99m of WECA CRSTS funding once confirmed by WECA as outlined in this report. 3. Approved the proposed allocation of up to £38.20m of BCC local contribution required to secure the WECA CRSTS funding. 4. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and S151 officer, to make changes to the source of local contribution in accordance with the Council’s scheme of financial delegations. Details of local contribution requirements are included in Appendix A.1 and Appendix A.3. 5. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to bid for seed funding from WECA to enable the development of the necessary business cases required by WECA in order to access the WECA CRSTS funding. 6. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to take all steps necessary to procure and award any contracts (including any over £500k) necessary to develop the works identified in Appendix A.1 to the point of outline business case, making use of existing term contracts and/or approved frameworks where appropriate. 7. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to take all steps necessary to procure and award any contracts (including any over £500k) necessary to deliver the works identified in Appendix A.2 as maintenance, legacy or minor works, making use of existing term contracts and/or approved frameworks where appropriate, up to the budget ceiling identified in Appendix A.2. 8. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to make changes to the programme of works to ensure delivery of the programme, in accordance with the Council’s scheme of financial delegations. |
Appointment of preferred bidder for City Leap Energy Partnership Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Noted the appointment of Ameresco Limited as Preferred Bidder. 2. Approved the principle of the establishment of City Leap Energy Partnership Limited as a 50/50 joint venture between the Council and Ameresco Limited. 3. In relation to the transition phase of City Leap: a. Authorised the Executive Director, Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with Cabinet Member for Climate, Ecology, Waste and Energy, Deputy Mayor for Finance, Governance and Performance, Director of Legal and Democratic Services and Director of Finance, to take all steps required to finalise the terms of the City Leap Energy Partnership with the Preferred Bidder, in line with the commitments set out in section 4 of this report. b. Authorised the Director of Finance in consultation with the Deputy Mayor for Finance, Governance and Performance to draw down and spend up to £1.8m to fund the transition stage (being the stage from selection of Preferred Bidder to signature of contracts) which will include the project team and professional advisors. This sum will be funded from New Priority Investment Reserve. 4. Noted the re-purposing of part of the previously approved FY 2022/23 Energy Service base budget to fund the City Leap Client Function post transition. 5. Noted that further reports will be brought back to Cabinet: a. To agree the transfer of the council’s heat network assets into Bristol Heat Networks Limited and the financial and legal terms for the subsequent sale of Bristol Heat Networks Limited to the Strategic Partner, and b. To agree to enter into the necessary legal agreements to formalise the City Leap Energy Partnership. |
Adoption West Contract extension Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Noted the extension of the Commissioning Agreement for Adoption West for 3 months from 1 March 2022. 2. Authorised the Executive Director for People in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children to take all steps required to extend the Commissioning Agreement for Adoption West for five years to 28 February 2027 and implement the proposed variations in respect of the financial mechanism and service specification as detailed in the report. |
Violence Reduction Unit Grant Funding Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet member and Deputy Mayor - Children Services, Education and Equalities to submit a bid for funding (in partnership with the Avon and Somerset Constabulary’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner) to the Violence Reduction Unit and any associated Home Office VRU grant initiatives and if successful, to accept and spend the funding (including procuring and awarding contracts which may be over £500k) of up to £1.6 million as outlined in this report.
City Funds Limited Partnership Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Authorised the Director Finance to take all steps required to extend the term of the City Funds LP by 1 year from 10 years to 11 years.
Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Approved the Investment of £1.5m from Fair4All Funding. 2. Authorised the Director of Finance and Director of Legal in consultation with the Deputy Mayor - Finance, Governance and Performance to review and approve (subject to the necessary due diligence being carried out) the £1m external match funding investment into GWCU. 3. Approved the proposed merger of the GWCU and SVCU in principle subject to satisfactory due diligence being undertaken. 4. Authorised the Director of Finance in consultation with the Deputy Mayor and Cabinet member for Finance, Governance, Property and Culture, to take all steps required to implement the merger subject to subject to satisfactory due diligence being undertaken. |
Digital Transformation Plans and Update Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet:
Building Practice Capital Programme Budget Allocation 2022-2026 Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet:
P11 Finance Exception Report Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Noted the contents of the report and appendices. 2. Noted the allocations of additional Healthier Together Match Funding from NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG CCG) as identified in Appendix A. 3. Approved the submission of the change request to WECA for additional funding for South Bristol Industrial Workspace requesting that the project be allocated an additional £1.875m and if successful, authorise the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration to accept this funding and make the necessary adjustments to the Council’s budgets. 4. Approved the spending and funding proposals to implement the Living with Covid Framework as identified in the report (in Appendix a paragraph 3) and authorise the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member Communities, Public Health, One City to implement the plans and spending proposals as set out in the report. 5. Noted the Governments intentions to allocate an amount of £10,500 per person (with an additional top-up for child education) to Local Authorities to enable them to provide support to families from Ukraine to support them to rebuild their lives and fully integrate into communities. 6. Approved the Council’s Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund Policy for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. 7. Authorised the Director of Finance in consultation with the Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Finance, Governance and Performance to take decisions on award values under the Council’s Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund Policy. |
Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet 1. Noted the approval of the Private Housing Service Policy – Rogue landlord database and time period of a banning order Policy.
Business Plan and Performance Framework Business Plan to follow Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet: 1. Noted and supports the final Business Plan and Performance Framework 2022/23. |
Q3 Quarterly Performance Progress Report – Q3 2021/22 Decision: Cabinet: 1. Noted the report and measures underway to improve future performance. |