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Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Jeremy Livitt
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information PDF 103 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the evacuation procedure in the event of an emergency.
They also noted that Planning Application Number 22/01221/F – St Christopher’s School, Westbury Park, Bristol BS6 7JE had been withdrawn from the agenda to be reconsidered at a future meeting with the agreement of the Spokespersons of the Committee. |
Confirmation of Chair To note that Councillor Richard Eddy has been confirmed by 9th May 2023 Full Council AGM to act as Chair for the Development Control A Committee for 2023/24 Municipal Year. Minutes: It was noted that Councillor Richard Eddy had been appointed as Chair of the DCA Committee for 2023/24 Municipal Year. |
Confirmation of Vice-Chair To note that Councillor Philippa Hulme was confirmed by Full Council Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 9th May 2023 as Vice-Chair for DCA Committee for 2023/24 Municipal Year. Minutes: The Committee noted that Councillor Philippa Hulme had been appointed to act as Vice-Chair for the 2023/24 Municipal Year. |
Membership of Committee To note the following membership of Development Control A Committee for 2023/24 Municipal Year:
Councillor Richard Eddy (Chair) Councillor Philippa Hulme (Vice-Chair) Councillor Sarah Classick Councillor John Geater Councillor Fi Hance Councillor Tom Hathway Councillor Chris Jackson Councillor Steve Pearce Councillor Ed Plowden
Minutes: The Committee membership was noted as follows:
Councillor Richard Eddy (Chair) Councillor Philippa Hulme (Vice-Chair) Councillor John Geater Councillor Fi Hance Councillor Tom Hathway Councillor Farah Hussain Councillor Chris Jackson Councillor Ed Plowden Councillor Andrew Varney
The Committee noted that Councillor Sarah Classick and Councillor Steve Pearce had been incorrectly recorded as members on the Agenda Sheet. |
The Committee is requested to note its Terms of Reference as agreed by Full Council AGM on Tuesday 9th May 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Terms of Reference for Development Control Committees be noted. |
Proposed Dates of Future Meetings The Committee is requested to consider the proposed dates for meetings for the remainder of the 2023/24 Municipal Year as follows:
(all on Wednesdays and alternating between 2pm and 6pm as by established convention):
2pm on 31st May 2023 – Annual Meeting 6pm on 28th June 2023 2pm 9th August 2023 6pm 20th September 2023 2pm 1st November 2023 6pm 13th December 2023 2pm 24th January 2024 6pm 6th March 2024 2pm 24th April 2024
Minutes: The Committee noted the proposed dates of DCA Committee for the remainder of the 2023/24 Municipal Year as follows:
(all on Wednesdays alternating between 2pm and 6pm)
6pm on 5th July 2023 (replacing the date listed in the papers – 6pm on Wednesday 28th June 2023 – due to a potential clash with a PROWG Committee on 28th June) 2pm 9th August 2023 6pm 20th September 2023 2pm 1st November 2023 6pm 13th December 2023 2pm 24th January 2024 6pm 6th March 2024 2pm 24th April 2024
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest To note any interests relevant to the consideration of items on the agenda. Please note that any declarations of interest made at the meeting which are not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 26th April 2023 PDF 191 KB To agree the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED – that the minutes of the above meeting be confirmed as a correct record and signed by Councillor Richard Eddy. |
The Committee is requested to note any outstanding actions listed on the rolling Action Sheet for DCA Committee. Minutes: The Committee were advised that no update was yet available for the Wyevale Garden Centre Appeal but stated that he would advise the committee concerning progress as soon as practical.
It was noted that there were growing concerns in the community about this issue which needed to be addressed as soon as possible.
Action: Peter Westbury |
To note appeals lodged, imminent public inquiries and appeals awaiting decision. Minutes: The committee noted the situation in respect of Item Number 45 - Land To Rear Of 44 & 46 Wrington Crescent Bristol BS13 7EP Appeal against non-determination Construction of 2no. three bedroom semi-detached dwellings – appeal dismissed and costs awarded.
In response to a member’s question, officers advised that they would report back to the Committee on the details concerning this.
ACTION: Peter Westbury |
To note recent enforcement notices. Minutes: In responding to a member’s question concerning an update on the situation concerning enforcement, it was noted that it had not been possible to obtain a comparator record.
Therefore, a written update would be provided by officers at a future meeting, as indicated in the action sheet. |
Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum. The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda. Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-
Questions - Written questions must be received 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received in this office at the latest by 5pm on Wednesday 24th May 2023.
Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting. For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12 Noon on Tuesday 30th May 2023.
In accordance with previous practice adopted for people wishing to speak at Development Control Committees, please note that you may only be allowed 1 minute subject to the number of requests received for the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members of the Committee received Public Forum Statements in advance of the meeting.
The Statements were heard before the application they related to and were taken fully into consideration by the Committee prior to reaching a decision.
Councillor Eddy emphasized that Public Forum was limited to 30 minutes and one minute per speaker. Since the number of requests to speak had exceeded this limit, the speakers had been preselected to speak.
The following supplementary questions were asked by David Redgewell in response to the formal questions that he had submitted concerning Planning Application Number 22/03476/F – The Vassal Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds:
Supplementary Question 1: What progress has there been on a Section S106 Agreement for a public bus service to the centre of the city for a conference centre to enable disabled people to have a right of access and what discussions have taken place with WECA concerning this?
Officer Response: David Redgewell was referred to the presentation that would shortly be provided on this Planning Application. He also stated that work on Section 106 will begin if members were minded to approve the application.
Supplementary Question 2: As the adjacent Authority to South Gloucestershire, what discussions have taken place concerning a travel plan and access for disabled people for residents of both Local Authorities and also involving the West of England region (through WECA)?
Officer Response: We will consult with colleagues at S Gloucestershire and WECA as required. |
Planning and Development PDF 14 MB To consider the following Planning Applications: Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the following Planning Applications: |
22/03476/F - The Vassal Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds PDF 10 MB Minutes: Officers introduced this report and made the following points during their presentation:
· The planning application was for a C2 residential development with 14 units for the elderly and some office facilities, together with uses for a nursery, creche or day centre, a café and landscaping · The Committee was provided with information about Phases 1 and 2 of the development with primarily social housing · A plan showing the development was shown · 91 objections had been received to the application · There were concerns elated to overlooking at the site, the height of buildings, the fact that it was not in keeping with the street scene, parking and loss of community facilities, together with overlooking and overshadowing · A study commissioned by the agent showed that most shadowing was along the boundary · Concerns had been raised about the bus service and travel plans had been conditioned accordingly · The site was considered to be in a sustainable centre and was in keeping with what was required. The Committee was advised that it met sustainability targets · The benefits for the scheme were deemed to outweigh the negatives
The application was therefore deemed acceptable and recommended for approval.
In response to members’ questions, officers made the following comments:
· The Construction Management Plan was the key to ensuring that the effects of construction traffic and disturbance arising from it would be kept to a minimum · The travel plan would be conditioned to examine bus provision in liaison with South Gloucestershire and WECA as appropriate. There were Section 106 provisions available which could be used for this purpose · There was a positive net gain for biodiversity and carbon reduction included a 20% saving which met policy standards · The distance window to window from Willow Bed Close was around 30 metres which was deemed acceptable from a security point of view. In addition, the site would be floodlit. The main parts of the site will be public open space with passive surveillance from the staff office · The issue of disabled parking spaces would be controlled through condition 33 which required a Car Park Management Plan. The design was a scale flat roof · It would be possible within existing conditions to discuss usage with users and increase any blue badge facilities at that point. The Committee requested that officers ensure arrangements include sufficient provision for disabled parking on site ACTION: Pip Howson · The lighting plan will include a limit to the amount of luminescence and lux. There would be visual landscaping around the boundary · There would be a significant amount of tree planting and a landscape plan creating a green buffer with trees of differing heights
Councillors made the following comments:
· It was important that this site should continue to have a key role for people in community uses in the area · Bristol charities should be congratulated for coming forward with an imaginative scheme which also provides social affordable housing. · It was important that disabled parking is adequately protected · The implementation of a travel plan by officers was important · Amy development ... view the full minutes text for item 14a |
22/03924/P - Broadwalk Shopping Centre PDF 2 MB Minutes:
The Committee noted that it should only include issues that are germane to an outline planning application in its consideration of this item.
Officers introduced this report and made the following presentation:
• The scheme was for outline planning permission only with only access to the site being a key feature • All matters related to scale, detail design and landscaping are reserved for subsequent approval • The red line indicated those parts of the site not included in the proposed shopping centre • The site would provide a mix of uses including up to a maximum of 800 homes with F2 community uses • The indicative layout was set out. In principle the site could accommodate what was proposed • The areas highlighted in green on the plan set out the areas given over to public space. • The route through from Wells Road to Redcatch Park was set out, including details of height and planning permission • Following a viability assessment, 80 affordable homes were proposed. Any buildings that were demolished would be subject to a Section 106 agreement, planning conditions and reserved matters and would not be cleared until some time in the future • The site was within the Knowle/Broadwalk Town Centre and would result in a very small increase in shop frontage • There would be an economic benefit of a £200 Million investment with up to 500 jobs, a new pedestrian route and new community facilities including a library. The development would be phased with an initial development of 30 commercial units • The site was identified on the plan showing the area where height concentrated. The adopted policy says that new housing would be directed towards south Bristol with a staging post to establish if it could be accommodated in principle and how it would overlook the site
Officers recommended approval of the planning application subject to a legal agreement. In response to members’ questions, officers made the following comments:
• No detailed design was yet available. Whilst an initial assessment was that 420 dwellings could be achieved on site, this would be subject to a more detailed assessment including a financial feasibility study • The application had been accompanied by a viability appraisal with information from Savills broadly in accordance with this. Bristol City Council will appoint its own consultant to assess if the scheme is viable or not – the main area of difference is in benchmark land value, with the amount expected to receive about £4 Million less than estimated by Savilles which amounted to approximately 50 to 80 affordable units. • BCC’s affordable policy has a target percentage (30%) to be sought through negotiation subject to scheme viability. Although BCC might approve 10/20% housing, this does not confirm if it is housing compliant. This is the maximum it can afford but it will be reassessed to see if can get to 30% target • Since there is currently no detailed design, it was not yet possible to assess ... view the full minutes text for item 14b |
Date of Next Meeting Subject to the Committee’s decision under Agenda Item 6, the next meeting is scheduled to be held at 6pm on Wednesday 28th June 2023 in the Council Chamber, College Green, Bristol. Minutes: Following the decision made under Minute Number 9, it was noted that the next meeting would be held at 6pm on Wednesday 5th July 2023 in the Council Chamber, City Hall, College Green, Bristol. |