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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Bridge Campus, William Jessop Way, BS13 0RL

Contact: Norman Cornthwaite 

No. Item


Chairing Arrangements


Agreed – that Councillor Barry Clark be elected Chair for the duration of the Meeting.


Welcome and Introductions, Apologies for Absence pdf icon PDF 75 KB


Apologies were received from Councillors Harriett Clough and Tim Kent, and Inspector Nigel Colston.


Minutes of the last Meeting pdf icon PDF 279 KB

To confirm as a correct record

Matter/actions arising


Agreed – that the Minutes of the last Meeting of the N P are a correct record of the Meeting for signature by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors.  They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.




Councillor Clark – Agenda Item 8a Hengrove Community Centre.


Public Forum


Nothing was received.


Equalities Monitoring

Ariaf Hussain


Each attendee completed an Equalities Monitoring Form.


Neighbourhood Partnership AGM report 2016/17 including 2015/16 Financial Statement pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Ariaf Hussain/Norman Cornthwaite

Additional documents:


Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone.


N P Name – It was suggested that the name should describe the area rather than be simply the Ward names. However the general view was that the Ward names continue to be used for the name of the N P and this was agreed.


Membership and Chairing Arrangements – It was agreed that an election for Resident Representatives be held in September. It was also agreed that further discussions on the Chairing Arrangements take place at September N P Meeting.


Financial Operating Framework – It was agreed that all budgets be used across the whole area rather than splitting each between the two Wards. This will enable the N P to focus on its priorities.


Resolved – (1) that the name of the N P be confirmed as Stockwood and Hengrove and Whitchurch Park;


(2) that an election for Resident Representatives be held in September and that further discussions on the Chairing Arrangements take place at September N P Meeting;


(3) that the N C and N P Terms of Reference be confirmed and that all budgets be used across the whole area rather than splitting each between the two Wards;


(4) that the Devolved Neighbourhood Budget be noted;


(5) that the meeting schedule including sub groups and forums be noted; and


(6) that the financial statement and expenditure from 2015/16 be noted.




N P Budget 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 167 KB

Ariaf Hussain

Additional documents:


Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone.


He drew everyone’s attention to Agenda Item 8a and the application from Hengrove Community Centre for £8,000.


Trevor Hilliar raised two issues:


1.      The wording of the Agreement and BCC and whether it attaches any conditions to the spending of the money.

2.      Whether or not the S106 money must be spent within a mile of the site.


Ariaf Hussain stated that he would look into these issues and report back to the N P.


Resolved – (1) that the Budget be noted;


(2) that no changes are required;


(3) that allocations to the delivery of the N P Plan be agreed where appropriate; and


(4) that the application from Hengrove Community Centre for £8,000 be approved.


Wellbeing Report pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Ariaf Hussain

Additional documents:


Ariaf Hussain introduced this report and summarised it for everyone.


In response to questions, Ian Sinclair explained that The ARK is a project run on a Friday for children from Reception to Year 6 and includes participation in creative arts and sports, etc. It is run to support local families and has 150 children on the books. This number is limited by staff numbers.


New Horizons is a new project aimed at older people especially those who are isolated. Transport is provided. It aims to stimulate them and help create friendships.


Ariaf Hussain drew everyone’s attention to the two late applications.


Bridge Learning Campus – The applicant confirmed that the addresses of all families are recorded. Following a discussion it was agreed to fund £750.


Resolved – that the following amounts be granted:


Oasis Hub South Bristol - £500


Christ Church Stockwood The Servant - £1,500


Counterslip Baptist Church (The ARK) - £1,000


Counterslip Baptist Church (New Horizons) - £1,000


Bridge Learning Campus - £750


Southern Link’s Children’s Centre - £540


Highways Update 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 125 KB

Ariaf Hussain


Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone.


Resolved – that the current position of the Local Traffic and Grant Funded highway schemes in Stockwood, Hengrove & Whitchurch Park be noted.


Highways and Minor Works 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Ariaf Hussain


Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone.


He highlighted the problems relating to Walsh Avenue scheme. He suggested that he contacts that Highways Manager to discuss the problems with the scheme and possible remedial works. He also intended to invite the Highways Manager to the next Meeting of the N P. This was agreed.


Stockwood Lane – He explained that although there had been criticism of the scheme by local residents the scheme had been built as was required.


He announced that he would arranging a Meeting of the Highways Group in July/August to consider possible schemes.


Resolved – (1) that the allocation of the 2016/17 Highways Budget be confirmed;


(2) that potential future schemes be discussed at a Meeting of the Highways Group in July/August; and


(3) that the Minor Schemes requests be noted.




Neighbourhood Partnership Plan pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Ariaf Hussain

Additional documents:


Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone.


Resolved – (1) that the Neighbourhood Partnership further refine, improve and own the Plan; and


(2) that the Neighbourhood Partnership Plan be adopted following the input from the N P and other stakeholders.


N P Co-ordinator Report pdf icon PDF 550 KB

Ariaf Hussain


Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone.


Concerns were raised about the clash of dates on 20th July 2016.


It was noted that an assessment of the parks and green spaces was required to identify improvements.


It was agreed that the N P become a Member of the Walking Alliance and that a request for a co-ordinator be circulated.


The details of the South Bristol Housing Zone were noted.


Resolved – that the updates and dates for diaries be noted.


Police and Community Safety Report pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Inspector Nigel Colston


Agreed – that the report be noted.




There was none.


Date of Next Meeting

28th September 2016 at 7.00 pm at Counterslip Church, Wells Road, BS14 9HT.


Wednesday 28th September 2016 at 7.00 pm at Counterslip Church, Wells Road, BS14 9HT



Meeting ended at 9.20 pm.



