- Agenda and draft minutes Content
Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Counterslip Church, Wells Road, BS14 9HT
Contact: Norman Cornthwaite
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chairing Arrangements Minutes: The Meeting was chaired by Councillor Graham Morris. |
Welcome, introductions and safety information |
Apologies for absence |
Declarations of Interest To note any interests relevant to the consideration of items on this agenda. Minutes: None were received. |
Minutes of 15th June 2016 PDF 214 KB To agree the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record. Minutes: Consideration of this item was deferred until a future Meeting of the N P.
Matters arising including Action Sheet Minutes: Consideration of this item was deferred until a future Meeting of the N P.
Public Forum Written statements must be received by no later than 12.00 noon on Tuesday 27th September 2016. Minutes: Statements were received as follows:
One statement was worded as follows:
“Recording and Purpose of Public Forum Statements
I'm aware that there may be an unusual number of public forum statements at this meeting, commenting on plans to develop Hengrove Park. A lot of effort will have gone into them.
Previous experience tells me that once presented, these statements are archived, and are not readily available to anyone. In other words, they simply gather dust.
I'd like to ask this NP meeting, through the chair, to ensure that the statements are wherever possible retained and passed on to any formal consultation on the Hengrove Park developments.
On the same principle, I'd like to ask that in future all public forum statements submitted in electronic form (not least this one!) are included in the minutes of the meeting that are eventually made available online.”
A copy of all of the Statements is contained in the Minute Book. |
South Bristol Housing Zone (inc Hengrove Park Phase 2) Information PDF 3 MB Emily Price Minutes: Abigail Stratford and Emily Price gave a presentation.
Members of the public raised a number of issues including the following:
· Inclusion of the Sports Centre in the allocation
· The loss of the airport
· The need for houses is accepted but the area is a major green area used by locals for a number of leisure activities including dog walking
· Risk of flooding – will need to be resolved before any construction can take place
· The risk to wildlife
· The level of affordable housing
· The impact on education and health facilities of so many new houses and additional residents in the area
· The impact of additional traffic and pollution caused by the increase in the number of cars
· Concerns about the sale of socialised housing
· Consideration should be given to the use of brownfield sites rather than this one for development
· The wishes of the Rugby Club being ignored by BCC – no playing field being provided
Agreed – that the presentation be noted.
Planning & Consultation Update - Hengrove Park Phase 1 Kier Living and Stride Treglown Minutes: A presentation was given by the Representatives of the Architects employed by Kier Housing.
Members of the public raised a number of issues including the following:
· Lack of involvement in the design workshop
· Ensuring that the houses have affordable energy
· Ensuring that spatial standards are met
· The height of some of the buildings
Agreed – that the presentation be noted.
Hengrove & Whitchurch Neighbourhood Planning Forum Alister Palmer Minutes: Alister Palmer gave a verbal update on this issue.
Resolved – that the update be noted. |
Sarah O’Driscoll
To note the consultation on the: Proposed Neighbourhood Planning Area and Neighbourhood Planning Forum for Hengrove & Whitchurch Park ward.
Additional documents: Minutes: Sarah O’Driscoll introduced this report and gave a presentation.
Agreed – that the consultation on the: Proposed Neighbourhood Planning Area and Neighbourhood Planning Forum for Hengrove & Whitchurch Park ward be noted.
Ariaf Hussain
That the Neighbourhood Committee: 1. Notes the Budget 2. Discusses and confirms any changes (where appropriate) 3. Agrees any allocations to the delivery of the NP plan (where appropriate) 4. Agrees any budget requests (at the appropriate agenda item)
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration of this item was deferred until a future Meeting of the N P.
Ariaf Hussain
Including Well Being, s106 & CiL
1. That the Neighbourhood Committee approves the recommendations from the Wellbeing Panel for the allocation of Wellbeing Funding - £2,650 2. That the Neighbourhood Committee approves the recommendation from s106 06/03970 / Tibbott Walk, Stockwood / ZCD…562 - £2,863.78 or from Wellbeing for - £2,000 3. To release the funds (£1,500) for the improvements to accessibility toilets at Christ Church Petherton Road
Minutes: Ariaf Hussain introduced the report and summarised it for everyone. Resolved – (1) that the Neighbourhood Committee approves the recommendations from the Wellbeing Panel for the allocation of Wellbeing Funding - £2,650; (2) that the Neighbourhood Committee approves the recommendation from s106 06/03970 / Tibbott Walk, Stockwood / ZCD…562 - £2,863.78 (3) that the funds (£1,500) for the improvements to accessibility toilets at Christ Church Petherton Road be released.
Highways Update 2016/17 PDF 136 KB Ariaf Hussain
To note the budget allocation for 2016/17 To note potential future traffic schemes (subject to discussions with Highways Team) To confirm a meeting date for the Highways Sub Group to agree a future scheme To note the Minor Works requests
Minutes: It was agreed that a Sub Group be established. Consideration of the remainder of the report was deferred until a future Meeting of the N P.
Police & Community Safety Report PDF 108 KB Inspector Nigel Colston
To note contents of the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration of this item was deferred until a future Meeting of the N P.
Neighbourhood Partnership Plan PDF 95 KB Ariaf Hussain
To discuss and amend the Neighbourhood Partnership Plan and agree and allocate the Neighbourhood Budget as appropriate. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration of this item was deferred until a future Meeting of the N P.
NP Coordinator Report PDF 131 KB Ariaf Hussain
To note the updates, provide comments and dates for diaries on the following:
1. Increased Capacity Bins in Hengrove Park 2. Proposed Community Asset Transfer - The Business Park, Rear of 13-19 Lampton Avenue 3. NP Resident Representatives Nomination and Elections: 4. Future dates
Additional documents:
Minutes: Ariaf Hussain introduced the report. He advised that a decision was required on the bins at Hengrove Park. Consideration of the remainder of the report was deferred until a future Meeting of the N P.
Agreed – that a contribution of £1,245 towards the cost of the increased capacity bins in Hengrove Park be authorised.
Ariaf Hussain
That the Neighbourhood Partnership: Considers on-going improvement in engaging all its residents. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration of this item was deferred until a future Meeting of the N P.
1. Bristol Walking Alliance Report – Pete Goodwin |
For Information - Date of Next Meeting 7pm, Monday 14th December 2016, Oasis John Williams Academy, Petherton Road, BS14 9BU Minutes: Wednesday 14th December 2016 at 7.00 pm, venue – Oasis John Williams Academy, Petherton Road, BS14 9BU.