- Agenda and minutes Content
Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Oliver Harrison
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item | |||||||||
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Lord Mayor welcomed all attendees to the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were heard from: Councillor Fabian Breckels, Councillor Chris Davies, Councillor Lorraine Francis, Councillor John Geater, Councillor Geoff Gollop, Councillor Tom Renhard, Councillor Tim Rippington.
Election of Lord Mayor Minutes: Councillor Katy Grant moved that Councillor Paula O’Rourke be elected as Lord Mayor for the 2022-2023 municipal year.
Councillor Jos Clark seconded the motion.
Upon being put to the vote, it was
RESOLVED: That Councillor Paula O’Rourke be elected as Lord Mayor of the City and County of Bristol for the 2022/23 municipal year.
Councillor O’Rourke then signed the declaration of acceptance of the office of Lord Mayor of the City and County of Bristol.
The Lord Mayor then made her inaugural speech to Full Council.
Vote of thanks to the retiring Lord Mayor and retiring Lady Mayoress:
On the motion of Councillor Sharon Scott, seconded by Councillor Marley Bennett, and upon being put to the vote, it was
RESOLVED: That a vote of thanks be approved by the Full Council to the retiring Lord Mayor and retiring Lady Mayoress in recognition of their work and duties carried out during the last municipal year.
Councillor Steve Smith, as retiring Lord Mayor, then addressed the Full Council
Vote of thanks to the retiring Deputy Lord Mayor and retiring Deputy Lord Mayor’s Consort:
On the motion of Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor David Wilcox, and upon being put to the vote, it was
RESOLVED: That a vote of thanks be approved by the Full Council to the retiring Deputy Lord Mayor and retiring Deputy Lord Mayor’s Consort in recognition of their work and duties carried out during the last municipal year. |
Election of Deputy Lord Mayor Minutes: Councillor Henry Michallat moved that Councillor Steve Smith be elected as Deputy Lord Mayor for the 2022/23 municipal year. Councillor Ellie King seconded the motion.
Upon being put to the vote, it was
RESOLVED: That Councillor Steve Smith be elected as Deputy Lord Mayor of the City and County of Bristol for the 2022/23 municipal year.
Councillor Smith then signed the declaration of acceptance of the office of Deputy Lord Mayor of the City and County of Bristol.
The Full Council then adjourned for 20 minutes. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: None received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Additional documents:
Minutes: On the motion of the Lord Mayor, seconded by Councillor Hance, it was
That the minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on the 15th March 2022 and 2nd March 2022 be confirmed as correct record and signed by the Lord Mayor. |
Lord Mayor's Business To note any announcements from the Lord Mayor Minutes: There was none. |
Under the Council’s constitution, there is no provision for public forum at the Annual Council meeting. However, in consultation with the Mayor and Party Group Leaders, the Lord Mayor has determined that written statements from members of the public will be accepted for this meeting on the following basis:
1. The wording of all written statements must be submitted by the deadline of midday the day before the meeting, Monday 23 May 2022. Please note that public questions are not permitted on this occasion. Statements should be sent to
2. Statements for this meeting must be about the reports included on the agenda.
3. One written statement per member of the public or member of Council is permitted.
Details of all statements submitted will be sent to the Lord Mayor, Mayor and all Councillors as soon as possible after the above deadline. Written statements will be noted, it is not possible to speak to statements at the meeting. Minutes: Public statements: The Full Council received and noted the following statements (which were also referred to the Mayor for his consideration/information):
Dates and times of Full Council Meetings 2022-23 Recommendation: To approve the dates and times of Full Council meetings in 2022-2023 Minutes: The Full Council considered a report which proposed dates and times of Full Council Meetings for the 2022/23 municipal year.
The Lord Mayor moved the report and the recommendations contained therein.
The Deputy Lord Mayor seconded the report.
It was then:
RESOLVED: Full Council approves the dates and times of Full Council meetings in 2022-2023.
6pm, Tuesday 5 July 2022 6pm, Tuesday 13 September 2022 6pm, Tuesday 8 November 2022 2pm, Tuesday 13 December 2022 2pm, Tuesday 10 January 2023 2pm, Tuesday 21 February 2023 (budget Council meeting) 2pm, Wednesday 1 March 2023 (reserve, additional budget meeting, if required) 6pm, Tuesday 14 March 2023 |
Establishment of Committees 2022-23 Recommendation: To approve the composition of Committees for the 2022-23 municipal year (full recommendations are set out in detail at the end of the report). Minutes: The Full Council considered a report on the establishment of committees for 2022/23.
The Lord Mayor moved the report and the recommendations contained therein.
The Deputy Lord Mayor seconded the report.
It was then:
1. That the following committees be established; a. Overview and Scrutiny bodies: - Overview and Scrutiny Management Board - People Scrutiny Commission (Health Sub Committee of the People Scrutiny Commission) - Growth and Regeneration Scrutiny Commission - Communities Scrutiny Commission - Resources Scrutiny Commission
Joint bodies: - Joint Health Scrutiny Committee - Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the purpose of jointly scrutinising the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STP) - West of England Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee (“The WECA Overview and Scrutiny Committee”) - Joint Overview and Scrutiny Arrangement comprising of the Constituent Councils of the West of England Combined Authority, the Mayor and North Somerset Council (“The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Arrangement”) - West of England Combined Authority Audit Committee (“The WECA Overview and Scrutiny Committee”)
b. Regulatory Committees: - Development Control Committee A - Development Control Committee B - Public Safety and Protection Committee - Public Rights of Way and Greens Committee
c. Appeals Committee
d. Other (non-executive) Committees: - Audit Committee - Human Resources Committee - Selection Committee - Area Committees 1 to 6
e. Statutory Committees: - To note the position in relation to the Licensing Committee. - To note that the Health and Wellbeing Board does not need to be formally re-established as it remains extant.
Allocation of Committee Seats 2022-23 Recommendation: 1. To review and approve the allocation of seats on committees in accordance with the statutory requirements concerning political balance and to approve the appointment of Members (and substitutes) to serve on committees (full recommendations set out at the end of this report). 2. To appoint Chairs to the Committees/Commissions as proposed. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Full Council considered a report seeking approval of the allocation of seats on committees in accordance with the statutory requirements concerning political balance.
The Lord Mayor moved the report and the recommendations contained therein.
The Deputy Lord Mayor seconded the motion.
It was then:
RESOLVED: 1. That approval be given to the allocation of committee seats as set out in the report.
2. That 15 members be appointed to the Licensing Committee as follows:
1. Cllr Marley Bennett (Chair) 2. Cllr Christine Townsend (Vice Chair) 3. Cllr Sarah Classick 4. Cllr Chris Davies 5. Cllr Richard Eddy 6. Cllr Emma Edwards 7. Cllr Paul Goggin 8. Cllr Katy Grant 9. Cllr Fi Hance 10. Cllr Jonathan Hucker 11. Cllr Philippa Hulme 12. Cllr Brenda Massey 13. Cllr Steve Pearce 14. Cllr Guy Poultney 15. Cllr Chris Windows
In confirming appointments to the Committee, the Full Council is asked to take full account of equalities duties and considerations, and to note that the political balance rules do not apply.
3. Agree that all Members of Council be appointed to serve on an Appeals Committee comprising of any 3 Members of Council, subject to them having first received the necessary training and not having been involved in the original decision which is the subject of an appeal.
4. Agree that the Council be represented (as per paragraph 14) on the following joint bodies: - Joint Health Scrutiny Committee - Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the purpose of jointly scrutinising the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Sustainability and Transformation Partnership - West of England Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Joint Overview and Scrutiny Arrangement comprising of the Constituent Councils of the West of England Combined Authority, the Mayor and North Somerset Council (“The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Arrangement” - West of England Combined Authority Audit
5. To note the position in relation to the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board as per paragraph 15 of the report.
6. To agree that named members will be provided for the Committee memberships by the party group Whips (to be sent to the Monitoring Officer). If named substitutes are not also provided, then any Councillor of the relevant group may attend a meeting as a substitute, other than in the case of: - a Development Control Committee, where the substitute must be a member of another Development Control Committee (and be appropriately trained). - any scrutiny commission, where the substitute may not be a member of the executive. |
Mayor's Address to Full Council with Party Group Leader Responses Minutes: Mayor Marvin Rees gave his annual address to Full Council. The Party Group Leaders responded in debate. |
Scrutiny Annual Report 2021/22 Recommendation: That Members note the Scrutiny Annual Report 21/22. Additional documents: Minutes: The Full Council considered the Scrutiny Annual Report 2021/22.
Scrutiny Chair Councillor Tony Dyer moved the report and the recommendations contained therein.
There was a debate, and it was:
RESOLVED: That Full Council notes the Scrutiny Annual Report 2021/22. |
Statement of Licensing Policy Recommendation: That members approve the amendments to the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Full Council considered a report which proposed amendments to the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.
The Chair of Licensing Councillor Marley Bennett moved the report and the recommendations contained therein.
Councillor Emma Edwards seconded the report.
There was a debate, and it was:
RESOLVED: That Full Council approve the publication of an amended Statement of Licensing Policy as set out at Appendix B in the report. This document includes the proposed additional paragraphs consulted upon between 7 July 2021 and 8 August 2021. |