- Agenda and minutes Content
Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Sam Wilcock
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Lord Mayor welcomed all attendees to the meeting and outlined the emergency evacuation procedure. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were heard from Councillor O’Rourke. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: None received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes presented for approval were deferred to the next meeting. |
Lord Mayor's Business To note any announcements from the Lord Mayor Minutes: There was none. |
Petitions Notified by Councillors Please note: Up to 10 minutes is allowed for this item.
Petitions notified by Councillors can be about any matter the Council is responsible for or which directly affects the city. The deadline for the notification of petitions to this meeting is 12 noon on Monday 6 December 2021.
Minutes: The Full Council received and noted the following petitions:
Public Forum (Public Petitions, Statements and Questions) Public forum items from members of the public who live or work in Bristol can be about any matter the Council is responsible for or which directly affects the city. Submissions will be treated in order of receipt and as many people shall be called upon as is possible within the time allowed within the meeting (normally 30 minutes).
Further rules can be found within our Council Procedure Rules within the Constitution.
Please note that the following deadlines apply to this meeting: a. Public petitions and statements: Petitions and written statements must be received two working days prior to the meeting - by 12 noon on Friday 3rd December 2021 at latest. One written statement per member of the public is permitted.
b. Public questions: Written public questions must be received three clear working days prior to the meeting - by 5pm on Wednesday 1st December 2021 at latest. A maximum of 2 questions per member of the public is permitted. Questions should be addressed to the Mayor or relevant Cabinet Member.
c. Members of the public who wish to present their public forum in person during the meeting are asked to register their intent to attend by midday on Friday 3rd December 2021. This would help plan for covid secure measures within the meeting room and Council building.
Public forum items should be e-mailed to
Please note that members of the press and public may be asked to watch the meeting on a screen in another room due to the maximum capacity of the venue. Those who registered their intention to attend for public forum will be prioritised for the meeting room public gallery. Additional documents:
Minutes: Public Petitions: There were two public petitions received which were referred to the Mayor for his consideration and response.
Public Statements: The Full Council received and noted the following statements (which were also referred to the mayor for his consideration/information):
Within the time available, statements PS03, PS05, PS30, PS31, PS33 and PS40 were presented by individuals present at the meeting.
Public Questions: The Full Council noted that the following questions had been submitted:
Petition Debate : Save Redfield Cinema Recommendation That Full Council debates the petition and refers it to the Mayor / relevant Cabinet member for a formal response.
Minutes: The Full Council considered a report of the Director – Legal and Democratic Services setting out details of a petition ‘Save Redfield Cinema’. The petition had reached the 3,500 signature threshold to qualify for a Full Council debate.
Petition organiser, Rachael Groom was invited by the Lord Mayor to present the objectives of the petition.
The Full Council debated the petition.
RESOLVED: That the petition and the comments from the debate be noted and referred to the mayor for response. |
Statutory Review of Gambling Policy Recommendation
That Full Council adopt the draft Statement of Gambling Policy 2022
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Full Council considered the report which presented the draft Statement of Gambling Policy 2022.
Councillor Bennett, Chair of the Licensing Committee moved the report and the recommendations contained therein. Councillor Francis seconded the report.
There was no debate. Following a vote it was:
That Full Council adopt the draft Statement of Gambling Policy 2022. |
Corporate Strategy 2022-2027 Recommendation
That Full Council approve the Corporate Strategy 2022-27 for implementation financial year 2022-23 onwards.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Full Council considered the updated Corporate Strategy 2022-27.
Councillor Cheney moved the report which was seconded by Mayor Rees. Following debate it was:
RESOLVED that Full council approve the Corporate Strategy 2022-27 for implementation financial year 2022-23 onwards.
Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Strategy Recommendation
To note 1. The economic outlook and projections within the 5-year MTFP 2. The Strategic planning approach 3. The Reserve Policy To approve 3. Medium Term Financial Plan for the period 2022/23 to 2026/27 4. Capital Strategy for the period 2022/23 to 2031/32 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Full Council considered the report which proposed the Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Strategy.
Councillor Cheney moved the report and the recommendations contained therein. Councillor Rippington seconded the report. .
Following debate it was:
NOTED: 1. The economic outlook and projections within the 5-year MTFP 2. The Strategic planning approach 3. The Reserve Policy
APPROVED: 4. Medium Term Financial Plan for the period 2022/23 to 2026/27 5. Capital Strategy for the period 2022/23 to 2031/32
Revised criteria for the appointment of Honorary Aldermen/women Recommendation
That Full Council considers and approves the revised criteria set out in paragraph 8 governing the appointment of Honorary Aldermen/women.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Full Council considered the report of the Audit Committee to revise the criteria governing the appointment of Honorary Aldermen/women.
The Lord Mayor moved the report and the recommendation contained therein. The report was seconded by the Deputy Lord Mayor.
That Full Council considered and approved the revised criteria set out governing the appointment of Honorary Aldermen/women. |
Audit Committee's half year report Recommendation
The Council receives the report of the Audit Committee and notes the key areas the Committee is monitoring to support improvements required in internal control, risk management and governance.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Full Council received a report of the Audit Committee which included the key areas the Committee would monitor to support further improvements.
RESOLVED: That Council received the report of the Audit Committee and noted the key areas the Committee is monitoring to support improvements required in internal control, risk management and governance. |
Treasury Management mid-year report 2021-2022 Recommendation
That the Mid-Year Treasury Management report for 2021/22 is noted.
Minutes: The Full Council considered a report which presented the Mid-Year Treasury Management report for 2021-2022.
Councillor Cheney moved the report and the recommendations contained therein.
That the Mid-Year Treasury Management Report for 2021-2022 be noted. |
Note: Under the Council’s constitution, 30 minutes are available for the consideration of motions. In practice, this realistically means that there is usually only time for one, or possibly two motions to be considered.
With the agreement of the Lord Mayor, motion 1 below will be considered at this meeting, and motion 2 is likely to be considered, subject to time.
Details of other motions submitted, (which, due to time constraints, are very unlikely to be considered at this meeting) are set out in the reports pack for information.
1. Golden Motion: Governance of Bristol City Council
Full Council notes that; 1. Council recognises that the people of Bristol in 2012 decided to adopt a mayoral model for Bristol City Council following a referendum. 2. That many of the promises of devolution of power and money made by Central Government have not materialised.
Therefore, this Council resolves: 1. That the holding of a referendum on the Council’s governance arrangements be approved and that the Council’s Returning Officer be instructed to prepare to hold such a referendum at the earliest opportunity, on the first Thursday in May 2022. 2. That the referendum question be to determine whether to retain the mayoral model or change to a Committee system. Motion to be moved by: Cllr Alex Hartley Date of submission: 25th November 2021
2. Silver Motion: National Disability Strategy and Social Care The Council notes: · The Government published its long-awaited National Disability Strategy on 28 July. · This strategy has been strongly criticised by disabled people and their organisations for not coming up with any solutions for addressing the barriers, issues and priorities that they have identified for years. · The lack of engagement with disabled groups has also been strongly criticised and is so severe that a group of disabled people are taking the Government to court, as the absence of meaningful consultation could be deemed unlawful. · In addition to this, disabled people have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, as 60% people dying from Covid were disabled, despite disabled people only making up 20% of the population. · Disabled people have also borne the brunt of decade-long Government austerity through cuts to the key public services that they rely on and are also over-represented in unemployment figures - particularly those with learning difficulties. · The Government is still yet to formulate a solution to the social care crisis, despite the Prime Minister’s pledge to deliver a plan two years ago, which is emblematic of this Government’s lack of support for disabled ... view the full agenda text for item 15. Minutes: Following a short adjournment, it was then
moved by the Lord Mayor that standing order CPR2.1(xi) be suspended
to allow the meeting to go past the 30 minutes time limit for
motions. Following a vote it was agreed
to proceed up until a 60 minute limit. Motion 1 – Governance of Bristol City Council
Councillor Hartley moved the following motion:
1. Council recognises that the people of Bristol in 2012 decided to adopt a mayoral model for Bristol City Council following a referendum. 2. That many of the promises of devolution of power and money made by Central Government have not materialised.
Therefore, this Council resolves: 1. That the holding of a referendum on the Council’s governance arrangements be approved and that the Council’s Returning Officer be instructed to prepare to hold such a referendum at the earliest opportunity, on the first Thursday in May 2022. 2. That the referendum question be to determine whether to retain the mayoral model or change to a Committee system.
The motion was seconded by Councillor Poultney.
There was a debate, following which the Lord Mayor invited Councillor Hartley, as mover of the original motion to speak.
Following final remarks, upon being put to the vote, the original motion was CARRIED (41 For, 24 against, 2 absentions) and it was
Full Council notes that: 1. Council recognises that the people of Bristol in 2012 decided to adopt a mayoral model for Bristol City Council following a referendum. 2. That many of the promises of devolution of power and money made by Central Government have not materialised. 3. That the position of West of England Mayor has now been created, making many of the purported benefits of a Mayoral system for Bristol City Council redundant. 4. That the Mayoral system in Bristol has centralised executive power to the detriment of citizens’ engagement in the decisions that affect their lives and reduced the accountability of the city’s Governance. 5. Council notes that there is a significant public opinion that the Council should review its current mayoral system of governance.
Therefore, this Council resolves: 1. That the holding of a referendum on the Council’s governance arrangements be approved and that the Council’s Returning Officer be instructed to prepare to hold such a referendum at the earliest opportunity, on the first Thursday in May 2022. 2. That the referendum question be to determine whether to retain the mayoral model or change to a Committee system.
Motion 2 – National Disability Strategy and Social Care
Councillor ... view the full minutes text for item 15.