- Agenda and draft minutes Content
Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Knowle Community Centre, Crossways Road, BS4 2SS
Contact: Claudette Campbell
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: Chair: Councillor Chris Davies
The Chair led introductions and received apologies. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: The following apologies were noted: · Lloyd Allen · Maggie Stringer · Mark Bailey · Carlton Bodkin · Suzanne Audrey · Denise Britt · Anne Smith · Councillor Lovell · Councillor Hopkins · Councillor Whittle |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st September 2016 PDF 240 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Neighbourhood Partnership held on the 21st September 2016 were agreed as correct and signed by the Chair.
Declaration of Interest Minutes: None |
Public Forum/Resolutions Minutes: None |
Bristol Waste Company - Tracey Morgan & Emma Williams from Bristol Waste Company PDF 3 MB Minutes: The Partnership welcomed Tracey Morgan Director of the Bristol Waste Company and Emma Williams, Community Engagement Officer to address the management of waste collection and related matters across the 3 partnership ward areas.
Tracey Morgan gave a brief overview on the formation of the Bristol Waste Company advising that Bristol City Council had agreed to enter a 10 year contract following a recent presentation of the company’s Business Plan at Cabinet. The business plan underpins the good practice of encouraging all residents to change their behaviour in relation to waste management; doing this successfully would result in a reduction in the money spent on clearing up negative behaviour; this then ensures resources are spent in the best way.
The service would work to support the Mayor’s pledge that Bristol will be measureable cleaner by 2020 and this work is being led by Kirk James.
The Chair invited the Partnership to pose questions, and the following was noted from the discussion that took place;
a. It was noted that the operatives involved in the weekly collections failed to ensure that litter was not left on the road. The problem was impacted by the litter pick up schedule that failed to work in sync with the collection team. Councillor’s called for a joined up approach to the scheduling of work.
b. Clarification was sought on the management of the cleaning up of Graffiti and the policy on Graffiti art. For some graffiti art was acceptable and for others a nuisance. Kirk James was working on a policy that would define street art and graffiti that vandalised property.
c. The work undertaken by Emma Williams with local groups was applauded by the partnership.
d. Fly-tipping remains a concern in many ward areas and Councillors confirmed their willingness to support any work undertaken to stamp the practice out.
e. It was reported that the work done in the Inns Court area, with residence, in respect of dumping of waste on green space had resulted in a change of behaviour.
f. The Director acknowledged that some crews were not as efficient as others and requested that Councillors shared any concerns by providing details of street and/or roads to the office.
g. Councillors were informed that a number of green space and grass areas fell within the remit of Parks and outside the remit of the waste company.
h. Councillors asked the Director to note the lack of bins near the newly installed Metrobus bus stops in Inns Court & Filwood Broadway area.
The Chair extended thanks to the Waste Company for their attendance.
Bristol City Council Corporate Strategy Consultation - Cllr Gary Hopkins PDF 179 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Gary Hopkins was to speak to this report and in his absence the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator provided an overview in respect of the impact on the work of Neighbourhood Partnerships.
a. The strategy proposed a 25-75% cut to the allocated budget to Neighbourhood Partnerships.
b. The Partnership took the view that the strategy document, 126 pages, was too hard to access by residents.
c. The Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods was currently undertaking a review of the work of Neighbourhood Partnership on how best to support the work and how it could be done differently.
d. The partnership was informed that the City Council had implemented an immediate freeze on all spending. This translates to freezing allocations from the wellbeing fund and from the Salcombe road development. Monies would only be allocated to groups if the administrative team had sent out a letter confirming the granting of an application. Action: All groups/applicants to be advised.
e. Legal advice was being sought on the freezing of budgets and the impact on s.106 and SiL monies. Action: Neighbourhood Co-ordinator to update members without outcome
f. Councillors wanted it noted that Partnerships would be impotent without the allocation of resources to manage engagement.
The Partnership Agreed: i. To note the report
Knowle West Regeneration Framework Update - Andrew McLean PDF 68 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Co-ordinator requested that the Partnership noted the progress on the Knowle West Regeneration Framework. The report provided details of the allocated funds to capital projects within the designated area.
a. The development earmarked for the Filwood Broadway area hinged on engaging a commercial supermarket to be the flagship retailer to spearhead the project. The project failed to engage a commercial retailer so the development as stalled.
b. Cllr Helen Holland, Cabinet Member for Place, is to lead a group of local partners, committed to work in the area, to review the project. The aspiration is to flush out any opportunities that could arise from partnership working that would support shared services in areas such as health and lead to job creation.
c. Listed amongst those invited to attend was representatives from the Park. Councillors held a differing view on the role of the Park in the regeneration framework.
d. The participants of the consultation, led by Cllr Holland, where those who provided services to the residents of Filwood and to those living within the regeneration area.
e. The outcome of this consultation would be fed back to Councillors and the residents of Filwood in early March 2017. Action: Neighbourhood Co-ordination to check the Knowle West Regeneration Framework Strategy to ascertain what was agreed with the Park.
The Partnership Agreed: i. To note the report.
Transformers Youth Fund - Andrew McLean PDF 190 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Co-ordinator spoke to the report of Hayley Ash on the £5000 now allocated to Partnerships to manage distribution. The Transformers Youth fund was gifted from the Avon & Somerset Police Community Trust for the provision of youth activities. · The funds must be allocated by March 2017 · Projects must conclude by February 2018 · Outcomes should benefit youth provision and the youth of the Partnership · Outcomes must be reported with documentary evidence to A&S Police Community Trust
The Partnership Agreed:
i. To accept the fund and to administer the distribution ii. To manage distribution along the same lines as the wellbeing fund iii. That the approved project must benefit youths across all 3 wards iv. That clarity would be provided on the age range, the Trust would be asked to define ‘youth’ age range. Action: Neighbourhood Co-ordinator
Neighbourhood Plan Update - Andrew McLean PDF 129 KB Minutes: The Partnership received the report of Andrew McLean, Neighbourhood Co-ordinator, on the position with actions arising from the Neighbourhood Plan.
Partnership Agreed:
i. To note the report ii. To consider the report aspirations on completion of the Council Strategy and the impact on NP was known
Neighbourhood Co-ordinator Business Report - Andrew McLean PDF 177 KB Minutes: The Partnership received the Business Activities Report from Andrew McLean, Neighbourhood Co-ordinator.
a. The report had requested the approval of grant applications. This had now been withdrawn as a result of the Council wide spending freeze.
b. The only grants that would be met would be to those groups that had received letters confirming allocation. If a letter had not been issued by the administrative team to successful applicants no funding distribution would be made.
c. All to note that the Clean & Green fund was frozen.
d. Discussion followed on the use of funds from the Wellbeing fund to cover salary/wages paid to support project delivery. The partnership considered the terms and conditions written in the guidance document.
e. The partnership took the view that it was necessary to consider the time and expense of the person delivering the project or enabling the project to meet its outcomes.
The Partnership Agreed:
i. That the allocation panel would consider the extent of funding for volunteers and service providers and if invaluable to the delivery of the project to allow funding.
f. The partnership was asked to consider and agree to proceed as outline in respect of the management of the sum of £65,000 delivered to Neighbourhood partnerships for investment into parks to enhance benefits to those living in areas with inadequate park provision.
g. Action: Lloyd Allan would liaise with Parks on the vision and costings relating to this fund and report back.
The Partnership Agreed:
ii. That responsibility of this fund would be delegated to the Environment sub-group to work as directed by the agreed criteria.
h. The Bristol Walking Alliance request that the Partnership sign up to their values and principles. Action: Deferred to the next NP meeting.
i. Format for future Neighbourhood Forums – the report detailed options for future meetings in line with the reduction in people resource to support forum work.
j. Members noted that any decision made may be impacted on future changes arising from the corporate strategy consultation.
Partnership Agreed: iii. To hold 3 forums per ward as outlined in the report.
Action: All to consider dates and advise of conflicts
k. Tree Champion report – the partnership were requested to consider nominating a further person to support the work of the tree champion. Action: Names to Andrew McLean
l. The tree champion drew the partnership’s attention to the Sponsor a Tree campaign that was currently running. The end period for planning was December 2016. On line page The cost was £295 plus £25 for a plague to note the reason for planting ie wedding anniversary/ in memory of.
m. Salcombe Road Funding allocation – the partnership attention was drawn to the removal of Northern Slopes – The Bommie, from the priority list because it came within the Knowle West Regeneration Framework area.
The Partnership Agreed: i. To Note the report
Neighbourhood Budget Report - Andrew Mclean PDF 327 KB Minutes: The Partnership received an updated report from the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator outlining the current position with Section 106 and Community Investment Levy (CIL) budgets.
The Partnership Agreed:
i. To note the Report |
Highways Report - Andrew McLean PDF 133 KB Minutes: The Partnership received the updated Highways Report.
a. The Neighbourhood Co-ordinator informed the Partnership that the Highways devolved budget had been withdrawn. Work would continue but based on what was necessary to meet Health & Safety obligations.
Action: The Partnership asked for clarification on what constituted H&S obligations
b. The members for Knowle were requested to approve the expenditure to cover the work undertaken on Axbridge and Iliminster Avenue. Members could not approve payment until the work had been completed adequately.
The Partnership Agreed: i. To note the report ii. Not to release any monies in respect of Axbridge Road and Iliminster Avenue. |
Any Other Business & Close Minutes: Inspector Rob Cheeseman shared the Crime and Anti-social Behaviour statistical information with the partnership.
The following was noted from the discussion that followed;
a. The Knowle ward area now had the requisite complement of Police Officers. b. Work would continue to support the partnership priority in creating alcohol free zones. c. The Windmill Hill ward had an ongoing issue with rough sleepers in Victoria Park. d. There was also concern about speeding along Marksbury road. The Chair extended thanks to Inspector Cheeseman for his report and attendance. |