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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Phoenix Centre, 5 Russell Town Avenue, Bristol BS5 9LT

Contact: Jeremy Livitt 

No. Item


Election of Neighbourhood Partnership and Neighbourhood Committee Chairs

Members of the Neighbourhood Partnership are requested to agree a Chair and Vice-Chair for 2016/17 Municipal Year.


Members of the Neighbourhood Committee (ie Councillors Only) are requested to agree a Chair and Vice-Chair for 2016/17 Municipal Year.




(1)        that Maryanne Kempf be elected Chair of the Ashley Easton Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership for 2016/17;

(2)        that Richard Curtis be elected Vice-Chair of the Ashley Easton Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership for 2016/17;

(3)        that Councillor Mike Davies be elected Chair of the Ashley Easton Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Committee for 2016/17;

(4)        that Councillor Ruth Pickersgill be elected Vice-Chair of the Ashley Easton Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Committee for 2016/17;

(5)        that, in the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the NP, Councillor Mike Davies is elected Chair of the NP for the duration of the meeting.


It was noted that Pru Hardwick (St Andrews Resident) and Jeff Butterfield (Montpelier Resident) had joined as members of the NP.


Action: Jeremy Livitt


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed all parties to the meeting and asked them to introduce themselves.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


Maryanne Kempf – Neighbourhood Partnership Chair

Richard Curtis – Neighbourhood Partnership Vice-Chair

Councillor Margaret Hickman

Jo Curtis

Cristina Crossingham

Lori Streich

Paul Bradburn

Hugh Holden

Eric Aidoo


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 27th June 2016 as a correct record.


Resolved – that the minutes of the meeting heard on Monday 27th June 2016 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Action: Jeremy Livitt


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors.  They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Please note that the Register of Interests is available at


Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.



There were no declarations of interest made.


Public Forum

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.


Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum.  The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda.  Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-


Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting.  For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12.00 noon on Friday 30th September 2016.



The NP received the following 2 Public Forum items:


(1)        Consultation – Proposed Reductions to the Evening and Sunday’s Bus Network – David Redgewell, Martin Cinnamond, Nigel Bray, Jenny Raggett and John Hassell

(2)        Crime Levels in the Stokes Croft and Picton Area – Jeff Butterfield

In relation to Public Forum Statement 2, Jeff Butterfield pointed out that Stokes Croft was becoming a destination for criminal tourism and was returning to levels of criminal activity that hadn’t  been seen for a number of years.


Resolved – that the above Public Forum Statements be noted.


Action: None


Updates from Neighbourhood Partnership Members

The following updates will be provided to NP members:


(1)   Carriageworks – Lori Streich

(2)   Cycle Hangers – Pete Bullard


The NP noted received an update from:


(1) Pete Bullard in respect of Cycle Hangers. There had been very little discussion concerning where the cycle hangers should be placed. It was noted that only 6 had currently been accepted in the whole of the city (with an intended final total of 18) and that there would be a charge of 25p in each case.They had been introduced as part of a national bid from Travel West. Councillor Jude English indicated that she had e-mailed an officer concerning this issue and would pass this to other NP members once she received it.

(2) Lori Streich was not present and, therefore, unable to provide an update on the Carriageworks. However, it was noted that a Project Manager was being appointed and it was hoped to see movement on the site as soon as possible.


Action: None


Stapleton Road - Bristol Waste Company pdf icon PDF 695 KB

Tracey Morgan will present this report.


The NP noted details of the proposed pilot on Stapleton Road.


Officers pointed out that it was hoped this pilot would help reduce the problems caused by fly tipping and street cleansing. They also made the following points:


(1)        Wheeled bins would be introduced as part of an SLA for Stapleton Road for 3 weeks;

(2)        Communications for the scheme would start from Tuesday 4th October

(3)        Existing communal bins would be stickered to indicate that they will be removed  and information about arrival and collections would be provided

(4)        There would be support provided by the Council’s Engagement Team with details of roll-out. 4 members of the Community Engagement Team would provide support at the beginning and would continue to provide support as long as necessary. There would be a phone number on the website;

(5)        There would be close co-operation with the enforcement team – the Council currently had a fly-tipping team.

NP members made the following comments:

(6)        Gull proof bags were required;

(7)        A drop-in session for residents might help;

(8)        Household waste recycling centres would be operating as part of this arrangement;

(9)        Wheeled bins should help lessen the area as a target for fly tipping;

(10)      It was important that there should be a noticeable difference in the way Stapleton Road works on the first day

(11)      It was important to get businesses on board and ensure adequate enforcement.


Resolved by the Neighbourhood Partnership (unanimously) – that a 12 week pilot scheme for Stapleton Road be approved.


Action: Kurt James


Community Safety Update

Inspector Deborah Yeates will provide a verbal update on this item.


Deborah Yeates gave a community safety update to the NP as follows:


Neighbourhood Team Restructure

Having reviewed the demand on the local teams and supervisors we have made some changes to the way we work.  We have also aligned our beats to the council ward boundaries following the changes in May.  The team sergeants are as follows:

1)         Neighbourhood Area: St Pauls & Easton: PS Helen Riddell, PS Mark Aston, PS Chris Green

2)         Neighbourhood Area: City & Riverside (includes Lawrence Hill, Barton Hill and Redcliffe): PS Andy Whelpton




PC Stuart King has seen a period of long term sickness, however he has returned to partial duties in the last fortnight.  When he resumes full duties PC King’s first graffiti task will be to tackle tagging in The Bear Pit.

An NP member pointed out that play equipment and play surfaces at Dalrymple Park had been ripped up as they did not comply with appropriate Health and safety measures. However, there were no current plans to replace them.



The work of Operation Boss continues and is headed by PS Emma Slade, and completes around four operations per month.  We are currently working on ways to increase this capacity and training up other staff to become more expert in matters such as modern slavery.  There are a number of operations ongoing at the current time which cannot be disclosed to the group currently but as and when this is possible, we will do so.

A Councillor referred to a recent report in the Evening Post which indicated that three quarters of brothels had links to the criminal fraternity involving human trafficking, drugs and money laundering. Deborah Yeates pointed out that since off street trafficking was currently tackled by only one officer, measures were being put in place to upskill existing officers.

The NP noted that great care was required in tackling this issue since many of the women were extremely vulnerable. The Police did a great deal of work with 125 in this area.


Licensed Premises

The Jolly Roger remains closed as per the Licensing hearing earlier in the year.  One of the conditions for operation was to install a new Designated Premises Supervisor.  As yet this has not taken place.  Further updates will follow as appropriate. 

Not a licensed premise, but police are very much aware of the problems surrounding Decourcy House on Wilder Street.  A number of talks have taken place with the landlord/owner and the council. 


Days of Action  - Enforcement, Engagement and Reassurance

Operation Blueline is still running, which contains the enforcement arm of our work to tackle drugs in East Bristol.  We are seeing increasing numbers of what appear to be ‘cuckooed’ premises housing vulnerable missing persons, some under 18 years.  A number of high level offenders have been arrested of latee.  PS Green is completing a review of the enforcement action in the last twelve months which we will make available to the Partnership. 

PC Darren Weston from the Easton Neighbourhood Team is  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.


Universal Credit and Benefit Cap Update pdf icon PDF 264 KB

Shirley Moyes will present this report.


The NP received a written report outlining details of reforms to the benefit system and the possible impact on citizens and local communities. It was noted that Lawrence Hill would have the highest number of citizens who are affected by the benefit cap.


Shirley Moyes made the following key points arising out of the report and in response to a number of questions made by NP members:

(1)        Approximately 1700 people were currently on Universal Credit;

(2)        No further groups would be claiming until 2018. From 2019, people will migrate to Universal Credit (UC);

(3)        Work was taking place to ensure that citizens and staff were aware of the impact of UC in terms of digital inclusion and employability;

(4)        From November 2016, a further cap would reduce the cap from £26,000 to £20,000 with a further reduction from January 2017. It was estimated that this would affect approximately 900 households

(5)        People would continue to receive Job Seekers Allowance – there was a project called Advice Plus which was working with people in their homes to support them. The Department of Work and Pensions was carrying out a pilot with them.

(6)        A mentor for disabled people was supporting individuals who were having their disability benefit removed and who were already in arrears with housing providers. People were being encouraged to save for a 5/6 week period before the introduction of UC to ameliorate any difficulties with debt

(7)        In total, it was estimated that 379 households would be affected, comprising 229 with social housing and 250 with private housing

(8)        Work would take place with families that speak or read English to assist them with the process. The Job Centres would be providing a facility for families to discuss issues relating to UC when they came in for interviews.


NP members expressed concern at the impact this could have on families, in particular that they may be made homeless.


Resolved – that the report be noted.

Action: None


Environment Sub-Group Report - for Decision pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Neil Burwell will present this report.


The NP considered the Environment Sub Group report.


Councillor Ruth Pickersgill stated the need for more trees in Lawrence Hill.


Resolved by the Neighbourhood Committee (5 for, 0 against) that:

(1)        the Tree Planting Plan is approved, together with £12,720 of the identified Section 106 funds shown in Appendix 1 of the report.

(2)        financial support of £6,000 be approved for the installation of a new play area at Ashley Down Green using the identified Section 106 funding as shown in Appendix 1 of the report;

(3)        the revised environment sections of the Neighbourhood Plan are approved as part of the review (amendments indicated in Appendix 1).


Action: Neil Burwell


Highways Report - For Decision pdf icon PDF 566 KB

Kurt James will present this report.


The NP considered the Highways Report.


It was noted that decisions were required in respect of the following schemes totalling £80,122.24:

(1)        Application Number 04/01279 – Former FPS Site, Waterloo Road, Old Market/ZCD…866 (£55,769.09)

(2)        Application Number 03/02621/24 – 30 West Street, Old Market/ZCD…856 (£12,476.90)

(3)        Application Number 11/01099 – Saffron Gardens, Prospect Place, Whitehall/ZCD…982 (£11,876,25) – This was proposed  for joint funding with a scheme in Lypiatt Road to be considered by the St George Neighbourhood Partnership


The NP congratulated the Highways Team for the work they had carried out on these schemes.


Resolved by the Neighbourhood Committee (5 for, 0 against) – that the above schemes at Waterloo Road, 30 West Street and Saffron Gardens be approved.


Action: Lindsay Hay



Grant Applications For Approval pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Kurt James will present this report.


The NP considered the recommendations of the Well Being Grant Panel.


Officers agreed to send details of the names of the Grant Panel membership to all NP members. Action: Lindsay Hay


Resolved by the Neighbourhood Committee (5 for, 0 against) – that the following schemes be approved. Full details are set out in Appendix 1 of the report:

Bannerman Road Community Academy - £1,078.56 (Part Funded from £1,560 Requested)

Children’s Scrapstore – No Funding (£2,429.20 Requested)

Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management - £2,385

Friends of St Andrews Park – No Funding (£2,500 Requested)

Full Circle and Docklands - £2,612

Iconic Black Bristolians - £2,000 (Part Funded From £3,000 Requested)

Julia Thorneycroft – No Funding (£1,450 Requested)

Off The Record – No Funding (£2,500 Requested)

TIGER - £1,924.44

TOTAL FUNDING: £10,000 (from £20,360.64 requested)


Action: Lindsay Hay


Neighbourhood Partnership Co-ordinator's Report pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Kurt James will present this report.


Neighbourhood Partnership Review Update

The NP noted the NP Review Update. It was noted that there were proposals by the Boundary Commission for the Easton Ward to transfer from the Bristol West to the Bristol East Parliamentary Constituency. There were a series of meetings taking place throughout the city as part of this consultation.


 It was also noted that, in the event that the Central and Harbourside Ward joined this NP, there was the potential to receive a significant amount of CIL funding.


Action: None


Resident Parking Scheme Review

The NP noted the Resident Parking Scheme Review.


Following concerns expressed by a number of NP members at the proposals within the review, it was agreed that this issue should be added to a future Agenda and that Councillor Mark Bradshaw (Cabinet Member for Transport) and Peter Mann (Service Director – Transport) should be invited to attend.

It was noted that Councillor Jude English, in her capacity as Chair of the Place Scrutiny Commission, would be writing a letter to Mark Bradshaw concerning this issue.

NP Members made the following additional comments:

(1)        The proposals would have a massive effect on local traders, many of whom did not have English as a second language. A large number of people felt angry and excluded at the proposals;

(2)        The results of the consultation needed to be published – the process must avoid becoming a tick-box exercise;

(3)        There were practical issues to consider as part of the review, such as how people might get a large amount of shopping back to their home on a bike;

(4)        Councils should not use parking reviews as a means of obtaining income;

(5)        The review is not fit for purpose.


Action: Lindsay Hay


Neighbourhood Officer and Neighbourhood Plan Updates

The NP received Neighbourhood Officer and Neighbourhood Plan Updates. It was noted that 3 Notice Boards had now been installed in Old Market, Montpelier and St Werburghs.


Action: None


Section 106 and CIL Update

The NP heard an update on Section 106 funding and on CIL. The Area Neighbourhood Officer confirmed that the fund had now reached £155,599.88. He pointed out that the NP would need to consider carefully what decisions it would need to make to ensure priorities were made for the NP, linked to the NP Plan.

It was noted that teams needed to be in place to ensure that any schemes could be delivered.

Action: None


REPLICATE – Project Update

The Area Co-ordinator confirmed that there would be a full report on this issue at the next NP meeting. This would explain how this technology would interface and was co-funded by European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme.

Action: Lindsay Hay


Bristol 800 Visit To the Mansion House

The NP noted that the Lord Mayor had requested representatives from this NP area to celebrate 800 years of Lord Mayors.


Resolved – that the following AELH NP members attend the Bristol 800 visit to the Mansion House – Maryanne Kempf, Ben Wood, Councillor Jude English,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


Any Other Business


The NP noted that CCTV cameras were being installed to tackle the problems caused by fly tipping. It was also noted that there would be a Repairs Café for bikes on 15th October 2016.


NP members passed on their best wishes to Maryanne Kempf following her ongoing illness.


Prue Hardwick raised concerns about the issue of the availability of Blue Badge Spaces in Gloucester Road.


Action: Lindsay Hay to investigate


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for 6.30pm on Monday 28th November 2016 at the St Paul’s Learning and Family Centre, 94 Grosvenor Road, Bristol BS2 8XJ


Members noted that the next NP would be held at 6.30pm on Monday 28th November 2016 at the St Paul’s Learning and Family Centre, 94 Grosvenor Road, Bristol BS2 8XJ.