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Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Portway Rugby Centre, Portway, Sea Mills, BS9 2HS
Contact: Steve Gregory 0117 92 24357
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome, Introductions and apologies PDF 33 KB See attached membership list Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Alan Aburrow, Peter Robottom and Jenny Hodges.
The Partnership expressed its sincere thanks and appreciation to the former ward members Gay Huggins, Alan Preece, Wendy Hull who had stood down and to former Councillors Glenise Morgan and Alastair Watson for their considerable and energetic contribution to the work of the Partnership.
Newly elected ward representatives Ella Davies, Graham Donald, Roger Gamlin, Robert Murphy and Councillor Liz Radford were warmly welcomed.
The Partnership noted that since the last meeting the Ward boundaries for all the Wards comprising the Partnership area had changed and that this had raised a number of concerns and frustrations.
Whilst the Partnership had no discretion over the events brought in by the Boundary Commission a commitment was made to welcome any person who felt they had been annexed out of the NP, against their wishes, to attend any of the Neighbourhood Forums as the NP’s guests and where communities had been split that it be recognised that those communities might want to retain an identity and social cohesion that was not formally recognised by or reflected within the Ward boundaries as they now existed.
Presenting officer: Andrew McGrath, Neighbourhood Partnership Co-ordinator Presented By: Andrew McGrath Minutes: The Partnership considered a report of the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator regarding the Neighbourhood Partnership’s annual business for 2016/17.
Resolved – 1. That the Neighbourhood Partnership membership be noted and the chairing arrangements for 2016/17 be confirmed as below – (i) Neighbourhood Partnership Chair David Mayer and Vice Chair Graham Donald; (ii) Neighbourhood Committee Chair Councillor Radford and Vice Chair Councillor Abraham; 2. That the Neighbourhood Partnership and Neighbourhood Committee terms of reference and financial operating framework be endorsed; 3. That the devolved Neighbourhood Budget be noted; 4. That the meeting schedule including subgroups and forums be agreed; 5. That the financial statement and expenditure from 2015-16 be noted.
Minutes of 7 March 2016 meeting PDF 135 KB To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2016 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: None were declared. |
Public Forum Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item
Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum. The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda. Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-
Questions - Written questions must be received 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received in this office at the latest by 5 pm on 7 June 2016.
Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting. For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12.00 noon on 10 June 2016
The Partnership received a statement in respect of student parking issues Following the major expansion of the Stoke Bishop Halls of Residence and noted the serious ongoing parking problems which were a major concern to local residents.
The Partnership was asked to help local residents hold the University to account on commitments it made to its neighbours and ensure local streets were not used by its students as a dumping ground for their cars during term time and bring pressure to bear on the University to honour its promises and take ownership of the problem of student parking and ensure that they take meaningful action towards finding a permanent solution to the problem.
After considering this issue the Partnership –
Agreed – that two of the five ward Councillors (on the NP) meet with the Vice Chancellor, or other appropriate officer, to have a reasonable discussion with the aim of finding an amicable solution acceptable to all parties. Councillor Campion-Smith also agreed to write a letter to the University in her capacity of Cabinet Member for People.
Police Minutes: The Police representative reported that it had been intended for Unit Beat policing areas to match the recent ward boundary changes but there had been an unavoidable delay in implementing this. It was anticipated that this would be resolved within the next four weeks.
Presenting officer: Andrew McGrath, Neighbourhood Partnership Co-ordinator
Presented By: Andrew McGrath Minutes: The Partnership received a report of the Neighbourhood Co?ordinator regarding the allocation and recommendations of the Wellbeing Panel.
Well Being funds available at the start of the year: £30,000
At the June meeting the NP awarded: £1,266 At the September meeting the NP awarded: £1,630 At the December meeting the NP awarded: £150 At the March meeting the NP awarded: £4,839.79
Total allocated in 2015/16 = £7,885.79
This left (unspent in 2015/16): £22,114.21 (c/f to 2016/17)
In respect of recommendation (3) St Ursula’s PTFA playground project a question was raised about how provision of playgrounds in academies was funded. It was considered that further information be sought before making a decision.
In respect of recommendation (4) Councillor Radford declared a non-pecuniary interest regarding her work in relation to the Westbury Park Youth Group and informed the Partnership that she would not take part in the consideration and vote for this item.
The Neighbourhood Committee Members present voted on the recommendations as set out in the report.
On being put to the vote, subject to Councillor Radford abstaining with regard to recommendation (4), it was unanimously –
Resolved - to note the current Well Being allocation and approve funding allocation as recommended by the Wellbeing Panel (as amended regarding recommendation 3), as set out below -
Feedback from working groups: |
Environment & Tree Champion's report PDF 184 KB Presented By: Andrew McGrath Minutes: The Neighbourhood Partnership noted the report and the decisions that were required to be taken.
The Neighbourhood Committee considered the recommendations in the report and on being put to the vote unanimously –
Resolved –
1. To fund up to £6,000 for trees from the NP’s CIL allocation, with the exact cost to be determined as soon as possible;
2. To fund £1,000 from the NP’s CIL funds for daffodils to be grown around the NP’s playgrounds;
3. To allocate the NP’s £1,500 Clean and Green budget as set out below -
· Stoke Bishop - £500 hanging baskets; · W-o-T - £500 flower fund (WOTSOC); · Henleaze - £500 flora (details to be provided).
Presented By: Andrew McGrath Minutes: The Neighbourhood Partnership noted the report and the decisions that were required to be taken.
The Neighbourhood Committee considered the recommendations in the report and on being put to the vote unanimously –
Resolved -
(1) To approve a revision to the timescale for the previously sanctioned Henleaze Parking Review, whereby it would be completed over a two year period (2016/18) instead of the current one year (2016/17) at no extra cost to the NP;
(2) To approve expenditure of £10k from the NP’s devolved funds for a Parking Review (and subsequent implementation) for streets around Sea Mills Station, as a Minor Traffic Scheme, spread over two years, starting 2016/17;
(3) To approve expenditure of £8k as a Minor Works project from the NP’s devolved funds for kerb work, plus the inclusion of wooden bollards to prevent continuing verge damage in Canford Lane.
Presented By: Andrew McGrath Minutes: The report was noted and a request for a £3,000 budget for the WGOP to be drawn down as required was agreed. The NP noted that each draw-down would be formally requested from the Neighbourhood Committee.
Presented By: Andrew McGrath Minutes: The report was noted. Helen Furber said that invitations to a meeting in respect of Neighbourhood Plan update were being sent out for 20 July and that any input for this meeting be sent through her rather than direct to Hayley Ash.
Governance Minutes: No report was submitted for this meeting. |
NP Plan update report PDF 180 KB Presenting officer: Andrew McGrath, Neighbourhood Partnership Co-ordinator
Presented By: Andrew McGrath Minutes: The Partnership considered a report of the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator updating the Neighbourhood Plan.
Resolved – That the updated NP Plan priorities for 2016/17 be agreed.
2015/16 NP Plan Achievements Update report PDF 2 MB Presenting officer: Andrew McGrath, Neighbourhood Partnership Co-ordinator
Presented By: Andrew McGrath Minutes: The Partnership considered a report of the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator giving an update on the progress and some of the achievements of the 2015/16 NP Plan. It was noted that the NP had achieved an enormous amount via its working groups in 2015/16. The report highlighted a few of them.
Resolved – that the report be noted.
Neighbourhood Coordinator's report PDF 231 KB Presenting officer: Andrew McGrath, Neighbourhood Partnership Co-ordinator Presented By: Andrew McGrath Minutes: The Partnership considered a report of the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator updating on various issues.
The NP noted that the next scheduled Forum dates should be as follows: Henleaze – 7pm Tuesday 3 November 2016. Henleaze Library; Westbury-on-Trym – 7pm Wednesday 2 November. Venue 35; Stoke Bishop – 7pm Thursday 1 November 2016. Stoke Bishop Primary;
Also noted that Neighbourhood Coordinator would send out invite for 20 July NP Plan meeting, change NP pre-meeting start time from 5.30 pm to 6 pm and discuss possible arrangement of open forums for the summer period rather than wait until November.
Resolved – that having regard to the above :
1. The updates from the last forums be noted; 2. The information relating to an upcoming city-wide NP event be noted; 3. The meeting schedule and the proposed dates/times, as amended, be agreed; 4. The updates on the NP’s devolved budgets and the update on non-devolved S106 funding allocated to the NP area be noted.
(The meeting ended at 8.35 pm)