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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Henleaze Junior School, Park Grove, Bristol BS9 4LG

Contact: Steve Gregory  0117 92 24357

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Apologies were received from Councillor Clare Campion-Smith, Councillor Geoff Gollop and Ella Davies. Jenny Hodges was not present.  


NP noted that Robert Murphy (WoT & Henleaze Ward representative) had resigned. The NP expressed its thanks to Robert for his input. Noted that there were now two vacancies for the WoT & Henleaze Ward.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors.  They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Please note that the Register of Interests is available at


Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.



            Councillor Liz Radford expressed an interest as a member of St. Peter’s Church and Westbury Park Church in respect of grant applications.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2016 were confirmed as a correct

record and signed by the Chair.



Public Forum

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this.

Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum.  The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda.  Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-


Questions - Written questions must be received 3 clear working days prior to the meeting.  For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received in this office at the latest by 5 pm on 20 September 2016.


Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting.  For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12.00 noon on 23 September 2016.






Student parking issues following the major expansion of the Stoke Bishop Halls of Residence

Andy Nairn


Management of the Downs

Alan Preece


Public Transport service reduction in Bristol/Bath city region

South West Transport Network, TSSA and Director of Bus Users (UK)


Comprehensive review of the Canford Park Management Plan 2012 - 2017

Mike Blundell


Planning Enforcement

Ella Davies


Library Swipe Card

Paul Walker



            Comments on public forum statements –


a.     Student parking – NP welcomed Joni Lloyd Community Liaison officer for University of Bristol, suggested that Joni attend the next Stoke Bishop Neighbourhood Forum on 1st November and the next Transport Working Group on 31 October 2016. Concern was expressed that the Vice Chancellor had disregarded previous correspondence about the parking issues caused by students not using on-site parking facilities at the University. NP advised by Joni that students could not be told not to bring their vehicles. NP members felt that this was incorrect as other universities did apply that as a policy. The NP acknowledged it had limited control over this issue and that the only option open to it was to maintain the pressure on the University to amend its approach. Councillor Abraham offered to meet the Vice Chancellor directly to discuss possible options to mitigate the problem of, student related, on street parking and discuss other concerns raised about noise and behaviour.


b.     Concern about inappropriate use of the Downs and lack of any meaningful consultation. The NP acknowledged that the Downs were controlled by the Downs Act 1861 and that there was no provision in the Act for public consultation. In respect of a burger van licence the NP was informed that Bristol City Council lawyers had advised that the Downs Act had precedence, not the Licensing Sub-Committee regarding permission to use the Downs for this purpose.


            It was understood that the Downs Committee was reviewing its procedures and was recommending that in future pre-approval would be sought from council officers and if appropriate Development Control (Planning) prior to any application going ahead.  In the meantime the Chair undertook to liaise with Councillor Abraham and Alan Preece and compose a letter to Head of Legal Services, Bristol City Council in order to pursue this matter further.


c.      Statement was noted.


d.     Agreed that the Chair write to Bristol City Council to request that an appropriate representative of the Council give a presentation to the Westbury on Trym Forum of 2 November 2016 in respect of the Canford Park Management Plan 2012 -2017 and how Parks and Estates would deliver the comprehensive review. 


e.     Non enforcement issue in Stoke Bishop area, agreed to refer to the Planning Sub-Committee of the Stoke Bishop Neighbourhood Forum and invite local residents and a member of the Council’s planning and enforcement team.


f.       Paul Walker Library Development Officer attended to advise on swipe card scheme being implemented, late in the autumn, to allow access to libraries outside normal opening hours.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.






                        Paul Bolton-Jones (Police Neighbourhood Manager), updated the NP on issues in the area –


a.     Alleged drug issue at Massive Attack concert on Downs, Police not aware of this but advised that policing was only provided for the external area, with internal security being provided by the organisers. Paul undertook to provide feedback for future license applications on the Downs;

b.     Unit Beat policing areas had now been matched to the recent ward boundary changes with effect from September;

c.      Policing statistics for the area were explained, for future report a brief narrative be provided to summarise trends would be provided;

d.     A spate of ‘Nottingham Knockers’ (gangs of doorstep sellers) had occurred in the Stoke Bishop area, NP advised to call 999 in cases of criminal activities/threatening behaviour or 111 for other reasons;

e.     Incidents of burglaries in the NP area were very low.



Representative from UWE (Wellbeing application discussion)


                        Representative from UWE (Wellbeing application discussion)


                        The NP discussed the merits of funding a Wellbeing application from the UWE regarding the funding of an Intervention Initiative to tackle domestic violence. The Application had been considered by the Wellbeing Panel, which acknowledged the need to tackle domestic abuse but expressed considerable concern about the content of the application and its proposed methods of operation.  


                        The NP questioned whether it should fund this type of activity and advised that the Applicant’s be made aware that this type of funding could possibly be achieved from other more appropriate sources such as charities or research organisations.


                        Having regard to the time scale it was agreed that the Application should be deferred until the NP’s December meeting to enable more information to be obtained about it.



Wellbeing pdf icon PDF 131 KB




The Partnership received a report of the Neighbourhood Co?ordinator regarding the allocation and recommendations of the Wellbeing Panel.


The Neighbourhood Committee voted unanimously and


Resolved - to note the current Well Being allocation and approve/defer funding allocation as set out below -



Amount requested


North Bristol Parent Carers Support Group



Fund £500

St Peter’s Henleaze parochial Church


The Application had been withdrawn



Application deferred pending

more information about how the proposal would work and the Applicant being advised of possible alternative sources of funding

St Ursula’s PTFA playground project




Fund in full



Reports from Working Groups


Feedback from Working Groups

(a)        Environment and Tree Champion’s report


The Neighbourhood Partnership noted the report. With regard to Channel 4 TV obtaining permission from Coombe Dingle Sports Hub to use Stoke Lodge Parkland as an HGV park and car park it was suggested that the NP write to Coombe Dingle Sports Hub to tell them that they should not have done it.


The Neighbourhood Committee then considered the decisions that were required to be taken as set out in the recommendations in the report. On being put to the vote it was unanimously –


Resolved –


1.     That funding of £4,745, from the NP’s S106 Hiatt Baker funds,  to undertake clearance work on the Stoke Lodge sensory garden area be approved;

2.     That funding of £3,150, from the NP’s CIL funds, to undertake the design work detailed in the report be approved;


Consideration of the third recommendation, in respect of improving kitchen premises at the Church in Westbury Park,was deferred until the next meeting of the NP due to the Neighbourhood Committee becoming inquorate following a formal declaration of interest by one of the three members present.

(b)       Transport


The Neighbourhood Partnership/Committee noted the report and the decisions that were required to be taken.


CPNN Traffic Mitigation Proposals for the A4018 Corridor


Alan Aburrow reported that he had not received any feedback from Council Officers in respect of requests for updates on progress with traffic mitigation proposals for the A4018 corridor. He then read out a quote from the Area Coordinator’s Report to the forthcoming Henbury, Brentry & Southmead NP Meeting that had been submitted by Oliver Coltman, City Transport’s Strategic Projects Team Manager, as follows –

“The preparation of the traffic model for the A4018 is progressing well and we will soon be meeting with the consultants to view a demonstration and confirm the corridor options to be tested. The results of the study are expected in November; the date will be confirmed with the consultants when we meet.

I will also find out at what point we will have information that can be shared with the NP. It is my intention to organise a meeting for Councillors and NP reps at which the results of the study will be presented and discussed. This will be when the study is completed, probably towards the end of November.”


The Neighbourhood Partnership and Neighbourhood Committee then considered the recommendations in the report and on being put to the vote unanimously –


Neighbourhood Partnership




  1. That the Transport Working Group’s revised Terms of Reference, following their review at the Group’s recent AGM be approved;


  1. That the continuing lack of progress with publishing the results of the traffic survey that was a prelude to the possible removal of the remaining section of bus lane on the approach to the White Tree roundabout, or to justify its retention, be noted;


  1. That it be noted that Bristol City Council’s Transport Development Team was unlikely to publish any proposals for mitigating the potential  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Environment and Tree Champion's report pdf icon PDF 175 KB


Transport pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Older People pdf icon PDF 48 KB


Communication pdf icon PDF 148 KB


Governance pdf icon PDF 67 KB


Neighbourhood Coordinator's report pdf icon PDF 218 KB


            Neighbourhood Co-ordinator’s report


            The Partnership considered a report of the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator updating on various issues.


            The NP considered the issue of the recent event of a television production crew parking its vans and lorries on the Stoke Lodge site. It was noted that Bristol City Council Legal Services had confirmed that Coombe Dingle Management had given permission to park on the land but had not consulted the leaseholders Cotham School or the landowner, Bristol City Council.


            Matt Birch Director of Sport for University of Bristol said he was happy to receive any direction from Bristol City Council Legal Services regarding any behavioural issues but did not have any information about the financial points referred to in the report.


            After further discussion the NP felt that Bristol City Council Legal Services should be asked to write to Cotham School and University of Bristol to reinforce the terms of the lease to avoid this happening again.


            Resolved – that


1.     The dates for the next forums be noted;

2.     The current NP budget be noted;

3.     The meeting schedule and dates be noted subject to venue for the Wellbeing Working Group being changed to allow public access;

4.     The updates on the NP’s devolved budgets and the update on non-devolved S106 funding allocated to the NP, be noted;

5.     The brief reference to the citywide NP event that took place in July be noted;

6.     The update regarding the recent equalities review be noted and that the matter be referred to the Communication Working Group;

7.     The update regarding the 90th (W-o-T) Bristol Scout Group’s attempts to find a new home for the troupe, be noted;

8.     The concerns raised by local residents regarding the recent episode of a television production crew parking its vans and lorries on Stoke Lodge be noted and that Bristol City Council Legal Services be asked to write to Cotham School and University of Bristol to reinforce the terms of the lease to avoid this happening again.



(The meeting ended at 9.10 pm)