- Agenda Content
Venue: Remote Access - Via On Line or Telephone Conference Call. View directions
Contact: Oliver Harrison
Link: Watch Live Webcast
Note | No. | Item |
Launch of the Homes and Communities Board: 2021 Goals and link to the One City Plan and Priorities |
3.00 pm |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for absence |
Getting to Know You Session |
Homelessness: a Review of 20/21 and Challenges for the Year Ahead |
Discussion of Goal 1: Deliver a pilot programme with Bristol communities, particularly council properties, to develop and increase access to communal and green spaces |
Discussion of Goal 2: Using outcomes from the Race and Housing Conference and Inclusive Cities projects, implement a project to improve refugee and migrant integration into communities and neighbourhoods |
Discussion of Goal 3: Continue to deliver new net zero carbon homes and begin delivery of retrofitting for existing housing stock to meet Bristol's Climate and Ecological Emergencies |
Future Items for September Meeting |
Dates for Future Meetings |