- Agenda and draft minutes Content
Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Scout Hut Bishport Avenue, 501 Bishport Ave, Bristol, BS13
Contact: Louise deCordova
No. | Item | ||||
Chairing Arrangements PDF 169 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Partnership considered the chairing arrangements for the next municipal year.
The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED that Cllr Holland continue as Chair and that a decision on the formal chairing arrangements be deferred until the next scheduled meeting in September.
Welcome and Introductions, Apologies for Absence PDF 46 KB Minutes: The Chair led the welcome and introductions. Apologies were received from Cllr Brain and Cllr Gogin. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Please note that the Register of Interests is available at
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: Cllr Holland declared an interest as Governor of the Hartcliffe Children’s Centre.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 120 KB a) To agree the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record. b) Matters arising/actions arising c) Use of Action Sheet in future Additional documents: Minutes: a. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record.
Matters Arising b. The Neighbourhood Committee was asked to note that the Volunteer Matters funding transfer had not been successful. The Learning Partnership West would therefore be asked to reinstate these activities.
Action: Emily Smith
c. The Neighbourhood Partnership was asked to note that a Wilmott Park consultation had been planned for residents to comment on the park design and play equipment. Cllrs asked that Ward Members be advised in advance of any consultations relating to their wards. Action: Emily Smith
d. The Neighbourhood Partnership coordinator referred to the Action Sheet Template and confirmed that this would be used to record and track actions between meetings, and included within future agenda packs.
Public Forum Any member of the public or councillor may participate in public forum. The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the public information sheet at the back of this agenda. Public forum items should be emailed to - please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-
Questions - written questions must be received at least 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received in this office at the latest by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 14 June 2016.
Petitions and written statements - petitions and written statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12.00 noon on Friday 17 June 2016.
Minutes: The partnership received public forum statements, presented by Keith Way as follows.
The Chair agreed take Statement 1 with item 11.
In discussion the following points were noted:
a. With reference to Statement 2. The Neighbourhood Coordinator advised that St George Neighbourhood Partnership had used Narrow Estate Funding to employ a fund raiser. The fund raiser had been given a set of target projects to fund raise for. The Neighbourhood Team were considering the most appropriate model that could see this pilot rolled out across all neighbourhood partnerships areas, and prevent the possibility of duplication of effort with Partnerships going after the same funding streams.
b. One model might include teaming up with other neighbourhood partnerships in the South Bristol area.
The Neighbourhood partnership AGREED that a more detailed proposal be brought to the next meeting and that the potential for working with other neighbourhood partnerships to employ a fund raiser be explored. Action: Emily Smith
Equalities Monitoring (Emily Smith) Minutes: The Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator asked that all attendees complete the equalities monitoring form that had been circulated.
Neighbourhood Partnership AGM Report 2016 (Emily Smith) PDF 123 KB a) 2015/15 Financial Statement b) 2016/17 meeting dates c) Amendment to Neighbourhood Partnership Terms of Reference d) Membership Additional documents:
Minutes: The Neighbourhood Partnership considered the annual general meeting report presented by Emily Smith.
In discussion the following was noted:
a. It was suggested that more young people should be encouraged to get involved with the Partnership. Partnership members were asked to volunteer to be mentors to any young people who came forward to support this. Volunteers to contact Emily Smith. Action: All/Emily Smith Neighbourhood budget. b. It was confirmed that all underspends would be brought forward. c. A resident suggested that the Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Partnership be merged with the HWV to create efficiencies. Others thought that the organisations had separate roles and could both help to encourage more people to be active in their communities. The neighbourhood partnership coordinator said that these were independent organisations with their own Board members who are responsible for their running.
Neighbourhood Partnership Plan (Draft) a. The draft plan was circulated. The Chair agreed that Agenda Item 13 could be discussed at this point. b. It was confirmed that the Neighbourhood Partnership would be working to progress the plan over the next 12 months. c. Councillors confirmed that the Neighbourhood Partnership Plan was an important document to get right and needed to accurately reflect the Partnerships priorities as it was used by Council departments to allocate resources. It should also clearly reflect the joined up approach taken with Partners including other public bodies such as the police to progress work to deliver joint objectives. d. In response to a question on how priorities were set and delivered. Councillors confirmed that it was a joint effort of all members of the neighbourhood partnership, including the sub groups and external partners and volunteers. e. A resident raised a concern that documents were always out of date due to the quarterly cycle of meetings. The Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator confirmed that it was the responsibility of every member to keep up to date. f. It was noted that Cllr. Margaret Hickman was the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods. g. It was noted that Hartcliffe and Withywood hoped to have forums in both parts of the ward. Confirmed that future agenda setting sessions would include the Chairs of the Partnership subgroups.
Action: Emily Smith
The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED: (i) To confirm the Neighbourhood Partnership membership and to defer the chairing arrangements decision until September. (ii) To confirm the Neighbourhood Committee and Neighbourhood Partnership terms of reference and the Neighbourhood Committee financial operating framework. (iii) The amended member nomination form and dates for potential elections in the autumn. (iv) To note the devolved Neighbourhood Budget for 2016-17 (v) To note the financial statement and expenditure from 2015-16 (vi) The 2016/17 meeting schedule including subgroups and forums (vii) To note the Neighbourhood Plan report and the 2016/17 Neighbourhood Partnership Plan draft revisions.
Police and Community Safety Report (Inspector Nigel Colston) PDF 166 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Partnership considered the Crime and Community Safety Report presented by Sergeant Deakin on behalf of Inspector Nigel Colston.
In discussion the following was noted:
a. It was confirmed that the report now showed a rolling 12 months of results rather than a snapshot. b. The Officer confirmed that although there has been a small fall in the recording of race and religious hate crime. Work was continuing around other types of hate crime as the true level of crime with a hate element is believed to be significantly higher. c. It was noted that after two HMIC (Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary) inspections. All crime reported is now recorded and results covered the whole of South Bristol. d. It was noted that there had been a change in the law. Violence against a person now included Harassment such as swearing or via electronic means such as via social media, for example Facebook. e. Domestic violence reporting. There was further work required to enable reporting of south Bristol statistics. It was noted that more detail was requested specifically for the Dundry View area. Action : Inspector Nigel Colston
f. A restructuring of neighbourhood policing teams had been implemented to cover the new ward boundaries and three sergeants would now police those areas. 9 PCSO vacancies had resulted in reduced capacity and it was acknowledged that due to recent losses in staff the team were the most understrength team. 3 PCSO’s were currently in training for deployment in August/September. g. Changes in the way data was presented could be expected. Data to be looked at month to month on a rolling basis. It was noted that this would take time to bed in to be able to see comparison data and trends year on year. h. A Cllr asked if there were particular reasons for a 53% increase in theft of motor vehicles. It was confirmed that with an increase in crime overall car crime was a quick and easy crime to carry out and difficult to detect unless witnessed or forensic evidence found. It was important for car owners to take the usual precautions of not leaving valuables on view in their vehicles.
i. A resident questioned how action taken in the community to address crime was being communicated to the community as there was a suggestion from residents that they were demoralised about reporting incidents due to lack of response or follow up. The officer expressed surprise and concern as the data demonstrated that every victim of crime was contacted within 72 hours. The officer asked for feedback where there had been examples when a call back had not been received in order to investigate and find out why.
j. It was confirmed that the current beat officers remained the same and were not due to change.
The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED: To note the report and comments and actions arising.
Bristol Walking Alliance (Ben Barker/HHEAG) PDF 83 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Partnership considered a report of the Bristol Walking Alliance presented by Ben Barker.
In discussion the following was noted:
a. The Partnership was in agreement with the aims and objectives of the Bristol Walking Alliance. b. Cllrs asked that any volunteer opportunities should be accessible to all members c. Concern raised that any additional action against cars on narrow roads could be seen as an attack on car owners. d. It was confirmed that any volunteer may need to commit to meet locally and travel to the centre for meetings currently once per month e. It was suggested that HHEAG might the proper organisation to lead on this work. f. Bristol had been named as the 2017 European City of Sport, there was potential to put a joint proposal together to access some funding to provide legacy projects for projects around exercise and activity. For example a mapping of the South Bristol walking network along waterways and circular walks and providing accessible walkways, signposted and seating for the five Neighbourhood Partnerships South of the river.
The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED: (i) To join the Bristol Walking Alliance (ii) To carry out some further work to confirm the appointment of a Partnership member or subgroup member to represent Dundry View at BWA meetings and feedback to the Partnership.
Neighbourhood Partnership Budget 2016/17 (Emily Smith) PDF 61 KB a) Devolved un-ring fenced budget b) Section 106 monies c) Community Infrastructure Levy monies Additional documents: Minutes: The Neighbourhood Committee / Partnership considered a report from Emily Smith regarding the Neighbourhood Budget.
In discussion the following was noted:
a. Cllrs suggested that the separate minor signs and lines budget had previously been useful and would like to request this again. The Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator to write to Cllr Mark Bradshaw via the Highways Team to free up the budget. Action Emily Smith
b. A resident commented that there was unnecessary repetition on each report outlining the Public Sector Equality Duty. It was considered that this could be written in full once at the start of the agenda pack and that each report could refer to the information contained within the Duty in order to reduce the paper in the agenda pack.
c. A resident made reference to the funding that had been received in order to support the service of the number 52 bus and raised concern with regards to the reduced number 36 bus and whether funding could be made available to subsidise the route. An enquiry to be included in the letter to Mark Bradshaw. Action: Emily Smith.
The Neighbourhood Committee RESOLVED: (i) To note the 2016/17 Neighbourhood budget (ii) To ringfence £30,000 for the small grants/ wellbeing budget (iii) To ringfence £3,000 budget for Neighbourhood Officer work (iv) To ringfence £5,000 budget for small highways works, lines and signs. (v) To write to Cllr Bradshaw to request freeing up a separate minor lines and signs budget and raise resident’s concerns over the impact of the reduction of the Number 36 bus route? (vi) To carry forward £1,000 budget set aside for Community cohesion and hate crime work
Small Grants Wellbeing Report (Emily Smith) PDF 49 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Committee / Partnership considered a report from Emily Smith regarding the Neighbourhood Budget.
In discussion the following was noted:
The Dundry Slopes & Hartcliffe Green Spaces and Wildlife Conservation Group had changed its name to the Dundry Slopes Group.
The next round of wellbeing applications had opened and could be submitted for the next Grants Panel taking place on 22nd August. The Neighbourhood Committee RESOLVED to agree the recommendations from the Dundry View Funding panel for the allocation of Small Grants Funding as follows: (i) The Ark - £0 (ii) New Horizons - £0 (iii) Dundry Slopes + Hartcliffe Green spaces and Wildlife conservation Group - £1000 (iv) Friends of Hartcliffe Early Years community Group - £1500 (v) Zion - £1620 (vi) Off the Record - £0 (vii) St Oswalds Community Garden - £2000 (viii)Severn Vale Bowls Club - £2000 (ix) Townswomen (Uplands & District) - £875 (x) Withywood Church (Hartcliffe and Withywood Community Choir) - £1950
Pollinator Report (Teija Ahjokoski) PDF 228 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Committee / Partnership noted the report from Teija Ahjokoski, Horticulture and Projects Supervisor regarding the Pollinator project and received a public forum statement presented by Keith Way.
In discussion the following was noted:
Further clarification was sought on the exact location of the site named Bedminster Down Common 1 in the Appendix A report. Action: Teija Ahjokoski
It was suggested that the Dundry Slopes group apply for funding for spring planting or investigate other sources of money. A suggestion was made that the group also speak with Bristol Zoo regarding their current planting projects. Action: Dundry Slopes Group The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED to note the report and comments and actions arising. The Neighbourhood Committee RESOLVED to agree the recommendations for spend of remaining budget of £790 on bulbs as outlined in the report. |
Neighbourhood Plan (Emily Smith) PDF 40 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Plan had been considered at Agenda Item 7 as part of the AGM report.
Green Capital Report (Emily Smith) PDF 47 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Committee / Partnership considered an update report from Emily Smith regarding the Green Capital projects. Including a breakdown of grants and spend.
It was noted that monitoring forms were outstanding from a number of organisations due to late completion of their projects. The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED to note the report.
Community Asset Transfer (Emily Smith) PDF 40 KB 11th Bristol Air Scouts Hut Minutes: The Neighbourhood Committee / Partnership considered a report from John Bos presented by Emily Smith regarding the proposed Community Asset Transfer. A new lease of the scout hut and land at Headley Park School to the 11th Bristol Air Scout Group.
It was noted that the Ward councillors supported the proposal. The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED to support the proposal as outlined in the report.
City Wide Event (Emily Smith) PDF 78 KB Minutes: The Neighbourhood Committee / Partnership considered a report from Emily Smith regarding the Neighbourhood Partnership City Wide Event on Wednesday 20th July 2016 at Central Library 6.30pm-8.30pm.
It was noted that the Partnership could put forward a Case Study of the work that had been carried out at the skateboard park. The Neighbourhood Coordinator to submit this work to the event. Action: Emily Smith The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED to note the report and the comments and actions arising.
Any Other Business Minutes: The Neighbourhood Partnership requested that a Thank You letter be sent to Heather Williams for her contribution to the Partnership as Neighbourhood Officer. Action: Cllr Helen Holland