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Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: North Somerset Council, Rooms 8, 9, 10 Castlewood Offices, Tickenham Road, Clevedon, BS21 6FW
Contact: Shana Johnson
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: ApologieswerereceivedfromCouncillors Brett, Bown, Drew, Shelford and Weston
Public Forum
Statements or questions should be e-mailed to, or sent to Bristol City Council, City Hall College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR (for the attention of Patricia Jones). Statements must be received no later than 12.00 noon on the working day prior to the meeting. For the purposes of this meeting, your statement should be submitted by noon on 11th October. Questions must be received no later than 3 clear working days before the meeting - 5pm on 6th October. Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To agree the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th June 2016 as a correct record. Minutes: Resolved – that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 16th June 2016 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Chairman's Business Minutes: The Chairman raised concerns about the host authority support to the Panel going forward and requested an update from Bristol City Council on the situation.
Panel Response to the Commissioner's Annual Report Additional documents: Minutes:
The Panel welcomed the Commissioner’s response
to their comments. The Commissioner
confirmed that the Panel’s response, and key issues
highlighted, had fed into the revised priorities in the Police and
Crime Plan. Going forward it would be
helpful to ensure that annual report timeline and refresh of the
Police and Crime Panel were aligned to ensure input from the Panel
in the process.
Scrutiny of the Police and Crime Plan Additional documents: Minutes:
The Commissioner thanked the Panel for their input
and in particular Cllr Asher Craig who had worked closely with the
Commissioner’s office.
The Panel
was disappointed that cyber-crime did not have greater emphasis in
the Plan and would like this issue to feature more prominently,
including actions to ensure intelligence shared is actioned on and
clearer communication with members of the public on whether the
police are able to take action on reported incidents.
The Panel
welcomed the priority to strengthen and improve local policing
teams and in particular actions to prevent burglaries, prosecute more offenders and recover
more property and proceeds of crime. The Panel emphasised the
importance of improving investigative standards and would expect to
see an improvement in performance in this area.
The Panel
reiterated its previous comments about the need for strong and
empowering leadership in order to ensure a highly skilled,
well-informed and motivated work force and would like to see a
greater emphasis on this in the Plan including how this will be
The Panel
strongly supported measures to ensure a more diverse workforce to
adequately represent the diverse communities the Constabulary
The Panel
requested that the Commissioner consider extending the categories
of Hate Crime to include Misogyny. The
Panel noted that the Commissioner would be maintaining a watching
brief over approaches in other parts of the country, e.g Nottingham and would
request a further report back during the next year on these
approaches and whether they could be effective locally. The Panel
also supported further information/campaigns to help the public
understand what constitutes a Hate Crime.
The Panel
emphasised the importance of particular areas to support delivery
of the plan, including capability with respect to the Strategic
Policing Requirement, effectiveness of community engagement to
support policing activity (e.g. the ‘Watch’ schemes),
and multi-agency data sharing in civil cases.
The Panel
acknowledged the importance of a strong multi-agency approach to
delivering the Plan, particularly in response to the statement that
86% of police activity relates to non-crime matters (including
for example missing people and mental health). The Panel
supported the extension of known good practice in this
area. - The Panel fully supported the Commissioner in making a case for fairer funding through current Home Office consultation on the future police funding formula.
Scrutiny of performance/delivery against the Police and Crime Plan - Burglary Minutes:
Burglary had been a priority since 2012 and would
continue to be a priority. The
Commissioner re-iterated that she was disappointed and frustrated
about performance and had made it clear to Chief Constable that
things had to change. - additional resources had been taken on to impact on performance but it was also about upskilling - There was lobbying of government to change legislation around ‘cash for gold’ outlets - The force needed to be trained in Investigation and there needed to be effective leadership systems to ensure this would be enabled - There should not be a variance of how burglaries were dealt with across the force area - Addressing re-offending was key and this had not been aided by changes to the Probation Service and underfunding - Restorative justice, putting offenders with victims was also important to addressing re-offending. Housing and employment were also crucial and work with other partners and the voluntary sector would be vital - It was key to make sure that information and intelligence got to officers on the ground – social media was also being used as an effective source of information - The public also needed to be confident that reporting would actually lead to convictions - Improvements were being made to the 101 line and it was acknowledged the call handling performance was not good enough. There was also an issue about ensuring people used the number for the right purpose. There were too many repeat calls and also a significant of calls which related to other issues and a significant number were from people needing other services e.g. mental health support - Improvements were being made to the way crime reports could be tracked on line and there would be performance reporting on the number of abandoned calls.
Commissioner's Update Report Minutes:
The Panel received an update from the Commissioner
which highlighted the following issues: - Advice had been given to officers on mental health legislation and the use of Section 136 – there would be continued monitoring of application of this legislation. - Partnership work was ongoing to tackle child exploitation and the development of joint approaches. - There wold be a continued emphasis on developing the investigation capacity of neighbourhood teams. - The Community Action Fund plan had been delayed until 1st January - Overtime levels were still too high and similarly absence – the well-being of officers was being looked at in order to tackle this issue . - Assaults on officers was a continuing problem and a 7 point plan was being developed and 1:1 support to help recovery after such incidents. - It was noted that illegal raves had been a big issue in the summer and clear communications had been sent out which had been welcomed by residents and communities – the use of social media had been particularly effective. The illegal raves also posed a significant health and safety threat due to derelict locations in which they were held. - It was noted that there was a dedicated sex liaison officer who was working closely with partners and sharing intelligence, in particular around trafficking and modern slavery. There were opportunities through voluntary agencies for women to talk to other people than police officers.
Tri-Force Collaboration Programme To receive a verbal update. Minutes: The Panel received an update and noted that there would be regular reports to the Panel going forward.
Link Member Reports Minutes: The Panel noted an update from Andy Sharman – Independent Member and Link Member for Business Crime. |
Work Programme Report Minutes: Members noted the Panel Work Programme for 2016/17 in line with its core statutory responsibilities.
It was noted that a briefing from the Chief Constable would be deferred until the 15th December 2016.
Standing Complaints Report Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel considered a report of the Chief Executive (OPCC) providing an oversight of all complaints made against the Commissioner.
It was noted that there had been one complaint (31/08/16/ 16185) since the meeting in June and this was live. The outcome to be sought was Informal resolution by way of an explanation and apology
Resolved – that the report be noted.
Date of next meeting Thursday 15th December 2016 at 11.00am (Weston Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, BS23 1UJ.
(Training 21st October and 23rd November) Minutes: 15th December 2016 10.30- 1pm
Exclusion of the Press and Public Minutes: Resolved - that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of the following item, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act (as amended).
Complaint Update Minutes: (Exempt paragraph 1 – information relating to an individual) The Panel was briefed on a complaint which was upheld by the Independent Police Complaints Commission following an appeal by the complainant.