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Agenda and minutes
Venue: City Hall
Contact: Steve Gregory
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of Chair Minutes: Councillor Celia Phipps was elected Chair for the meeting.
Apologies for absence PDF 97 KB Minutes: Apologies received from Councillors Mark Bradshaw, Mike Langley, Jon Wellington, Lucy Whittle.
Terms of Reference See report at agenda item 6 for Terms of Reference details Minutes: The Terms of Reference, as approved by Council on 20 March 2018, were noted.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Celia Phipps – trustee of BS3 Community and Chair of Friends of Greville Smyth Park; Councillor Charlie Bolton – Bond Holders BS3 Community; Councillor Stephen Clarke – Bond Holders BS3 Community; Councillor Jos Clark – member of Arnos Vale Cemetery Trust; Councillor Tony Carey – member of Friends of Brislington Brook.
Public Forum statements Members of the public may make a written statement. Please submit it to or Democratic Services Section, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5UY. The following requirement applies:
· The statement is received no later than 12.00 noon on the working day before the meetingand is about a matter which is the responsibility of the committee concerned.
Minutes: The Committee received and noted a statement in respect of agenda item 6 regarding a tree planting proposal a copy of the statement has been placed on record and can be accessed via
Members noted that time scales for the tree planting process might result in decision making being outside the planting season and agreed that this be considered at a future Area Committee 5 prior to the start of the planting season – end of October.
Report on proposed decisions for councillors PDF 254 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report on proposed decisions for the awarding of local CIL and S106. Those parts of an Area Committee which had a formally adopted Neighbourhood Development Plan to receive 25% of the CIL generated within the defined border of their Plan, to support their identified infrastructure priorities. It was noted that otherwise 15% of CIL generated within each Area Committee area was available for spend.
Resolved – as set out below and in the report -
1. The projects invited to submit Stage 2 full Proposals and those not invited or not able to proceed (Item 3) were noted and decisions made as set out in the table below; 2. The CIL and S106 monies available at 31st July 2018 and the option of pre-committing future CIL receipts to support the proposals in the paper (Item 4) be noted: · CIL: £170,866.36 · S106: £369,948.04 3. The Proposals as submitted for consideration in the report, including any conditions and allocation of eligible S106 monies to support relevant proposals, in order to conserve CIL funds for future use (Item 5), be approved subject to completion of an EqIA and other conditions as indicated in the table below; 4. That the use of the former Megabowl Site, Brunel Way, Ashton S106 as clarified in the report, to avoid the ambiguity and potential limitation of the recorded decision of the 12th February 2018 Neighbourhood Committee meeting (Item 6), be approved: Recommendation: - That the sum of £30,000 of Parks Section 106 funding received from the former Megabowl Site, Brunel Way, Ashton is applied in the following order: 1. The provision of new and improved children’s play facilities in Greville Smyth Park; 2. Should the new and improved children’s play facilities in Greville Smyth Park cost less than £30,000, the remainder of the funding is to be applied to children’s play facilities in parks within a one mile radius of the former Megabowl site;
5. That priorities not coming for decision at this meeting (Item 7) be put forward by the local ward Councillor(s)/communities for future Area Committee to approve as they agree in conversation with their communities; 6. The Review being set up to consider the 2018 CIL/S106 process and inform 2019 process (Item8) be noted; 7. The legal information concerning the Public Sector Equality duty in reaching all its decisions (Item 9) be noted.
Stage 2 Full Proposals