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Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Puerto Morazan, City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR
Contact: Amy Rodwell
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Minutes: Resolved; That Cllr Richard Eddy be elected as Chair of the Committee.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Paul Goggin, Chris Jackson and Kerry Bailes.
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: Resolved; That the minutes of the previous meeting on 18th July 2022 be approved as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Cllr Tim Kent declared that he would be a Director for Our Whitchurch and Hengrove Community Group CIC when it is formed and was currently a Member of the Committee.
Cllr Graham Morris declared that he was the Council’s representative for the Imperial Sports Ground.
Members of the public may make a written statement ask a question or present a petition to most meetings. Your statement or question will be sent to the Committee and be available in the meeting room one hour before the meeting. Please submit it to or Democratic Services Section, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5UY. The following requirements apply: . The statement is received no later than 12.00 noon on the working day before the meeting (Wednesdday 23 November 2022) and is about a matter which is the responsibility of the committee concerned. . The question is received no later than three clear working days before the meeting (Friday 18 November 2022). Minutes: The Committee received 1 Public Forum statement from Matin Grant regarding the application for Manor Woods Valley Local Nature Reserve who was in attendance to present the statement.
Resolved; That the Public Forum be noted.
Community Resources Manager Update and Decision Additional documents:
Minutes: The Community Resources Manager introduced the report and gave a brief overview before discussing each project. · It was noted that the latest 6 monthly update report was published on the Council’s website in August 2022 and that the next one would be available in February 2023. · It was noted that the Committee were able to overcommit their CIL funding depending on which projects they chose. · There had been previous Neighbourhood Partnership funding of £10,474.90 approved in 2017 that was not included on the CIL commitment spreadsheet. This was not picked up by finance officers due to a set of minutes that were not published but the Committee were advised that these have now been published. The Community Resources Manager noted that the Transport Team had already delivered their element of the project but there was a decision to be made around the use of remaining funds in the Parks department for upgrade paths as initially intended which was AGREED. · The Community Resources Manager advised that the Committee could overcommit if they wish but they are not likely to receive much CIL funding over the next year.
Hengrove and Whitchurch projects – AC6P01, AC6P07, AC6P08 Committee approved the allocation of £15,000 to The Hideout and £3,000 to noticeboards; Cllr Kent noted that Members do not wish to proceed with community road safety at Court Farm and East Dundry Road but would like to proceed at Bamfield (allocating £25,000) and at Clatworthy Drive and Tarnock Avenue (allocating £50,000) which was AGREED. There was a brief discussion around the funds needed for Hengrove and Whitchurch projects.
Tree planting at Hareclive Road junction - AC6P018 The Tree Bristol Officer noted that the tree proposal for Hareclive Road Junction was put forward by Cllr Bailes which was for the planting of one tree. Due to inflation, the price had uplifted significantly and would now cost £1,041 per tree which covered the installation and lifetime maintenance of the tree which was AGREED by the Committee.
Access Improvements to Manor Woods Valley - AC6P05 It was noted that Members had favoured the Manor Woods Valley scheme (AC6P05) over the reinstatement of steps from Ilchester Crescent open space (AC6P019) at the last informal meeting and that they wouldn’t like to use S106 funding for Illchester Crescent. It was noted that there was a shortfall of £1,704 which needed to be met which was due to inflation.
Filwood Community Centre roof repair and solar panel installation - AC6P09 Cllr Goodman noted that she favoured, Filwood Community Centre roof repair and solar panel installation as there were leaks in the accessible toilet when it rained. It was noted that the improvements were forming part of the Levelling Up bid but this might not be awarded. There was a discussion around whether to impose a condition on proceeding with AC6 funding subject to the Levelling Up funding not being awarded but Members wanted to avoid delays so decided they would like to proceed with the AC6 funding as ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |