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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Meeting room, City Hall

Contact: Ian Hird  0117 92 22384

No. Item


Welcome and apologies


Attendees were welcomed to the meeting. There were no apologies for absence.


Election of Chair



That Adebola Adebayo (independent member of the Audit Committee) be elected as Chair of the sub-committee.


Recommendations to inform first meeting of the sub-committee pdf icon PDF 177 KB

Additional documents:


The sub-committee considered a report of the Director – Legal and Democratic Services setting out recommendations for how the sub-committee could manage its work and meetings moving forwards.


Main points raised/noted in discussion:


a.      The sub-committee’s terms of reference were noted.


b.      It was clarified that meetings of the sub-committee would generally be held in public, with agenda papers published in advance as per the requirements of the Council’s constitution and access to information legislation.  There may be occasions where the sub-committee would need to consider exempt business in private session.


c.       In terms of the remit of the sub-committee in relation to member training, this would be as specified within the terms of reference, i.e. essentially around member training on ethical standards.


In was then




1.      That meetings of the sub-committee be held twice a year on a planned basis to consider regular business as set out in their terms of reference, including an annual review of the Member Code of Conduct, the procedure for dealing with allegations of breach, member dispensations (ahead of the Full Council budget meeting) and officer reports in relation to member training on ethical standards.


2.      That the next meeting of the sub-committee be held at 12 noon on Thursday 24 January 2019 (the agenda to include the consideration of member dispensations in advance of the Full Council budget meeting to be held on 19 February 2019).


3.      That additional meetings be held as required on an ad hoc basis to hear allegations of breaches of the Member Code of Conduct when referred to the sub-committee by the Monitoring Officer.


4.      That as part of the scheduled meetings, the sub-committee will receive and review a report setting out summaries of complaints received during the previous 6 months.